lol you guys still watch wrestling after 2004?Lmaooooo
>wrestling you mean wwe?
>>16420056You watch that AEW shit? The one with the tranny wrestler?And the empty arenas? Lmaooooo
>>16420076aew isnt the only wrestling that exist outside of wwe lol
>>16420086there is no wrestling worth watching in 2024 anon
>>16420104yes there is lmfao wwe is just pg garbage these days
>>16420076You need serious mental help lilbruh. Why are you fixating on someone AEW hasn't pushed in years?
>>16420104I like CMLL. They have bright lights and loud sounds and big titty women and their wrestlers all have cool masks and gimmicks. Also they're on YouTube instead of some gay streaming service
>>16420110>>16420113>>16420126>t. faggots that still watch wrestling lmao fucking virgins
>>16420136how does wrestling make me a virgin?
>>16420110What wrestling is worth watching in 2024 then?
>>16420053why 2004?
>>16420138because you're smelly, ugly, and you watch people have ballerina fights. You're also a libtard and the only sex they're having is with men (with HIV).
>>16420143>not stopping when the John Cena reign beganonly people who watched that shit were kids
>>16420144I'm a virgin but I'm also extremely autistic and afraid of human contact. I actively want to be a virgin. I smell pretty good though. I'm autistic about showering and smelling good
>>16420151>confirms he's a virgin and autisticI rest my case
>>16420153I'm not even the anon you were responding to. I just felt like I had to get it off my chest
>>16420144watching other physical sports wouldnt get you pussy either
>>16420151You can always get R'd so watch out for that
>>16420202I probably would have been sexually taken advantage of as a teen if I wasn't fat back then.