I will be attending the KWABOTY Awards event only for the food
>>16446276this year we got kwabcakes, corn on the kwab, kwabbage rolls, kwabba ganoush, shish kekwab, baby kwab ribs
>>16446276the cord told me i would get paid 1 dollar for voting for tony and they have yet to give it to me
>>16446276>kwabba ganoush
>>16446603for me its the kwabburgers with extra baconi heard they have an "Detroid Style Kwabdogs" whatever that means
[Sad news] it's all TV dinners
will there be ribera steaks?
>>16446752My friend…
>>16446276>get to KWABOTY awards>enjoy the catering>suddenly a video of me eating is posted on the screen>im now a nominee
I hooked up with an anon last year in the restrooms.
>>16446603don't forget the kwabbadoms for the indians, kwabalone for the french anons
>>16446716i wonder if it tastes good
I hope you like Indian food...
>>16446603>no kwabalaya
>>16446603can we get some kwabfu? I'm vegan