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>no title changes
>barely any storyline implications
>only redeeming part was seeing Chelsea win the belt
Glorified house show. What a waste of 2 hours
why didn't you do something else then?
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>no title changes

When did this become the new smark tranny narrative?
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I skipped Collision for this shit.
House shows should be on tv.
>only redeeming part was seeing Chelsea win the belt
in a horrible match in one of the worst tournaments of all time
i hate the term glorified house show so much. its such a reddit term
That’s not a title change. That’s a title crowning. A title can’t change hands if there was no one holding the title to begin with.
you sound gaped
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As pointless as this was.
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Worse than a house show. Another fed produced commercial slop that e-drones will.pretend was "cinema" while AEW just had another banger Collision and we got some strong new character development for Toni Storm alongside grippingly exciting CC matches.. meanwhile on eslop they get... Cody vs Steen with a ref bump spot, Chelsea Green being a champion.. lol... AEW didn't even fucken want her, and she is champion Up North? Lmfao. Mid Morgan retains, Gunther continue to destroys his legacy.. Galloway vs Generico was... dear god imagine if they could do that in a fucken AEW ring. Magic. But it was just another eslop match..
>why did you watch a show that you thought was going to be good
are you fucking retarded
WWE is better than AEW.
hot potato-ing the belts are only fine when there's a good amount of contenders that can easily justify themselves as being the champ on any given night. none of the top guys in the wwe can amount to that.
That's basically what SNME always has been. It's just a fun two hours without the filler.
that's a man, baby!
you invented your fantasy booking and then got mad when it didn't happen
Nick Aldis was holding it on the way to the ring.
t. Born in 2009
SNME has always been like this since the 80s fucking zoomer pendejo
thats how youre meant to watch wrestling you fucking smark, youre not supposed to just look at the ratings and decide who you like from there
ty bro, now i know not to watch the next one
it changed from vacant to chelsea
yeah but you're supposed to get mad at the heels not the booker you faggot. you have never worked a day in wrestling in your life
for black people who cant imagine apples in their head
Tell me what the longest reign during the attitude era was you stupid fucking retard
>defends vince russo
nvm we're dealing with a retard here folks
never said i did lmao and the guy you originally responded to never said anything about being mad at the booker, he said the show wasnt good, you've invented your own conversation in your head that is entirely seperate to the one occuring in reality
>KO does the package piledriver on cody
>gets into a scuff with HHH
>steals the winged belt
the development happened off-air
he invented his own fantasy booking, got mad when it didn't happen, and then blamed the show for that instead of his own retarded headcanon. am i literally talking to children here?
social media matters more than broadcast television grandpa, soon entire feuds will happen on twitter, and "matches" will be the little shove like we saw HHH give KO tonight
again, that is how wrestling is meant to work, if you want a wrestler to win and they dont, its usually not a very good show, doesnt matter if "maybe they will win next time" unless youre a retarded smark who literally acts as if the show is fake

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