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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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Tongue ‘er Vincester!
I wish you faggots who post the same stupid shit all the time would die a violent death
Seeing Vince like this makes me diamonds.
Will be posting a repeat thread now.
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autism board f*ggot
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Many are saying this
Do you think they did IRL
Would these chicks get paid an extra bonus for going along with Vince's perverted storylines? Genuinely curious.
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Extra bonus in the sense of their regular salary being an extra bonus over nothing after getting fired
'fraid so
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why do these get me insta hard
Its the only way shit gets over on this board. Like Vince you just keep shoving your gay meme in everyones face even if they reject it. Keep doing it over and over and over and over and over and eventually it catches on.
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oh no bro im not criticizing. keep going vince is based
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Hot women fuckinh ugly men is kino
For me it goes
>Authority figures
I ain't watching shit with niggas in it
The Vince stuff is kind of hot to me because it’s degrading to the women involved and I enjoy that to some extent- I don’t care much for hardcore porn in general so not into seeing a chick get choked while fucked, shat on, pissed on, etc.
Can you atleast post a webm
I've said this before that Vince kissing scenes are more violating than most rape scenario content.
Heh you know
Which ones did he F in real life
They will. People like OP eventually commit sloppy suicide when the loneliness and depression gets to be too much

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