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>Hogwheels will be here on Christmas talking to himself about how much he hates that WWE btfo's AEW, professing his love for BBC and SQUEALING LIKE A LITTLE PIGGIE about how "slopdown got cancelled" because he doesn't have any family just like he ain't got no legs!
Lmao KWAB!!!
Hoggers has family... right?
'Fraid not
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Legendary /pw/ moment
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Nah that was you seething about your boogeymen and getting no (You)s on Christmas Day. Glad your Christmas was miserable and lonely lol
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oh me oh my!
Gynobros....not in our own thread....
silobros we need to delete this thread we copping a beating
He HAD a family but his daughter murked herself cause /pw/ took her virginity lol
Why is this fat nigga spening hours spamming the board and sliding instead of watching Slopdown?
Remember when Trev would share the TKO stocks everyday? Why did he ever stop doing that?
the schizos dont watch wrestling
He used to spam them with his kid and well...lmao
Ya got TransWheelsMatter fucking seething
Wow hogwheels really is a fucking loser! Lmao
He did this last year, that's when I knew the jokes were real. nobody with legs would do that
Kek what a fat bitch
Hogwheels do be a crippled fag with nobody to hang out with
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Back when he was only 32 years old and a young Khan wheeled him around...
Hogwheels having another melty itt I see. I still remember when he was too afraid to chat with Bitchtits on X. Great thread.
Who's fatter hoggers or bix
Kek what a fat fucking loser
Everyone is saying this!
I like hating on hoggers as much as the next anon but this is genuinely sad. I almost feel sorry for him but then remember he brought all of this on himself

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