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is this the worst move in all of wrestling? for me it either this or the spanish fly
t. unathletic fuck
tree of woe is always retarded
It's the Cross Rhodes.
Nah, it's the Rock Bottom, I'm afraid. All it is is a back bump from two inches in the air plus you also have to take a bump at almost the same velocity.
In that case then it's the RKO because Randy always takes a much bigger bump than his opponent
Spanish fly or Canadian destroyer. Mushroom stomp requires a suspension of disbelief but at least it makes some sense, while those 2 require the person taking it to just do a flip for no reason
Big E’s move is up there too since he takes the bump
Looks good, not complicated and really safe to take. Can also hit it on anybody. Not seeing what’s bad about it.
This! I blame that fuck up Alberto del Rio for populatizing it in the US. know with wrestling I have to suspend my disbelief, but having a wrestler pull themselves up an hold the ropes, and for a good 5 seconds or more, to take the move is too much to bear.
RKO at least supposedy fuks up the opponents neck and jaw and shit
Spanish Fly can at least be done well in certain situations where they can get away with it
It's over due to the way it was sold to fans during a time when Rock was over and scripted to be a top guy with a finisher that put people away. No problem with that, as it worked, but actually thinking about it, it's such a retarded move and people like Becky doing it expose just how nonsensical and not actually cool the move on its own is. Same as the Canadian Destroyer, it relies on an audience being willing to tell themselves it is cool or deadly.
People's Elbow and 5 Knuckle Shuffle also the same, as Cornette invented it as a heel to piss people off with a ridiculous move then gave it to heel Rock and Cena yet they kept it as faces and it works because the people let it work, because otherwise the move is fukin ridiculous.
for me it's forearm strike
the worst move is Undertaker's Old School
It's just so fucking stupid and dumb.

And I still pop every time he does it
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>mmm let me just walk onto the top rope while we hold hands
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Crossrhodes issue is how it's all on the one selling it. Chad, Hayes and Cody make it look like one of the best finishers around, but most people just don't bother
Same, but only for Taker. Mistico did it to Grimes on the Bischoff MLW show and I was internally groaning.
Also similar to the Pedigree, people not taking the bump just fking ruin it.
It appeals to cucks and the “i deserve punishment” crowd. Yes, stupid spot - but wrestling is what it is, and it is fake and gay.
Also the swerve stomp
Yeah, Bobby and Joe setting up and waiting for it is just bad.
Nah I took a shoot rock bottom on grass as a kid and I couldn't breathe for 5 minutes. No wonder he beat so many people with it
he has clearly never been rock bottomed and it shows
It depends. I’ve some guys look like they’re struggling to get free but most people just hang upside down and stare.
A lot of the fat fucks that post here haven’t actually got up from their couch in years so they have no idea a simple back bump would knock the wind out of most people
As in the most painful or dangerous? That would have to be the Testicle Driver 98
Still most Canadian destroyers
Panama Sunrise

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