The backshots would sound like the bombing of Dresden.
need to thunderclap them cheeks on skibidi
Having this much sugar in the tank should be illegal since it is basically public obscenity
This is a married Christian man with a family. Judgement is coming for you too.
>>16435697What the Hell has happened to this Business?Where are all the real men?
>>16435697DAMN what a thug shaker
>>16436993His family is gonna be bigger when I breed that islander bussy
I'd clap that from the front
NEED to see Roman in a 1v5 match against Thugzilla, Venom, Chaos, Prince Untouchable and Peanut Untouchable (accompanied by Deshawn Troy)
>>16435697what is a backshot
Why do so many wrestlers have body types like that?
>>16438322>Ass coulda won the HORSE Awards
>>16435697this picture is altered
>>16435697finna clap them tribal cheeks on god
>>16435697sweet cheeks
>>16439353Why would you come on the internet and just tell complete lies