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lil' 'ri edition

(The Sky Pirates lost to the big chalupa and the walking STD on Raw:( but were saved by Mami from taking extra damage. With Iyo taking on Queen Herpes and Rhea vs Big Bean, that leaves Kairi all set for her triple threat match in the IC title tournament vs the crazy cat lady and the ugly witch hoe. Hopefully she wins but if not at least Kairi always remains extremely CUTE and dangerously SEXO! The Captain always knows which way the wind blows and leads us to new horizons as we sail on towards the next adventure!)

Previous: >>16346436

Kairi sings the anti-blues:

Theme of Kairi's Krew:

Lil' 'ri is fucking GOATED
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I wish I could cop a lil' 'ri
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Spooky lil' 'ri
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Coach Kairi stays crootin'! Stealing Mina would be a deathblow to AEW.
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>new kairi thread
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Team Pancake Butt
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Kaiju Kairi
She stole his heart from Mothra
I still think Dakota is going to get jumped during the semis. I think Zelina goes over Lyra. Kairi is winning her match, Alba is a jobber and Natty enjoys putting the other girls over. Might be Zoey vs Kairi since they teased more dykes vs dakota heat.
I really don't think gaych will put one of the tranny lover witches over Kairi considering no one gives a fuck about the witches, they live in catering where as Kairi is on TV all the time and gets signs and shit
Mothra is apparently crazy over with japanese women. actually, there is some weird thing where bunch of japanese women fucking loved godzilla movies and took their kids so the mom could see godzilla without getting a baby sitter and the film makers thought it meant the kids liked godzilla and made a bunch of shitty godzilla films aimed at kids when it was the mom who were the driving force of the early films
Last night's crowd was fucking based. They loved /arrrr/ gal. The pop for her elbow was amazingggg
it's not a popularity contest, otherwise he'd put all 4 belts on rhea if he could. it is because no one cares about her that HHH might put alba over as a way to put eyes on her, because she's basically built for the IC scene. all the focus on wanting to mirror the "workrate" aspect of the men's title, they've been hammering in in all the promos/video packages/social media posts about the belt, that makes me think she might go over, she was a smark favorite when she was in NXT/NXT UK and is shoot one of the best women's workers in the fed. and the witches are not the lowest jobbers on the totem pole in his eyes anyway, they were tag champs only a few months ago (yes i know).
if he thinks he can rehabilitate maxxine and b-fab he can surely do it for the witches. if he split them up and sent isla, who is a better character and mic worker and is hotter, to chelsea's bimbo US divas scene on smackdown, and let alba revert to kay lee ray and compete in the IC scene, he could get them both over - as a tag team they will be forever dimeless and never really draw and i think that's unfortunate because i believe they both could if used right.
saying all this, don't misunderstand, i still want kairi to win not only this match but the whole thing obviously. just providing alternate angles to examine it from and a case for another wrestler i also enjoy (but not as much as kairi). i will say that kairi's match is the hardest for me to predict of any of the quarterfinals, the rest seem obvious whereas this one is kind of a wildcard. i wish they were on opposite sides of the bracket and made it to the finals, i'm sure that would be an excellent match.
Yeaaaa boys this is lil' 'ri country!
that smug face...she knows it too
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Well she's the queen of monsters and is pretty much Godzilla's girlfriend. Mothra was almost always a babyface too. All the other monsters were heels who only turned face temporarily to fight stronger heels. I guess women generally cheer babyfaces. But yea it's cute and little bit based how Japanese women are all marks for a giant monster moth.
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What's she doing here?
kairi is winning the womens ic title, it was just confirmed on the podcast
>he'd put all 4 belts on rhea
dont give him any ideas
just posing...looking pretty...nothing suspicious
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Is this true?
Private wrestling shows.
How can one plushie be so based?
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I did not know there were more lil' 'ri pics
and now you do :)
Whats the most lewd image of Kairi?
I literally do not know the difference between the tranni loving witches and I think Zelina has better odds at getting the IC belt than either witch
I think also they said its because mothra is one of the only female monsters and main characteristics are protecting the indigenous people and being a mom
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theres a lot of good ones but i dont think anything can beat this one. this is the most naked weve ever seen kairi
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actually now that i think about it shes more naked here
mayu is a fking giant wtf... she must be like 5'2
care to extrapolate?
Yea I'm gonna need some evidence to support this
wasn't there a lil' Iyo too...or was it a lil' 'suka?
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awww lil' 'suka is dimes
Some serious sexual tension between these two plushies
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How dare that big chalupa provocatively fold up Kairi like this. She can't even do it right and it's obvious that she is just trying to be Temu Jade.
She's technically more naked here... though everything that should be covered is covered. But in the blue bikini pic Kairi shows some forbidden butt-crack...which is a little more racy, I think
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I wonder if Kairi still finds time for sailing around Florida.
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I had the same thoughts with how they harped on Dakota's beef with PFC but then she didn't pin Shayna. no way is Zelina beating Lyra tho
Why didn't lil' 'yo come out?
It looks to me like Kairi is the origin point of that puddle. I calls it how I sees it.
>Godzilla's girlfriend
A concept which exists only because of the Legendary movies

Mothra is unironically one of Godzilla's 4 Arch-Enemies which includes Ghidorah, Mechagodzilla, and Destoroyah
They only fought when Godzilla was stomping around like an asshole. Didn't Mothra team up with Godzilla a few times in the Japanese films to fight Ghidorah and Destoroyah?
Lyra's booking has been weird. She got to the main roster, immediately got a big push and went to the Queen of the Ring final, lost that and hasn't done anything of importance since. She was the last person eliminated in that battle royal, so maybe Triple H is starting to get her back into the swing of things. I think Lyra wins at least one match in the IC tournament, though I still ultimately think Nattie is winning the whole thing.
Ghidorah yes, Destoroyah no
Quite frankly, I'm kinda glad they scrapped resurrecting Destoroyah for Final Wars
I've only seen the Kabuki plushies. Woulda been neat to have an Iyo for the set though.
How does Kairi keep finding herself in these situations again and again? A little suspicious if you ask me
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Lyra / Zelina is tough to call. I would say Lyra is more over. She's popular on Main Event... but doesn't have much presence on Raw. Her team up with Carter & Chance is certified dimeless. Lyra is at her best being in a cute couple with Tatum...who has now been stolen by Gigi.

Zelina on the other hand has been getting a decent amount of screen time on Raw. She even had a shot against Liv Morgan. And I'm sure she's mega-over amongst Latino fans. Also, her big fake titties are magnificent.

Nattie...I just don't see it. She's already the most experienced and accomplished girl involved. A belt for her would not draw dimes and would just take the opportunity away from young talent like Lyra.

Personally, I reckon they'll put it on Raquel. They want to build her up into a beast-woman capable of taking on Rhea and Charlotte. But of course I hope it's a Kairi vs Dakota final.
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She can be her own worst enemy sometimes. Kairi can't help but take it to the max with her maneuvers and trolling of foes. Sometimes this can backfire and Kairi will get murked by herself or a seething giantess.
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Kairi is BRAT!
why does she tease us so?
I can see them putting it on Nattie because of her tenure and accolades and she'd be a stepping stone to give who they really want to push the title and a credible win to start the process of getting them over to the next level.
A win over Natalya means nothing in 2024. They will want to present this title as prestigious, not a participation trophy, no way a fucking 50-year old shitter is winning it
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>Living in the trailer park with Kairi and eating tomato soup for dinner.
I would be comparing this women's IC situation to Kelani becoming the inaugural NXT US champ. The belt will be most useful if they put it on a potential future star to generate some buzz. Maybe Nattie will make it to the final so she can put on a banger with the eventual winner, but I doubt she'll even make it past Kairi.
They live to talk about Nattie's accomplishments like titles won, how she has the most wins in the women's division and being in the Guinness Book of World Records. So if they have her win it it will be and milestone for her. (And it could be a gold watch run). So when she goes into a defense against someone like a Raquel, rattling off that list of accomplishments, and beating Nattie decisively, will seem like a bigger deal.
Nattie is the "respected veteran" of the locker room so putting the new IC belt on her and building up a match to Mania where she drops it to put someone younger over makes sense. I'm just going by WWE logic, not what they should actually do.

Kairi booba?!?
>mania match
Nobody wants to see Natalya on television these days, let alone WrestleMania
Vince is not running WWE anymore, they don’t just give out titles so they can say somebody is a x time champion. Paul either puts the belt on the most dimes wrestler he has and they hold it for months, or he switches it around when the story makes sense. There is no reality where Natalya wins a belt in 2025
Push-up bras are OP...enjoy them before they get nerfed in the next patch.
>That cute tongue poke
Not since I was a baby have I wanted to suckle upon something so greedily
What a humbug. Everyone knows Godzilla and Mothra are a cute and devoted couple. Monsters are entitled to their sexual proclivities too. Let a thousand blossoms bloom, as far as I'm concerned. But I ain't spending any time on it, because in the meantime, every 3 months a city is stomped into dust by Kaiju in Japan.
>But of course I hope it's a Kairi vs Dakota final.
This would be the only worthwhile story angle they could book for the tournament. Maybe with some spicy PFC encounters along the way. Surely big dimes Rhea and Iyo will politik this for /arrrr/ girls. I believe in Ho-champ.
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Hold R2 to grab

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