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Favorite Tea Edition

(Iyo is facing Liv for the Women's World Championship at Saturday Nights Main Event, good luck Iyo! ..... In other news, Bayree was on Iyo's Wargames team without any major issues.... And Dacutie has reunited with Iyo and Kairi on Raw.... Could a full Damage CTRL reunion be on the horizon??....Also, Damage CTRL made it clear they want all the Titles..... And Kairi and Dacutie are both in the IC title tournament now too ....)

>We hope Asuka can come back healthy soon!

previous: >>16396022

>The longest running daily wrestler general on /pw/

Social Media:

IYO photobooks:
We love Iyo here!
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How does she do that??
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would you have brought this fellow iyo chads? it was like 700 dollars
She's the GOAT who always risks her neck for her fans!
I've been thinking about buying a mask if I found the right one
Is that you LSUchad? How much Iyo collectibles do you have?
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An Iyo for every season.
Probably a lot. He has admitted to ignoring LSU's NIL donation requests just to buy more Iyo merch.
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no i skipped college and lost my job last year. lsuchad sounds based though
iyoschizo is bitchtits confirmed
There is no such thing as Iyoschizo, Hogwheels. There are just a bunch of Iyomaniacs in here. Go back to your weirdo talk to yourself general you fat homo.
If "bitchtits" is your gaylord nemesis from all the homo Nash/Bryan threads you masturbate over, then no that's some other homo twink you've been sending love letters to, go suck him off somewhere different
Y'all got really defensive, and gay
Take your faggot Internet romance back to /lgbt/
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who who and who
Mayuchica, Iotica, and Poiman, in that order
Very cute image
>not knowing Iotica
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Imagine Iotica without her mask and clothes
Fat thighs
I’m attracted to Iyo but I’m in love with Masami AND I trust the can
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Here's my retard logic for potentially justifying buying an Iyo mask
>Paid a little over $400 for that signed Pentagon mask from his shop (so legit), going to assume this is the base line for any mask for a wrestler you have actually heard of
>Iyo is objectively a bigger name than him at this point in her career, you are going to pay a premium for anything because of WWE+Champion
>Iyo doing anything with a mask is especially rare now, scarcity means increased price
I am not expert but I'd say if you can find anything from 700 to 1000, I'd probably get it because I don't think it's going lower (well until the global market crashes again anyways). Just eyeballing some of the stuff I'm currently seeing on EBAY, I think most of it's overpriced, you'd probably get a better deal in that shop. Personally, I wouldn't drop more than 2000 on something unless it's a Wrestlemania or some career defining mask. That might just be me being a stingy fag and not wanting to compete with collector whales but that's my take.
If its the place I think it is, they helped make the masks for Iyo
Fat face.
your monitor. turn it on.
Yea it’s toudokkan the best wrestling shop in the world
I know Iyo's feet are small, but putting a trashcan on your head and then adjusting to position of your feet while your vision is impaired is pretty ballsy, if not borderline psychotic. Then the fact that she actually does a moonsault with it and hoping everyone is in the landing zone just adds to the ballsy/psycho meter. She's got to be the biggest women's daredevil in the wrestling business, if not overall. I guess that's just one of the facets that makes us love her so much here.
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>44K (~300.00)
NGL, kinda thinking about getting this. The ones from the 5-Star are obviously better, but there's something strangely charming about this Christmas Mask.
Where are the new lewd Iyos.
This was my Christmas present this year
not to take anything away from IYO, but she is also one of the smallest so its way safer for the other girls to catch her than to catch say piper
Imagine if this included mistletoe and Iyo wore this next to you.
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Fuck it, I ordered the mask, find out the shipping costs tomorrow. If it gets here in time and it fits my kapusta head, I'll wear it to the 12/30 Raw. I don't care if I look like a fruit, it's the holidays.
Well would you look at that...it does.
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If you get it in time I hope you get a ringside or aisle seat so Iyo can see it. And she'll know there's mistletoe on it, so see if she can at least give you a peck on the cheek.
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Iyo has zero self-preservation instincts. It's a miracle that she survived childhood, much less to the age of 34.
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Unless you're Hennimore, you're not going to miss me.
I've heard it be said that you have to go against your self-preservation instincts to take bumps properly and no injure yourself, Iyo just took it to another level in that regard.
I want to rub a healing salve on Iyo's bruise and kiss it to make it feel better.
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Where is cheeto poster?
Where is slime poster?
Where is puddingchad?
Imagine the photogenic and athletic children they could've created together.
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You rang?
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congratulations fren, this is a famous mask
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look in my (cross) eyes
what do ya see?
the gook that loves bbc
Based Cheetochad.
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Piggo got outdrawn at Sumo Hall by Stardom.
Free bump hours always coming in clutch
this cope always makes me laugh you're literally sitting itt night and day
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I want to stand in the middle of this and take my chances with these two delicious beauties.
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look in my (CUTE) eyes
what do ya see?
I want to help Iyo knock off a bag of Cheetos, then spend the rest of snuggling on the couch watching cat videos with her.
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>The current estimated delivery is Tue Dec 10 by End of Day.
Fuck me, that was faster than expected.
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Nice selfie brother.
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>when he posts it again
Chat, is this real?
And how has Iyo not posted it yet?
The trashcan is Iyos boyfriend.
Damn! That trashcan is one lucky SOB!
That's why his name is trashcan and not trashcannot
What's his beef with Iyo anyway?
Iyo's favorite place to be touched (that isn't an erogenous zone) is her ____.
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She likes head pats
Pits (by Kairi's tongue)
That's an erogenous zone.
What isn't an erogenous zone on Iyo? She's pure sex.
Iyo's erogenous zone is hairless.
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What do you guys think of Movie Iyo?
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Visually depicting the prophet Iyo is blasphemous.
>liv stood tall
Don’t give me hope
Yeah that seems unusual. Would bury Iyo if she just loses outright which she probably will.
I don't speak Japanese, so I wouldn't be able to get any idea of her acting skills. But she is good looking, so there's that.
She's gonna get her heat back during the Rhea/Raquel no DQ match
didn't watch Raw
anything happen?
Iyo was hot
>staredown means we don't get a lewd rhea/iyo carry to the back
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Mania confirmed
Iyo stole yet another Monday night, bros. Giga pop when she ran in and did her stuff. I'm so happy for her.
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Who beats Liv and who gets the rumble
Rhea will beat Liv. IYO wins the Rumble.
Rhea beats Liv. She's already a Rumble win and they've got to close the book on everything involving Liv+Dom. I just don't think there's any fucking way they could possibly drag that out even more to Wrestlemania.
Iyo gets the Rumble, someone from Smack will get the Elimination Chamber bye.
Iyo's legs looked great tonight.
I have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that Charlotte will be a surprise entrant and win the Rumble so she can challenge Rhea to get her win back at Mania because Paul is predictable that way. Especially when it comes to anything involving Ric Flair's daughter.
Charles might just win the chamber because shes never been in one. But then again neither has Iyo
Charlotte and Rhea have faced off twice at Mania already. The rematch was booked by Triple H specifically to get Rhea the win over Charlotte, which should have happened in the first match. So that's not happening.
I would love to see Asuka vs Charlotte at Mania because everybody knows it was a mistake for Charlotte to win. If Charlotte puts over Asuka at Mania I'll never say a bad word about her again.
With IYO and Rhea, I could see a triple threat with Liv involved.
IYO pics from Raw
We stayed strong. They were playing up the Rhea/Liv buddiness too much for it to just be them messing around. Triple H knows thats the match
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Dimes gear.
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I always forget that Iyo actually has abs
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I hope we get some pics of her bum in this outfit posted to social media by fans.
Did she borrow Giulia's contact lenses?
iyo loses at SNME on saturday, liv drops the belt to rhea either on the netflix premiere or the next SNME next month, iyo wins the rumble and challenges rhea for the belt at mania, iyo wins at mania. probably have liv do some shit with becky when she comes back.

they wouldn't double up on women's RR winners so soon i think, and if they were you know that big nosed fuck would find a way to give it to rhea anyway. it remains to be seen if charles can truly out-politick rhea.
if somehow charles does win the rumble, iyo will win the chamber instead. but i think charles is winning the chamber and then challenging whoever is champion on slopdown, which at the pace its going might still be nia, maybe bianca will have taken it by then but probably not.
I need Iyo to choke me out with her thighs.
>blue eyes white iyo
a visual plea
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>cross on her christmas gear
based catholic player who loves Jesus
>post made at 10:15 am london time, 11:15 am paris/berlin time, 12:15 pm tel aviv time, 3:45 pm indian time
japan land to USA logistics is pretty fast due to all the stuff that gets shipped here
mad that IYO is a better in ring talent than will assplay and that IYO (and really all of Rossy's girls because Mayu, Kairi and Giulia all did the same) has more or less outright refused to ever go to AEW. Like IYO said her choice is between WWE and Japan. Kairi and Giulia specifically turned down any offers from AEW
got hit by an opportunistic obLIVion. also that match was unironically the best Liv and Dakota have ever looked. Probably because both girls are small and Liv actually sells. too bad the WWE will never make a women's cruiserweight even though they should.
They are obviously building to a triple threat match
I think they are going to drag this shit out and its going to be a triple threat at maina or something. I'm assuming IYO 100% loses via interference on saturday
I think its the baby fat. IYO obviously has a strong tummy based on most of the moves she does needing a lot of tummy strength but abs showing are a genetic/weight thing so when IYO is carrying her normal baby fat she usually has her abs don't show, but she is thinner right now for some reason than normal. Like IYO is stronger than Poi but Poi's abs show better because she is skinnier
Iyo was looking EXTREMELY blacked last night bros. Had my little 4 incher leaking clitty juice all night. G-d I want to watch her get hammered hard by a massive black cock while I fap in the corner. Maybe she'd let me clean her up after.
>Iyo was looking EXTREMELY blacked last night
na that was me. bnwo 4 life
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>post made at 9:56 am london time, 10:56 am paris/berlin time, 11:56 am tel aviv time, 3:26 pm indian time
same hours you're active at ezekiel
Black alpha male looming over her shoulder while the dweeby whiteoid claps impotently. Powerful image.
Many people are saying this.
Win or lose Iyo will be in a big title match come mania.
BBC faggot (Irish, crippled) giving out those free bumps again
They're right tho
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I don't know it, I just figured it would take atleast a week since that's usually how long it takes for me to get shit when I import from for the odd video game here or there. I didn't expect that kind of turnaround at all. No dicking around for a couple of days "waiting to go get a label", they got that shit out of the country the same day I bought it.
Unironically impressed with that shop and their service, will almost certainly buy from them again or maybe even visit when I go to Japan in a year or two. If it's still there in a couple of months I might pick up one of those 5 Star masks. I will not however drop $1800 on some old ring gear (...not yet anyways)
They usually ship via DHL which is super fast
Where can I download the movie?
What different phrases would a talking Iyo doll say when you'd squeeze her?
You seem to talk about him more than you do Iyo.
He seems to talk about other guys dicks a lot for someone who claims to not be gay
>I am ready for Tayror Swifs
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/Iyo/ WON
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why is she wearing kairi's panties on her head?
Where is this from
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2017 Stardom Janken Tournament
Can't find an easily available video for the whole thing but here's the Io/Toni matchup https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/m1fkf7/toni_storm_vs_io_shirai_2017_stardom_janken/
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Rock Paper Scissors Tournament
It's cozy
>le heckin free bumperinos
Please stop being such an obvious newfag.
Where are the Beaver Nuggets?
too small white-chan big black cock for iyo
You're clearly getting worked by the free bump meme, I'll start using it too
Kek you wasted your life making .gifs because you got bullied on 4chan
>Wasted life
it takes 30 seconds to go on tenor, type in "IYO", "Kairi" or "damage ctrl" or whatever, click on a gif and then there is a button on the actual site where it adds a caption for you. it doesn't require time or technical skill
>it takes 30 seconds
Kek I cost you 2 minutes of your life by bullying you. Die early bitch.
>Le freakin bullying you
Perpetual virgin
If bullying is what you do with your life you must live an empty, barren l, pathetic existence.
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you didn't, because I made them anyway because I like posting them because they piss off homos like you
He ain't got no legs bro
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>¡Andale Los Tigres!
Based as fuck
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This thing is ridiculously cute bros. Kinda feel guilty that I have it and not some little girl. Maybe I’ll fix that one day.
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Also free Stardom button and pic.
Noice, I'd keep the matches away from the Mask though lol
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One more
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took some more pics of Iyo with the mask for you, if you wanted to print them out to display with the mask
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Dear Santa,
Please give me Iyo gf so we can go to KFC on Chistmas together
I just realized that yesterday was exactly 1 year since I took this pic of the mask >>16435369
that's really strange
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Surely there must be a reason for this coincidence.
some form of meme magic is the only explanation, maybe an ordained prophecy
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It would be nothing but Japanese profanity in the most growling, rudest tone possible
Did they?
Io left Triple Tails because she got tired of hearing Kana and Mio having loud sex
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I hear it's because she wanted to have a triple threat match but they kept saying no.
Give me the damn sauce
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Woops forgot the sauce
Lo Ski
Young Kana was so fucking elite
Holy fuck! Dare I say based?!
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holy fucking newfag
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How does she do that???
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she's such a firecracker
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The podcast is reporting that Iyo has been practicing a Shoot Worm-Sault
I regularly imagine unzipping that top.
bitter liv fans
Ah yes, because Liv offers something other than cartwheels or asscheeks?
That's rich coming from a roastie Liv fan. Liv has gotten by on her looks way more, and eay longer, than most of the main roster women, and not be as athletic as them either.
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>bc they wanna see cartwheels and ass cheeks then rate it 5 stars
>Iyo wearing Blue contacts
why does WWE have her do this?? I assumed it was a lighting thing
She's been doing it for years, its just an occasional thing
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physics doesnt applies to iyos
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[Tremendous BUMP]
Best case scenario
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i need my nose in here
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I request Masame place her bare feet inside my mouth
>sucks your blood
lol where are all these scans coming from lately? they seem to be appearing out of nowhere the last couple weeks
Kairi's personal collection
>yfw Kairi has all of the cut nudes from iyo's photobooks
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Unironically joshi gooner discord
Uhhh.... link?
you missed your chance, kid
let's see IYO's nipple (again)
Nobody ever has seen her nipples
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Thank you webm Chad!
Many have said this.
I really wish Io would leave this faggot tardslop promotion and go back to a real wrestling again.
Iyo is about to win
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The faggot of the year award! Congrats on the big win Iyo!
oooooh, very interesting, a lot of my scans are already in there but I think I can add some more lol
There's a guy in there posting scans but only via dm since people keep reposting his stuff on reddit, might want to dm him idk. Some rare stuff in his collection you might not have
Okay sounds good, I will post an introduction at some point so you know it's me lol, I'm one of the *photobook chads*
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