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This dude is insane
Extremely based
>cut on impact
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cool until he gets badly injured while pulling that shit off against some jobber in a house show
what? hitting a shoulder block lol that move is safe as fuck
Please ignore the Domfag.
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He's got Rick's grappling prowess and Scott's athletic explosiveness. It's a shame he doesn't want to be acknowledged as a Steiner.
insanely short
Says the Kamalafag
t. Ted Cruz
>and that's your Sonic 3™ SPIN DASH of the week
He wants to make a name for himself first, maybe he'll go by Bron Steiner in a couple years once he feels he's earned it
damn janny is quick
he literally landed on his shoulder ya dumb faggot
lmao the utter state of this WWE cultspeak

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