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RAW is THAT GOOD tonight
this nigga really out here in pink shoes
UFC fighter CM Punk, everyone
I don't get it, what does this have to do with 536k?
He didn’t get all of it
That’s the same shit he did in the ufc webm
top Kek
lol it really is. this is just how he shoot fights.
Am I really to believe Punk is this trained killer fighter that could beat up most of the WWE locker room? I can buy him taking the geeks at AEW but you aren't going to convince me to choose Punk in a shoot fight over a guy like Breaker, Gunther or even Rollins. Yes I actually think Rollins would beat him in a shoot fight.
as far as im concerned cm punk won that fight as well
Nigga tried to Mishima wavedash
Visual plea
Wow. Punk must be a talented fighter. Does he have an mma background?
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mmmmmmmmmmh now that's badass...
Just watched the segment, pretty good promos from everyone involved. Hot crowd. Sold out arena. Good stuff
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mmmmmmm, Badass Pure strike
shades of taker mmmmmmmm
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*gallops towards you*
It's the same shit he did in the All In scuffle as well
was phil shooting on seth?
Kenny Omega would have killed this man if it wasn't for the dog.
the one where he won a fight 3v1?
yeah the tougher fighters are definitely in the PG fed
Rate the purity of that strike.
Why Punk didn't succeed in the UFC, exhibit 1, OP's webm
punk is the one who took him down to the floor into a mount tho
the swipe was craycray tho
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He's at it again
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Phils a real shoote-BUHAHAHAHHA
He was barely able to get perry in a headlock
Any wrestler and fan that played a varsity sport in high school can shoot kill punk in a fight
>Left foot forward
>Still does a (wide lol) jab with the right hand
No wonder he got demolished in UFC.
In a shoot fight Rollins would have been able to deliver the meanest hook known to man (with his full body weight leaning) right into Punks jaw.
Rollins didn't keep his hands up tough, what's the point of going into stance if your hands dangle near your bitchtits.
Rollins is probably the one guy in the locker room even gayer and less tough than Punk
No the one you didn't dream up while taking mescaline.
No. Only someone who has never been in a fight or never even seen a fight would believe Punk can fight.
Punk himself however thinks he can fight and even believes he's good at it. A true autistic self-mark that got a reality check as soon as he stepped into the octagon.
It would be comical if he didn't also randomly assault people in autismo-rage every time his delusions of grandeur are hurt.
>Only someone who has never been in a fight or never even seen a fight would believe Punk can fight
So most of /pw/ and most pro-wrestling fans? There's a group of anons here that think Kenny Omega is a tough guy just because he said he said he did grappling in Japan once.
show us these anons, even just one. they do actually exist, right?
Fucking unbelievable. Kept his left hand outstretched, tried to throw a cross like a girl (might not have been a cross, it looked so girly I don't know what that was) and proceeded to get out-grappled despite being a wrestler.
Did he actually train for his UFC debut or just decided to wing it like the god of fighting he is (in his mind)?
I don't know Kenny Omega other than the occasional pic of him posted here, but unlike Punk he looks tough at least. Phil has just absolutely nothing going for him and it's giving me second hand embarrassment.
He was trained like Wimp Lo
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Pay attention whenever brawl out was mentioned or someone says AEW wrestlers are pussys and there will be one anon saying some shit about Kenny being a shoot fighter when there's no proof
It's easy to tell that both are fucking pussies. Kenny hides behind it by juicing and saying he once trained grappling but won't even say the type like catch wrestling, judo, freestyle wrestling, bjj, japanse jujitsu, and so on. CM Punk is delusional and weak but everyone here knows that by now.
I'm still confused on his thought process here. His punch wasn't even good. I would've gone for a more lowered hook near the jaw or something. Did Punk really not have any spars before his match?
MMA and the fact that anyone can train BJJ ruined pro wrestling. Shut the fuck up, no one gives a fuck about you or the fact you think that you can beat a pro wrestler in a fight. Even if it's true, no one gives a fuck about senseless nigger violence. Go back to watching grown men lay on each other in a "real fight" and fucking leave pro wrestling alone if you hate it so much. I don't give a fuck you pay $200 a month to roll around with guys on a mat
>I can buy him taking the geeks at AEW
But anon there's literal footage that shows he couldn't even do that. Shitty little Jungle Boy with his guard down hardly even budged from where he stood when Punk attacked him
You're joking right? How the product is presented has nothing to do with how tough guys are. Look at WWF during the Golden Era. That was family friendly, but a lot of those guys were dangerous as fuck. Haku, Bad News Brown, Harley Race, Orndorff, Blackjack Mulligan, Rick Rude, Barbarian, Hawk and Animal, Andre, One Man Gang, and on and on.
>Did he actually train for his UFC debut
If i remember right he trained with legit UFC tier people and after the flame outs in the octagon some of them said he put max effort into training, took it seriously and all that but no matter what they tried to do he could never really get better. Just a lack of talent.
I could've sworn I read or heard somewhere that he didn't take his training too seriously and just showed up to film the videos of his training camp but didn't train much outside of those videos where he got fucked up by regional fighters.
>Harley Race
Two of the biggest fake tough guys of all time. surely you jest
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As much as it's easy to shit on Punk for being shit. I respect him for walking forward and going in with the heem or be heemed mindset. If only that dickhead he fought in his second UFC fight decided to heem him for good then the Punk meme would've been over.
Kek. Yeah I'm sure Hangma'am, Cuckspree, and the Atom Smol are the true tough guys in wrestling.
What are the chances Jacob Fatu rekts this guy
I don't see a problem. We've seen Phil fight for real in UFC and that was comical too
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i fully believe almost every guy in AEW could beat up phil
i struggle to think of someone who couldn't
then why didn't jungle cuck?
jungle boi didn't fight back, he was baffled by cuckman phil throwing kangaroo jabs at him and attempting a headlock that he escaped in 2 seconds
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Based MMA Phil channeling his inner Inoki
damn that was hella gay
Because he's not stupid enough to assault a coworker right in front of his boss
Man i had a hearty laugh thanks OP
kek that's true, that is what happened
This shit's just straight-up embarrassing.
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WTF was that?
Im getting flash backs
Even the low-end UFC guys had a blackbelt or equivalent in some sort of martial art by their early 20’s. This was always going to be how it ended for Punk who just started training in his mid-30’s. It wasn’t going to be like Brock, who was a national champion in amateur wrestling in college.
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Fake it til you make it.
It's just weird to be on the receiving end of attacks when you're in the advantaged position of a guard and he's not even passing it.
I thought he whiffed before I saw this WEBM. Goofy walk up, but the Diaz bitch slap connects.

PDS is incurable it seems.
yeah, i did a pause on frame thing and he does some kind of slap move
it's still weird because you can actually connect a slap a hell of a lot easier with your lead arm and not lose too much power if you deliver it kinda like a hook and still have more distance to it than your rear/cross hand where you really have to LUNGE over and really rotate into it and that's a pain in the ass
No one believes that. He had a torn tricep and Kenny would've fucked his shit up if Ace didn't bite him.
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>this guy heemed the Bucks and Jack Perry
No the hell he did not lmao
I mean sure, but it didn't even look like the motherfucker knew how to position anything in a bout. You saw his galloping. The fuck is that? If he had a trainer, there's NO way they could've let that shit slide. Either they trained him wrong on purpose as a joke or Punk got some yes man sent by Dana.
Kek that run up and shitty slap lmao.
I will never understand Phillcels
i fucking hate aew now but WWE is worthless fucking pg dogshit and it will never change

The fucking Moxley Punk punching looked more convincing than this shit, the Kingston one too
>this is the guy that's undefeated in shoot fights against the AEW locker room
And just think, for how pathetic Philly is, AEW "stars" are THAT much more pathetic. KWAB!
punk might be top 5 least athletic wrestlers in the WWE, even when he's all roided up now. i would bet on nia jax or otis being able to heem him in a shoot. someone like bron or jacob and it's not even a contest.
As much as I love Punk, mainly because it causes AEWtists to seethe, this is kwabby
Harley Race was legit tough. He got his start at 14, shoot fighting marks at local carnivals. They used to have beat the clock challenges, whoever could hang in the "ring" with the wrestler would win a prize. Harley started as the plant, the kid who would just about survive with the big tough guy to encourage marks to think they could do it (who then got heemed obviously). By 17, he was the guy in the ring who was shooting on the local tough guy and that's how he got into the business.
I reckon if you toured the country shoot fighting people for 5 bucks then you can be considered tough. Even if that was in the pre-MMA era where just knowing a few shoot holds or hits was enough to down 99% of people.
>Punk tries sucker punching and hair pulling on a dude 20y/o younger than him, also smaller than him
>could barely get him in a headlock before Senor Joe interferes
come on man
By god, the pureness of those strikes
>i would bet on nia jax or otis being able to heem him in a shoot.
Pretty sure Bianca would beat Punk in a shoot as well, Shayna too easily.
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No wonder Mr Badass Undertaker didn't like Cm puke
they should have Jacob squash punk, really make a star out of him
He was jealous of the pure striking.
that would be max kino but punk has never put another wrestler over like that in his entire career and won't start now
That guy whoever he is, is lucky Phil didn't connect. That looked deadly.
OMG He was going to shoot on Seff
Him turning his head to Gall shooting makes me kek everytime
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Yeah. What the AEW trannies won't admit is, Punk came 3rd in a MMA tournament and won bronze.
Damn, 3rd is pretty fucking good. How many competitors were there?
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>proceeded to get out-grappled despite being a wrestler.
Yeah, probably because he's fighting a black belt in BJJ who was also an amateur wrestling captain in high school, retard.
i'm not disputing that he's probably either been trained wrong or he did not intake the information he was being given properly
but professional wrestling does not equate to having collegiate mat wrestling skills, which is the actual wrestling you should be talking about when it comes to real life graps (and those are often amongst the top 3 successful players in the mma game)
The muay thai strikes of cm punk
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>fatso was up talking to himself at 4 A.M. on a dead board
your life is a pathetic joke
bet he has the best teepo in the world
>he looks tough at least
no he doesn't, he looks like shit since he got that rectal turbocancer
you do know that is just carny bs right?
Anyone with a boxing or wrestling backgroujd would have wiped the floor with that chubby dad looking mofo
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I have believe the stories as back then people didn't have an expansive knowledge of martial arts. When I was a kid in the '90s everyone still thought karate was bad ass and a lethal fighting style.
its true in the 90's everything was about karate and other vague martial arts. people like steven segal were big and hitting chops that sent people through bank vaults and all us kids saw this and thought "WOW KARATE IS COOL" they had all sorts of dumb ninja shit back then
if you can withstand two punches and know how to apply a choke you are a better fighter than someone with 30+ of muscle on you
Jaseffy looks like Bray Wyatt here
It's not really advantaged, you have gravity working against you so the guy on top can easily strike you.
It's considered advantaged in BJJ only if you're a high-level grappler, when you have strikes involved and even add more shit like biting or 12-6 elbows or eye gouging, its a terrible position to be in a real fight
It's not carny bs, we had those types of "take on all comers" still well into the 1980s.
Race was a trained wrestler already when he started this.
Theres a reason why he lost his only two MMA fights
kek even if that slow ass punch did land, it would've done close to zero damage. he didn't even lead with his fist. it was more wrist than anything
Lol was this supposed to be a reference to the way he slapped jungle boy
1 loss and 1 no contest pal. get it right
>The Bucks and Jungle onions lost to THIS
otis heeming him is a given, that guy did olympic training
I'm sorry Phil. You're right
what's this maneuver called?
wrestlers laugh at you and collect their money
Korean backdashing.
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The problem with these stories is they are just stories.
In shoot interview keyfabe lore
Race met Bill Kazmaier legit strong man and powerlifting champion and they had a handshake grab strength off and Race brought Kazmaier to his knees kek

Only a complete mark would buy such bullshit that and old skinny fat guy has more grip strength then a strong men champion.

Race propably knocked some hillbills silly in the territories but anyone with remote fighting skills can do that
I've learned that when Taker says someone is dogshit, he is in fact objectively dogshit.
He hates Hogan as well.
Punk chose to go into the ring against him. He has no excuses.
Ok so what do they do in the performance center???
real strikes coming through
We didn't ask what your crush responded with when you asked her out.
having a crush is for lust-filled faggots like you
Again: >>16395791
The absolute state of white "people"
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just doing tv style "wrestling" which is far removed from collegiate mat/greco roman wrestling
kurt angle, brock lesnar, shelton, chad gable, bobby lashley those are names of people who have experience in that kind of stuff, so as far as technical skills, they are the people who can deliver, but it doesn't translate to the way professional wrestling is done especially these days
cm punk is just a fan of pro wrestling and got himself in through the indie market
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>this is the same guy who beat the shit out of the Bucks

KWAB. AEW loses again.
>12-6 elbows
wasn't legal until last month
>eye gouging
not legal at all lol
yes i know people will "accidentally" do them but that's beside the point

also to your points, guard is an easy setup for triangle, side arm bar, for the simple game
if he comes in to try and block the leg then you can try to tag him with a guillotine or even just bring his face into your boobs and suffocate him in your delicious breasts
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the takedown part was okay, cm punk at least did that ok for standing position because it got him on side mount position, though if you don't know how to follow it up it's kind of pointless if like seth just decides to kimura your closest arm, which is why punk has to move fast to control those instead of getting batted by seth

however the approach and the slappy with the least ranged most telegraphed arm when not inside was lol
like i guess he thinks he was imitating doing something like this but you have to break down why the guy is moving and striking the way he does in a certain cadence
anyone have the gif of punk upper cutting a dummy and missing?
It was nerves. He looks better in his training footage with Rufus. Also, if you’re into the MMA scene, you know Rufus isn’t a bullshit guy. And he vouched for Phil

Taker said he has no issues with Punk. He just told him that he needs to dress better because he was getting heat from Vince for lack of professionalism. I forgot the interview I think it was on Takers podcast or something
this, and punk was like "well why doesn't cena have to do it" and carder is like "because cena's a star"
Kek what a sissy slap fight
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>left foot forward
>sheepishly swings with his right
Genuinely cracked up for like 5 seconds. They trained Punk wrong on purpose I think
Yall are a bunch of marks. Phil can fight its just that he didn’t wanna heem Rollins because this is pro-wrestling, not an actual fight
lmfao god i love the fed for delivering laughs like this
Yeah. It wasn’t any beef, just Taker being the locker room leader and calling a a spade a spade
An ice cold company will do that to them. Same thing happened with WWE fans when they were raging when went to AEW.
Wrestling is gay as fuck lol.
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He open palmed hit his chin before connection
Are you retarded enough to think they're really just going to start slugging each other in the ring?
Yeah i love gay shit
It's half naked dudes rolling around with each other, yet somehow when wrestlers actually talk about the weird rules and regulations it becomes even gayer.
There's the philly shuffle and then there's the Phil B. Shuffle
Yes, he did lol. That's why they fired him, remember?
And lo and behold, he finally learned that lesson.
Kek he was referencing that time he beat Jungle Cuck's ass so bad Tony Khan feared for his life.
He could've won this match if he faked that first punch and then did the GTS. Why didn't he just use his finish??
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why do these anti-punk threads have so many replies? are his biggest haters unironically his biggest fans?

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