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kwaboty has never been so close holy shit
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we already had this vote you fat crippled hog
Still Bitchtits
File deleted.
duuude no way bitchtits is real???? jesus
Console wars is so gay. If this board wasn't fucking filled with /scjerk/ fags, it'd be obvious to anyone that Vince gets KWAB.

Tony won it the prior years, but being a shoot BBC fag and losing your company after selling it just to get it back is way bigger than anything else Tony did. You could say the worst thing he did was the Phil tape, but I still think Vince edges that out. Any other year, sure, but this is Vince's year and it's been locked in since Jan.
Sad but true. KWABOTY is just a reddit meme at this point. It's Vince and not even close.
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Jesus Tony ran away with it
Kek this was the thread where hogwheels falseflagged his gay photoshop and forgot to turn on his VPN and exposed himself as Rovert the Irish cripple IRL then cried to the mods to delete the thread! KWABOTY was wrapped up for the holster today
Bro is losing it rn
Just jump off the silo already
I have to admit, I would join in on the Hogwheels / TrevtheCripple posting from time to time but after that retard exposed himself as the most deranged pathetic schizo this board has ever known, I'm team Chadwheels from now. BT IS REAL AND HE'S DISTURBING.
Welcome to two weeks ago Swinerolla you faggot. It is STILL TONY and you are STILL an invalid bitch.
Who is rovert?
Who is hogwheels?
Who is bitchtits?
Explain the lore
Rovert is a fifty year old irish handicap who is internet friends with tony khan and spams pro aew and anti wwe messages on every wrestling related forum he isn't banned from. He comes here to try and create memes that will be reposted to other websites (they don't) and to try derail any thread making fun of aew.
Bitchtits is the weirdo who always talks about rape.
Both of them are part of the same aew shill discord that is trying to lower the quality of the board so people stop posting here.
They are here 24/7 trying to bump threads they dont like off the board and are probably paid directly by Tony Khan to do so
Yeah but who is hogwheels?
Hogwheels is Rovert (Sodutw on X) Just a nickname because he's crippled so he needs a wheelchair to get around. Right now he's more mad than usual because he exposed himself living in Ireland after denying it.
fatso got exposed kek
bitchtits' boogeyman
Vince is sitting on his yacht shitting on women’s heads. Tony is scrambling to compete with WWE’s developmental show. It still is and will always be Tony. Keep seething, trannies.
Check the timestamps. The cripple from Ireland is SEETHING. LOL. Can't believe you leaked your Irish timezone KWAB
Tony still owns his company. Vince got fired from his. No matter how hard you cope, it's still Vince and there's nothing you can do about it lol
Who had more votes? I know you're slow so take your time.
Still Tony
Everyone is saying this. By everyone I mean the lopsided polling.
>Tony still owns his company
Yeah and that’s why it’s dying. But cute attempt at an own, tranny. Now keep seething
Lol fucking murked
Many people are saying, much to AEWtists’ dismay.
still Vince, fatso
No one cares about your gay little strawpoll, bitchtits.
Omfg you're the Marigold banned spammer schizo
The fabled Liceman™...
You're mentally ill
This appears to be the case
bitchtits from the top cope lmao, it's still Vince
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Hogvert is NOT doing well!
Lol what a crippled pig bitch (From Ireland as he confirmed last night)
Tough choice desu
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>NXT ratings skyrocket
>Pigcrip goes back to his safe space replying to himself
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reminder that hogwheels reported the thread this was in and then tried to continue spamming the poll so he could get Vince ahead of Tony and still couldn't do it
i just checked the 'chives. you got bodied
I remember. He was so scared he didn't say his usual "silo" "Slopdown" or talk about Vince wanting to shit on him. Just fear lol.
Not the way I remember. I remember you leaking that you live in Ireland and than mass reported the thread to get it taken down. Talk about grim.
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i was in the thread, you made 2 KWABOTY posts then accused everyone laughing at you of being your skinwalker. i'm EST btw :D
I know you were in that thread, you were the one who leaked that you live in Ireland an than quickly deleted it. Yes I know that was the point of the thread, you being too stupid to turn on your VPN KWAB
Congratulations Tony Khan! Back to back to back KWABOTY is impressive.
it will never stop amusing me how many little incels are obsessed with me.
question: (MUST ANSWER YES OR NO) is eastern standard time the time zone in ireland
Yes. You do in fact live in Ireland and now you're pretending to live in New York (With your VPN) because you got caught last night. You folded under pressure. It was embarrassing.
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incorrect, the timezone for ireland is GMT
Yeah I know. It was in the screenshot you posted when you forgot to turn on your VPN lmao. 2 am and you were still seething. Grim.
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what? from your point of view it appears you live in ireland
That was the terrible photoshop you took of you living in Ireland, you quickly deleted it because you forgot to turn on your VPN. You than proceeded to get the thread shutdown 10 mins later.
That's how I remember it
brother what the fuck are you babbling on about
he's truly losing it i think
I'm talking about you photoshopping a screenshot and than forgetting to turn on your VPN thus exposing you living in Ireland. You than mass reported the thread like you always do to get it removed. Which I don't understand why everyone knows you live in Ireland.
Tony won (kwaboty)
This it really shows how far gone most retards here are
Trev the crip having another melty
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so this is what genuine mentall illness looks like
Listen brother I tend to think the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. In this situation there's either some wheelchair bound fellow in Ireland that follows you around online daily tormenting you, is a Photoshop mastermind, but somehow forgot to also Photoshop the time. Or you simply embarrassed yourself (again) outing your own samefagging which everyone already knows you do anyways because you are an easily identifiable schizophrenic whack job that can't help himself. Think I'm gonna have to go with door #2.
You already got caught living in Ireland dude. It's over. You VPN hopping isn't going to work anymore. You lost. You know you lost which is why you're mad.
KEK hogvert went on a melty and falseflagged this hard because tiny kwab won kwaboty 2024
'fraaaaaaaaaaaaid so!
have you considered trevor could've hacked his PC to take that screenshot? either way i think its funny the guy emphasizing the irish bit so much is british himself
I always thought the saddest part about the schizo feud in his mind is it seemed clearly based on him getting told to fuck off on some other website years and years ago, but now I wonder if rovert told him to fuck off in person at a wrestling event over there or something.
So you said earlier sarcastically that he was some photoshop wizard and now you're talking about him hacking a computer? like I said you're really mad you fucked up. I get it. It's over. As I said earlier everyone already knows you live in Ireland so I'm not sure why you're so upset
what's wrong with ireland? it seems nice
the irish
You mean besides the Irish?
I know you hear this all the time but you genuinely need help
le silly accent
>You think I'm oops I mean Pigcrip is some photoshop master?
You need help and legs so you can stop being the biggest loser on this board.
Trev the crip BTFO again. Fraid so
he really can't handle tony being the kwaboty
Imagine being broken by a poll on a dead board lmfao. That still Vince pig meme has me dead everytime I see it.
Is this why Silo Boy has been melting down all day?
I think he was banned. Saw one of his posts removed.
Everyone is taking piss breaks obviously
BT reported the screencap of his KWABOTY moment, that took place last night LMAO
Lmao nobody likes you you fucking dick head
Yep this is the official poll
>you you
BT got this fag boiling
Tony finally won against wwe
Still Tony Khan. AEW is a laughingstock.
What was it?
And yet, despite that, it's still Vince LOOOL
Still Tony lil troon bro
Sorry tranny, it's still Vince
Nah it's still Tony lil troon bro
Sorry tranny, it's still Vince
Sorry tranny, it's still Vince
Hate to break it to ya but it's still Tony. Let me double check. Yup still TK lil troony bro
Sorry tranny, it's still Vince
No need to apologize. It's still Tony lil troon bro
Sorry tranny, it's still Vince
It's TK lil troony bro. Stop saying sorry.
Sorry tranny, it's still Vince
Fraudulent vote. Or is Tony Khan just assumed to be the eternal KWABOAT and this is the vote for the runner-up? Where's hogwheels then?
Nah, Vince and Lardtits came top 2 this year, followed by Phil. Fraid so!
Just talked to the committee looks like it was Tony lil troony bro
Sorry tranny, it's still Vince
Looks like TK was number 1 followed by Hogwheels at number 2 and last was Rampage lil troony bro
Sorry tranny, it's still Vince
What rank was Bitchtits
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1st place
Looks like TK won. I know it's a tough pill to swallow lil troon bro
Sorry tranny, it's still Vince
this poll seems legit since there wasnt anyone in the 'cord offering 1 dollar per vote. BT won a hard fought and, most importantly, organic victory.
It’s Tony ‘I Kwablieve He’s A Booker’ Khan
I mean, if we're being serious, Tony had a bad year creatively. Vince was outed as a rapist, a scatological one at that, and he'll never hold a major position in pro wrestling ever again.

It has to be Vince. Just like Trump is the Person of the Year because he was the most talked about.
Trump actually had it in the bag if he lost the election, only because he's a WWE Hall of Famer. But he won, so it's undebatable Vince. Anything else is just cope and squealin'.
I didn't know Tony Khan was referred to as "bitchtits"
Nah, Tony isn't even top 5 unfortunately.
'd '
All 3 holes
Fat tits mad
Wait a second....... Bitchtits won?

Vince had it in the bag though? How is this possible?
Nobody likes bitchtits, he has go away heat and people are sick of him
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Kek thanks

I don't get it
I'm in Ireland so biased but the only thing wrong with Ireland is foreigners.
Poor BT
He's oinkin more than usual
why would nick from the oddkast podcast care about wrestling?
Its over
He's REALLY mad right now
What set him off this time?
BT exposed for a fact he does argue with himself and falseflag as rovert. He picked the wrong browser as it was supposed to be that one (you)less post that had the (you), but instead it was all the others. Proving in fact all of those were bitchtits. He tried to delete the image file but in this image his goof is preserved
Kek was a KWAB
He's sadder than AEW at this point. I've said for a while that every bitchtits/iyoschizo/nuwolfie accusation is a confession. He's easily the most terminally online person here. He's way too invested to be playing multiple characters (poorly) on top of larping as his enemies(poorly). He's legit obsessed and has no life
Vince shit on some whore's head, treated her like garbage, made her fuck bulbasaurs for his amusement, made out with billions for selling his company.

Tony's entire existence is KWAB material. He's a fucking spastic autist. No one likes him, he gets beat by a development show while operating at a loss. His signings of Okada Mone and Ospreay have done nothing for his company, in fact Mone is literally a detriment to the program. He embarrassed himself with the Inoki shit. Said his life was in danger, seethed about someone saying his dad pays him to stay away from his real business endeavors... the list goes on.

The texts from Vince are fucking hilarious and he's a complete psychopath, but he's not KWABOTY.
how do we know that's not rovert same fagging the entire time? he's done this in another thread and got banned for it

i genuinely cannot follow who is who in this schizofest at this point
Kek he is the /pw/ KWABOTY
welp there it is
we don't know, but look at the way he confidently said trev, to me that gives the tip it is BT. Lord knows if you start seeing what you said spammed as reasoning then its 100 percent bitchtits

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