irrelevant pedophile tranny rodeo
>>16445258but enough about your home life
>>16445258no lies detected
>>16445258>this thing that is literally keeping the board alive, is irrelevantRight, sure.
>>16446057Still Tony
>>16445258Folks, where's the lie?
>>16445258there's an obese autist somewhere who waited 15 minutes to make this thread
>>16445264>but enough about your home life
>>16448909Nice selfie
>>16445258pic unrelated
>>16445258Pic very related
>>16445258I just cant find a lie here
>>16445258Everyone said this
>>16450585Afraid so
>>16445327Did he really say that?
>>16445258Many people are saying this
>>16445258Pat Patterson never worked for this company
>>16445258Sadly true
>>16445258Really do be like that
>>16445258The special tv show ended and nobody talked about it lol
slopdown was
>>16445258Couldn't have said it better myself