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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


12.14 Winter Story @ Yokohama Radiant Hall, Kanagawa (LIVE)[13:00 JST]
12.21 Se~No, Merry Christmas! 2024 @ Tama Mirai Messe, Tokyo (LIVE)[14:00 JST]
12.29 TJPW Year-End Party 2024 @ Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[19:00 JST]

I'm a yufucker.
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not a single body hair on this player
Who else is shaved down there?
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My name is Spud
Not to be confused with Bill, or Jack, or Pete, or Dennis
My name is Spud, it's always been
'Cause I'm the most boring sonsabitch you've ever seen
Still mad they beat Dejimon
Maki. I could prove it but I'm too lazy to get my laptop.
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many are saying this
Look at those sexy bloodshot eyes
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What do you guys think of the 1.4 card so far?
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Needs more Pom
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many are saying this
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Sexy Pom just does it for me
I love these girls so much.
The protagonist stare
is misao even good to go?
The future is bright for TJPW
Been MIA since last show
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praying for healthy back
TJPW Doctors have said she might never spraycan again
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Could do without the edrone partners coalition in that tag title match but it's fine
starting to think miyu booked this match so wwe can notice her and also get a tna title shot. it was apparent when 121million defended the belts against vert and nicole whom miyu has faced many times before.
Have Masha and Zara ever tagged together before? I like both of them, but it does feel like a random pairing. Why doesn't Koda bring over an established tag team?
Hate to break it to Miyu but if it hasn't happened yet it's never going to happen.
Pretty good, but it could use some more random multi-person tag matches
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I look forward to seeing the confidence inspiring games of Shino Suzuki
is she really half abo?
Arai might be a bad wrestler but she's not as boring as Suzume who's the Janetty to Arisu's Michaels
YOu'll finna know it!
no, she's a hapa (maybe)
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Pom says she stands behind President Yoon's decision to declare martial law and hopes that he uses this opportunity to crush communist forces within the Republic of Korea once and for all!
I love her desu
She’s at least half-Philippino cause her sister had the flag in her bio at one stage
Damn so our Abo headcanon is not actually real
I assume he just wanted to blow money and bring over Zara and Masha again but didn't have any singles matches he wanted to put them in with anybody who doesn't already wrestle Americans like Miyu and Maki. So you throw them together into a meaningless and heatless filler tag title match.

I think Masha's boyfriend is booked for BJW in December so it's a free way to hang out together too. I wouldn't be shocked if she also works Marvelous again while out there.
>meaningless and heatless
When Masha-senshu and her career rival Yamashita-san step into the friendly ring, you'll finna know that shit is about to go down
Are we sure she didn't just wrestle there?
Tag titles are the main event. All the stars are there
an aboriginal had sex with a filipino
dios mio...
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za hero is alwayz ready
Koda gonna bring Matt Cardona back to Cyber Fight?
Ohio Player
Can she make it on her own? Is her heart still in Ohio?
That reminds me of a clip I saw of that GCW Emo Night show where Allie Katch was singing during her match. For the concept it seems like they never did much with it other than "Hey remember 00s rock bands?"
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new towels
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I will be purchasing the acrylic stand for sure but the towel is tempting since Misao looks really nice on it. Its also interesting how fast they get these designs ready. Misao not that long ago got her haircut when she returned.
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Spend your pounds, spend your cash
Food budget you'll slash
You should stop eating trash
Put your yen in the bin
Do it now my friend
'Cause the Nikke crash

Keep your wallet open
Gripping your money tight

Buy my towel
Buy it now
Put your money in my hand
I'm broke ;_;
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I want to party with Kamiyu
That Kira one does things to me
her new look is very kawaii
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why does she always hangout with trannies
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and I just paid 89 quid for a used wakana towel the other day
That’s why I told you to wait
arai v anou confirmed
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Kiso is my febarit ring announcer
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DJ Namba is spinning the plates.
>If someone holds up their own towel during a game, all the players will be thrilled and it will give them strength.
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Moka's going to Chile in February as well as Miyu, Maki, and Aja.
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put los chekis in the bag
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No, you put the money in bag.

Now here's a towel.
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Does this count as studying?
I feel like these two are gonna be a big deal for the company moving forward.
I wouldn't kick her out of bed, desu
>Kira's boots
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the only towel I am interested in
Does she even wrestle any more?
Wiping my ass with Moka’s salty face
based gavv enjoyer
She still wrestles in PPP and other random indie shows. She had a feud with Riara iirc
Did anyone else have UUG on their Wrapped? Babyface made it onto my playlist
We all cum on the towels right?
No we don't Aldo
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wtf is wrapped
It’s the playlist that Spotify makes of what you’ve been listening to over the year. Apple Music has a similar thing. Idk about the other streaming services.
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No, but /ourgirl/ Tasomi did
>It’s a bit heavy, but it was a tough year at work. Every morning, I would drive to work, crying while listening to Shino-chan’s Watashi no Theory, and somehow muster up the strength to keep going. Honestly, thank you so much for supporting me.
>I think Shino-chan’s presence impacts and supports fans of Shino-chan far more than you realize, leaving a significant mark on their lives. I know because I’m one of those people. It’s not something just anyone can do. It’s because it’s you!
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The seating chart for GP (and presumably SSP + WP). I counted 1,890 seats
I need a suicidal Japanese wife
Her new eyelids look beautiful
Oh. I still use CDs.
based japanon
Reposting these instructions for ZenMart that a friendly anon posted if.
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And we all literally told you it was a ripoff.
Thats a whole lot of words to say very little. What autsimo wrote that?
TJPW store works with Tenso, though, so you can just order it yourself without needing to rely on somebody who will accidentally write their own name in the name field, which I've heard has happened before.
Everything that shithole does is halfassed and lame
I'm not uploading my photo ID to any website. Just not going to do it.
Identity theft is a crime.
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i like misao's hair short desu. wished she dyed it pink tho to match with her gear.
Its either a weird shade of red or its been a while since she went for another coating
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>funny knee
Studying up on Mizuki I see
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Will the Arai administration usher in a period of less isolationism for TJPW?
Raku is my girlfriend
sup ram
A few of the songs were in Chocolate Love Me Do, Seriously Muscle and Babyface made my top 100 playlist as did the English version of Keep My Heart Burning.

And if Rika Tatsumi's theme were on Spotify, it would be my #1.
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I wonder if she is contractually obligated to stream every single fucking day on universe cast or she does it voluntarily. If it's the second she's just the true People's Champ
Did it seem Like Miuster was actually picking up some english? This looks as bad as that one time Yuka posted pages from a disney themed english book on her bathroom walls with the intention of learning english any time she went to take a shit.
Babyface was #6 on my list. Watashi no Theory, Chocolate Love Me Do & Seriously Muscle were also in my top 100
It is 100% the latter. She just swapped twitter streams for WU streams.
sorry to disappoint himawari chan but i'm not that big :(
>without needing to rely on somebody who will accidentally write their own name in the name field, which I've heard has happened before.
Kek. When did this happen?
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Today I supported the players.
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5K yen for towel, acrylic stand and unsigned cheki?
I would give her everything I owned if she asked for it.
ugly retarded bitch
sexy retarded bitch
practicing what
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idk if that guy is referring to my post that I made a few years back but yea that actually happened to one of my misao chekis. back then I used zenmarket. pic is just someone else's. if I have the time, ill search for the cheki and post it here.
I think I saw someone on reddit or Twitter or maybe even 4chan complain about that happening.
It's actually not a terrible deal considering what they charge individually for these. Maybe the acrylics are a bit overpriced but if you're buying an acrylic you don't care.
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that up up up bois kai guy was just complaining on twitter they got his wakana chekis with wrong name
I was gonna say kwab but how the fuck did he get them so soon? My Christmas chekis won't even get to the zenmarket warehouse until the 20th
Using Zenmarket for personalized items is like letting your Mom buy you the hot video game for christmas when you were a kid. They'll send you something but, God knows what it'll be.
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ugly retarded bitch
sexy retarded bitch
smelly girl feet
Many are saying this.
this is my retarded disneywife
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Raku (27)
those socks drive me absolutely wild
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I look forward to seeing the boner inducing games of Raku's wife.
4 PaMis
Use Zenmarket enough and you'll get an "Andriy Naumov," who is apparently the Ukrainian CEO whose name is on the credit card or whatever.
It doesn't happen too often with TJPW as long as you're careful and explain to add your name in detail as if you're talking to a 5 year old. Its a bit more iffy with other sites, like wrestlers individual sites. Then there's the question as to whether they'll order the thing promptly or send a message asking some dumbass question that should be evident, while the order window ticks away.

>I'm not uploading my photo ID to any website. Just not going to do it.
Nevertheless, this. I'll deal with Zenmarket roulette first.
with how progressive DDT/TJPW is would they allow a native or foreign transgender to buy a ladies seat?
there was an obvious tranny sitting in the ladies section at a korakuen so yeah
What does the pre-game special event entail?
turn your monitor on
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ez money
No idea but that fact that it's limited to 12 people makes me think it's something that a foreigner like me wouldn't be able to understand or enjoy. And I can't imagine it's like some sort of early meet and greet type thing.

I'm sticking to the super seats, I think. At least I get a book signed by all the players.
nah thats me
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Slow night again, huh?
Political turmoil in Korea has disrupted this board.
Namba looks unbelievably sexy in this stream right now.
This isn't an idiom. The Japanese literally make lists of buckets they want to collect.
Interesting if true.
This lace number she has on is very elegant looking

Also Miu thought a User ID was an "Uber ID"

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