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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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>Favorite wrestler
>Favorite match
For me?
Drew McIntyre
Cody vs Styles (Backlash)
So the girl asked him to pose with it and that's the face he pulls
Kenny Omega
Kenny v hanger at Full Gear
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Takagi vs goto G1
Why do these threads always draw the smarks like steaming, stinking shit draw flies?
you watch modern pg shit theres better shit out there
Seriously. Any "Your favorite wrestler/match" thread's first posts always have smarks' darlings and gookshit.
>Wow I just can't believe I would go in to a thread and find an opinion I don't agree with! How could this happen?!
you dont even watch wrestling lmfaoo
>Why are enthusiasts posting ona dedicated pro wrestling board
You sound kinda dumb
>wtf why are people answering the question instead of interacting with my heckin' off topic OP image?
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Because hipsters live solely to show others how "special" their obscure tastes are. I see the same thing happens on /v/ with the 3x3 threads where anons show their favorite games.
>chris benoit
>triple H vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris benoit at WM20
>Because hipsters live solely to show others how "special" their obscure tastes are.
that would be me if only watched wwe
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>kenny omega
Basically this
Nobody knows who Keneffetty Omemebetasmegma is.
xd le meme
you're seething
When was the last time you saw your own penis?
Probably his match vs Bret Hart at WM8
This morning when you're mom was blowing me
>get evicted from a bar because a woman is too cowardly to reject you directly
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Because """smark""" is just another word for someone who actually is a wrestling fan instead of some schizo who obsesses over ratings and financials and delusionally thinks he's in the wrestling business.
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Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar 60 minute iron man match
>posting this workrate fest
>a fucking ironman match
>smark darling Kurt Angle
Wow what a fucking smark
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>Favorite wrestler
>Favorite match
HBK vs Shelton Benjamin, RAW
Anyone who likes wrestling past childhood is a smark you dumbfuck

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