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>tfw no son
>tfw no best friend
Spare a thought for Big Kev over the holidays
if kev didn't rape tristen he wouldn't have turned to alcohol to cope. the cycle of abuse is real and the only way kev could cope with his incident was taking his anger out on his own son.
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Fuck you for making me see that.
fucking hell lol
kek based
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I'm glad Kevin Nash's son is dead.
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>Spare a thought...

People like him deserve the misery life gives him.
He's just a douchebag. Always has been. I hope he lives to see 100 just so he can suffer.
Go ahead call me edgy. Hes been a faggot of varying degrees for the amouny of time I have been alive (35 years) maybe even more.
I dont like faggots like omega and the bucks but I truly believe Kevin Nash did more harm for wrestling than he did good.
honestly never cared for this nash bryan console war on /pw/ but after seeing wolfie make a thread crybegging to the jannies
im glad nash's son is fucking dead lmao
Nobody likes Nash except for contrarians. Guy's a dickhead in his personal life and was shit on the screen. Only reason people like him is because he shit on Eddy and Benoit.
What stops Paul and Shawn from giving Kevin some do nothing job at NXT or something to keep him busy?
the fact that they own the company and can't hand out jobs
also no one like Nash
>some do nothing job
He's on a Legends contract IIRC
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wolfkek ain't gonna like this
my oh my
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at least he as his Brothers to console him

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