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MVP Edition:

Sareee won the 2024 Tokyo Sports Joshi Puroresu Grand Prize. Congratulations!
IYO will get her title shot against Liv on Saturday Night's Main Event.
Giulia will face Roxanne for the title at New Year's Evil.
Kairi is taking part in the women's IC title tournament.
Meiko won the Sendai Girls World Championship.
Sareee will be defending the Marigold and SEAdLINNNG titles.
Sareee will face Meiko in the main event of Sareee-ISM Chapter VI.

Asuka is recovering at home and continues to expand her gaming collection.
Kairi is looking sexo.
IYO is winning.
Giulia is chasing the NXT title.
Sareee is the Marigold World Champion, SEAdLINNNG Beyond the Sea Single Champion and Sukeban World Champion, carrying multiple promotions.
Meiko is running SENJO shows and is currently their champion. Currently on her retirement tour, which will end in April 2025 to coincide with her 30th anniversary in professional wrestling.
Xia and Wendy posting is allowed, they're just not officially part of the Klub.

>IYO SKY vs Liv Morgan for the Women's World Championship, December 14th.
>Sareee vs Nagisa Nozaki for the SEAdLINNNG Single Championship, December 27th.
>Sareee vs Utami Hayashishita for the Marigold World Championip at First Dream, January 3rd.
>Giulia vs Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women's Championship, January 7th.
>Sareee vs Meiko Satomura. Sareee-ISM Chapter VI, January 23rd.



KanaChan's knee rehab:

Previous: >>16427625
if you didn't watch Sareee's match against Nanae, you should because it was very good
yeah Sally beat that fat old hag bitch so bad she has to retire now soon kek
Good riddance.
careful now, you'll set off the schizo again
sally rocks
she rocks Poi, if you know what I mean
Sneedlinnng giant belt
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She is lucky Poi is friends with her
Sareee is the woman of the hour
They are lovers. Show respect.
kek what a goat
ya gotta love the Sareeester
those belts are very nice
nah they are just very close friends
Look it's none of our business what they are or what they do! Just leave them alone!!
Asuka vs Nanae in a shoot for Nanae's final match
I want to sit in the corner and watch them fill each others wholes with dildos and strap-on.
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Which Inoki is Sareee going to breed with to continue the Inoki bloodline?
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Poi lusts for white meat
Simon was the Inoki shilling her and Nanae's match today but he doesn't have the blood
she's not like that
love love love Giulia
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*iron survives*
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cheer her up!
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Now that she's back in TNA, Tessa vs Giulia when?
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Kabuki Kollection
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Day 369 of gooning everyday for Asuka until she returns
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
You are my enchanting ecchi enchantress
You are my oppai cutiepie
You are my triumphant titty treasure
You are my cute toe temptress
You are my alluring auntie
You are my glamorous goonspiration
giulia needs to stop these dropkicks to the outside all the time, they look like shit. she takes this giant bump and the other girl does a roll.
Are you an Aussie /Kabuki/ bro by chance?
nope united states
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One of the most kabuki matches of all time and a banger. Definitely give it a watch
ahahaha I'm an Aussie Kabuki bro and all the photos I take come out upside down when I post them. I dumped a bunch of photos from Voyage once and only 1 or 2 came out the right way up. I suspect it's something Moot wrote into 4chan to fuck with my people. He hates us.
Watcha gonna do with that little bit of Iyo cloth? Did you smell it?
rematch SOON
luv that Sally
very based
real /kabuki/ fan right there
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Kairi will wrestle at her friend and mentor Nanae's retirement ceremony.
100% will not happen. Bet everything on it.
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They're best friends.
Yes. Nanae is like a mother to her.
No that's Asuka.
Kairi is friends with literally everyone. Even a bitter cunt nobody likes because she believes everyone should have a friend. Because she is a very kind hearted angel woman.
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Dad and stepmom
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nah that's these 2
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Does /Kabuki/ Klub like /arrrr/ Kairi Sane General? Because it feels to me that /Kabuki/ Klub does not like /arrrr/ Kairi Sane General.
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I also suspect that /Kabuki/ Klub does not like /gg/ Giulia general
/arrrr/ is fine and has developed its own general culture already
Stepdad and mom
/arrrr/ is great. I mainly post there but I also post here & the Iyo general. But it seems like /Kabuki/ Klub and Iyo Sky Thread are always off partying with webmchad but /arrrr/ is never invited.
if there are only a small number of Kairi webms from a show I'll just post them in /arrrr/, like I did with her dive on Raw since there was nothing else
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It do be like that!
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They are cool parents
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Sally is a certified BAD BITCH. Sally is HER.
chubby arms
and plump tum.
very huggable player
Poi is a lucky gal to have such warmth in the Winter times.
Asuka's boober
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Sally is tenacious. Wouldn't want to mess with her.
let's give IYO our support for tonight, even though it's unlikely she's going to win
Giulia Gabagool
Sareee is the real Reiwa Inoki
carrying the spirit of the Showa Era
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Fun fact: Asuka has beaten Liv Morgan clean several times.

The fact that no almost Japanese women's wrestler in WWE seems to get titles when she isn't around might be saying something...

Perhaps I might've misjudged HHH.
Why didn't Asuka come out?
I have started jerking off to Kurata Akane. She looks kind of like Asuka, especially with sunglasses on, and she does mostly titty groping JAVs
HHH loves dragging out stories as long as humanly possible. IYO wasn't going to win without any resolution to the Liv and Rhea story. The division is on hold until that's finally over.
IYO lost but at least she didn't get the Owens KWAB treatment
Why didn't Asuka tweet any words of encouragement for Iyo?
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very nice, good find.
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Kairi accentuating the booba
she needs to get big fake boobs, use Xia's surgeon since he did a great job on hers
yes, she needs to starve her ego
She should get a fake ass so she won't have a pancake butt anymore
Absolute heresy
Get out.
wrong. The pancake butt is endearing.
Disagree her ass currently is very nice
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Day 370 of gooning everyday for Asuka until she returns
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
You are my enchanting ecchi enchantress
You are my oppai cutiepie
You are my triumphant titty treasure
You are my cute toe temptress
You are my alluring auntie
You are my glamorous goonspiration
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mommy juggies
full of nutritional milk
someone will probably webm the io 3 German suplex to liv
Why would she?
Asuka is above that sort of thing

I fucking hate you Anon.
it's a pretty decent match
because they're friends
> it's a pretty decent match

Precisely why I hate you.
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Giulia beat Nikkita at an NXT house show
Nikkita is obese
Think Xia will shoot HEEM Tessa in TNA?
I just want to see them make out
Why does she wear the sunglasses?
kek I thought Giulia was gonna twerk. Would've loved seeing all the insane joshipedos blow a gasket over it
Why would they do that?
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Purity obsession. Same reason those idol singers shave their heads and hold a repenting press conference if they get exposed for having a boyfriend.
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It's beginning to look a lot like MILFmas
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Jerry Fish
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let's see Asuka's hairy MILF pussy
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So you pay more attention to her breasts instead of her face
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As a breastman, that's where my focus always goes first, then I check if the face is pretty. Most of the times it works, like in Asuka's case, but sometimes it doesn't, like in Mirai's case.
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Well you can enjoy this then.
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house shows are not canon
Only when Tessa calls her a chink (Which is likely).
Giulia crepe butt
she needs to gain weight and get better gear fast
Meiko's retirement show already sold out
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Day 371 of gooning everyday for Asuka until she returns
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
You are my enchanting ecchi enchantress
You are my oppai cutiepie
You are my triumphant titty treasure
You are my cute toe temptress
You are my alluring auntie
You are my glamorous goonspiration
she doesn't have an ass though
crepes are French
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What a handsome woman.
love Utami
Korakuen Hall?
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acknowledge them
the kawaii Chiefs
I acknowledge that they are a cute couple
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Nice samefag.
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Sareee and three actresses vs Giulia's three heirs and Gochika
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She is powering up...........
Well shit, any code recs?
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Asuka getting ready to crash Nanae's retirement
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Kairi the bimbo
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Kairi the Feisty~!
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Damn, Your Hair looks Good like That.
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>Giulia's three heirs and Gochika
all the Marigold players are Giulia's heirs
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Iyo is replacing Kairi in the IC tournament. Fucking gay as fuck.
What Happened to Kairi?
Might be injured. She was wearing a knee brace the other week.
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it was a soft brace. just got kwab'd by zoey
why is she wearing the street fighter undies?
Some Guy's Got His Name Plastered All Over Models...
I Wonder What It Means...

Well Why Would You Put Your Name All Over The Design Like That...
-Owned By Calvin Klein
love love love Giulia and her small but nicely shaped butt
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Day 372 of gooning everyday for Asuka until she returns
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
You are my enchanting ecchi enchantress
You are my oppai cutiepie
You are my triumphant titty treasure
You are my cute toe temptress
You are my alluring auntie
You are my glamorous goonspiration
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so Kairi got taken out by the dykes
IYO took her place in the IC title tournament and in the taped show won the first round match
mmmmmmmm that is truly baddasssssss
the Ace of joshi puroresu
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This seems so long ago now. We didn't know how good we had it bro's.
Kabukis friggin rocked man
Would Kairi ride bitch with Asuka, or would it be the other way around.
I went though the show twice, couldn't find the segment where they attack Kairi. It wasn't aired?
This is getting more and more mysterious with the injuries.
it was like a 15 second segment. We don't see the actual attack, just PFC standing around Kairi as she's on the floor in pain. Refs come over to help then Dakota and IYO show up. That's it.
Who is this middle-aged office lady?
For me?
It's Sally.
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must be hand or wrist injury because that's what Kairi was holding
Her Hair Is MAGNIFICENT Right Now.
Was a lot worse with sound. She's a great actor
I think Dakota's winning the belt.
my guess is PFC interfere during Dakota's match to cost her and the lesbian witches interfere to cost Lyra, setting up Zoey vs IYO in the final
and Zoey will win because Gaytch loves dykes
even though Zoey isn't actually a dyke
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Her husband is a beard
I don't think there's a match planned for Giulia tonight. Probably just a talking segment or a run in on another match.
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Even her gravure DVD discs had sexy pics on them
I wonder what Kanako II thinks of this
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Xia, Mina, and Sumie Deny
They're teaching Mina how to find a white man.
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she doesn't need any instruction
The one on the right could cure yellow fever
And yet she also found a white husband lol
the lowest self-esteem weeb
video package for Giulia vs Roxanne at New Year's Evil
Xia got another tattoo
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Day 373 of gooning everyday for Asuka until she returns
You are my empress
You are my clown that makes me coom
You are my Lickable Lobe Lass
You are my milky MILF
You are my kute Kana
You are my fine footed fox
You are my bountiful bosomed beauty
You are my mommy body babe
You are my grand slam goddess
You are my big titted tag team champ
You are my pit princess
You are my ageless angel
You are my anal addicted auntie
You are my waxed wench
You are my strapon seductress
You are my hopefully healthy hottie
You are my longest undefeated streak sweetheart
You are my overly attractive Osakan
You are my lovely lewd lady
You are my naughty natured nymph
You are my pale porcelain goddess
You are my cock craving cougar
You are my hopefully-healed-soon honey
You are my sword wielding woman
You are my cream-pied concubine
You are my face painted pleasure
You are my gorgeous GOAT
You are my swimsuit succubus
You are my 20 year titty titan
You are my enchanting ecchi enchantress
You are my oppai cutiepie
You are my triumphant titty treasure
You are my cute toe temptress
You are my alluring auntie
You are my glamorous goonspiration
what a tradwife
a tattoo artist with no ink of her own...odd
pretty butterfly though
she's in it for the art
spoilers for next week's episode of NXT shows no Giulia again, unless there's another video package for the upcoming match with Roxanne
Would you trust a vegan butcher ?
or a long haired barber ?
u da man goon
Well they're hardly going to put non-sexy pics of Asuka on them...if such pics were to exist.
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what a scandalous affair
vote Giulia's debut (even though it doesn't matter because these polls are rigged)
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Another Meiko match announced
Stealing Sally from Poi.
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