Wait...what the fuck is he doing? What do you mean that doesn't explain the entire drop??? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING DAVE, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO GIVE US FULLPROOF EXCUSES EVERY WEEK YOU SENILE KIKE!!!!!
>>16388485bitchtits spamming the board i see
>>16388485>More to comeHe has to think of an excuse this week. Thanksgiving won’t cut it (picrel) and men’s league curling wasn’t on TV.
>>16388522The difference with last year is amazing, the fuck happened?
>>16388653Brought in too many new people at once and made them the foci of the show Meltzer might adore Ospreay but he's the only one
>>16388653Tony keeps featuring ex-WWE midcarders (Moxley, Hurt Business, Swerve, Cole, Joe, Ricochet) as main eventers.
>>16388836not like your gayew topcarders would produce results either
>>16388485Check boomeranged
>>16388653the hurt business. blacks dont draw in pro wrestling
>>16388653People killed themselves november 6th and 7th
>>16388836>midcardersMoxley and Lashley were both heavyweight champions in WWE, and most people agree that Joe should have won it at some point
>>16389357Trannies arent people
>>16388485kek wtf wrestling always starts at 5pm on the west coast
lmao @ scrambling for a different excuse every week. people just don't watch the shit show.
>>16388496Uh oh, you better go snitch, you tranny, cause that's all libtards do: cry and beg for help