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TK needs to book her better, man
who's this fat pig?
this is what Denise Salcedo thinks she looks like
god, the look in her eyes just screams "i need bbc"
Doesn't one need to be at least booked in the first place to be booked better?
Nia Snax is unironically hotter than her.
Christ, why hasn't Maclin impregnated this delicious slice of gabagool yet?
Right? She'll be guaranteed at least another year's worth of paycheques without working.
Holy yumola
Tony Khan gets to fuck THAT?!
How does her husband not have the urge to breed this slam pig
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A literal Boom Boom player.
Your mother
fine tubby pastabunny
Her gut sticks out farther than her tits.
Ok by me
Big Bacon Carbonara?
Tony only hired Donna to get her away from TNA where she was actually getting pushed. Once he signed her, he had no long term plan on what to do with her (like most of AEW's new signings).
She needs to look better.

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