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>wins our hearts again
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To get pushed as a woman in WWE, you gotta either look alternative to appease Paul or a bimbo to appease Shawn. Wren isn't going to make it with her current look.
She’ll make it slowly by being cute.
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Doubt, but I'd love to be proven wrong because I want to see Wren succeed
Is that Madi Wrenkowski? How long has she been in NXT?
her butt jiggles like jell-o. her and giulia are the only reasons i watch nxt.
The bee girl vs rabbit girl
post some of her from tonight that new gear is working me into a shoot
She can eat my pin
>is aggressively cheeked up in your path
Holy fuck
>oh charles
>are you posting videos of my ass online again charles
What is that guy behind him looking at?
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Wren will be the next NXT Women's Champion. It's time, Wrenfrens.
There’s just something about her face. Like….its not ugly and I know it’s a butterface but not like bayley? She just has a wide mouth and it’s incredibly cute.
At least she made it to Deadline, unlike Whora Jade
A while now and we love her
she's pretty in motion but also looks like the bee movie
It's her body for me, nice legs. The face is serviceable.
She also has eyes as big as an anime character
But all in all I agree she is cute
This. She’s not super photogenic but looks good in motion. Plus she’s got personality so she can get it. Helps that she’s genuinely good.
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>every woman working the thigh straps gimmick
>Wren working the pit straps gimmick
league of her own
Imagine the smell
wtf kind of name is that?
ages but they just job her out constantly
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she always has been
Love Madi. Simple as.
underappreciated shape
no pawg straps necessary
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why her body got a pussey on the side
thats just her sussy, or side pussy if you will
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she WILL end up winning the title
Is curly hair checking out her ass?
charlie only has eyes for the cup
God bless him.

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