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They spell your name wrong on purpose so marks will go on Instagram and post shit like "omg starbucks spelled my le name wrong rofl XD" which serves as free marketing.
Why does your cup say “Fag” though?
Because I smoke pole.
oh look at me the millionaire that drinks coffee
I love that for you
>unironically drinking jewbucks in 2024
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Bread Hart
I'm Shawn Michaels.
Guy making the coffee must've been a Shawn Michaels fan
You think the blue haired nose ring wearing barista knows either of these wrestling geezers?
I once got banned from /wooo/ for 2 weeks for calling him Shit "The Shitman" Shart.
yes. most of those types are wrestling fans nowadays
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Bred “Hitbussy” Hart

i love bret. i feel like we need to get him more vlogging but not just moping and complaing, i bet hes hilarious if he just did something non-wreslting
>bred hard
It's true, he's like the canadian larry david or something

he'd probably be funny with a camera crew as he gets into arguments with people at restaurants
did they?
I think so
I remember Kevin Nash saying that Bret is one of the funniest guys he's ever met when he's not talking about wrestling. Foley said the same thing, that Bret had a brilliant dry sense of humor.
why did they give him nash's cup?
Americans can’t say T, that’s the issue. Listen to them say water or button, they say “wahdder” and “buddon”.
chad, is this drew?
Is he drinking a girly coffee or a gay coffee?
People aren’t naming their son Bret anymore it seems. Sad!
It's an airport Starbucks. 100% some ESL brown everywhere or maybe an actual downie on a work program.
you know bred muttered some mark shit after accepting his new name
He's Canadian though
Whad abood id
It’s the same thing.
me in the back
The loaf there was the loaf there is and the loaf there ever will be
kek what a bred
>bred the shit man fart
had the chance.
Ya we should say "wut ah" like the brit homos.

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