Recently Hangman mentioned the word "moveset" when talking about Logan Paul.CM Punk in a backstage interview says anyone using the term "moveset" doesn't know what they're doing.CM PUNK IS NEVER GOING TO FUCKING MOVE ON Skip to 4:12
Hanger living rent free in his head
Is this real ?
Hangman vs Punk at All In 2030 is going to feed families
God damn tranny based Punkster got ya seething this hard?
>>16480717>absolutely no one>AEW dipshits once again hate watching WWE and being obsessed with CM Punk finding these weird fucking things that don't reference anything but they all feel like he attacks them 24/7Why are you dickless faggots like this? Get a fucking life. If you loved Punk so much you should have begged your dogfucker to keep him
i get annoyed when punk does shit like this because it spergs AEWtists into an infinite loop of seethe
Hangman has no sold every shot Punk has taken and it makes him seethe.
>>16480750hmm very interesting, but why do you watch a PG show for kids
>>16480717Who gives a fuck, who’s that chick in the middle dooooooooe?
>>16480758Some 40 year old cat lady
>>16480754Not him but I watch WWE in the hopes that AEW fucking dies one day or at the very least goes into TNA territory where only 50 people are in the stands and everyone sees it as a joke
>>16480758>>16480760CM Punk has fucked her btw
>>16480750Based and truthpilled
Hangman is white, has a family, loving wife and kids. Phil is divorced and pushes his dog in a stroller.That pretty much tells you everything you need to know
>>16480719Hangself Page is such a forgettable charisma vacuum that CM Punk does the industry a favor by reminding everybody what a toxic unprofessional shitter he is every once in a while.
>>16480766you watch a PG show for kids because the other show made you angry?
>>16480750It's worse, they are hate watching the WWE youtube shit online that not even wwe fans pay attention to LMAO
>>16480766it’s unironically 70% there
>>16480717When are you gonna move on from hatewatching WWE? Don't you finally have a promotion that tickles your obese smelly Smark ass's fancies?
kek why is Punk keeping up with Hanger's Bluesky account?
>>16480793AEW ruined wrestling and fucked over CM Punk so I want them dead
>>16480805how did AEW ruin wrestling? and what does watching a PG show for kids do to help remedy that situation?
>>16480811>how did aew ruin wrestling>destroyed the careers and legacies of Kenny Omega, Okada, Danielson, Jay White, Adam Cole, Shibata etcetc I could go on but I won't
>>16480717Punk really defend the honor of a transphobe like Logan
>>16480717Would have been more based if he said "if you say that you are an empty headed dumbfuck"
Phil will keep taking cheap shots at Hangman, Hangman will simply ignore Phillip because ignoring a sociopath is the worse thing you can do to them
>>16480819ok, so you're just mad these wrestlers didn't go to the PG show for kids?
Punk is upset because he could never pull off Hanger's moveset. Faggot almost broke his leg trying to do a buckshot lariot
I mean he's not wrong. Moves mean jack shit.
>>16480836what is the rating difference between AEW and WWE? In the past say 6 months, the only difference is AEW wrestlers say “shit” or “bitch” a couple times in a promo. There’s literally zero difference content wise that would prove that AEW is for “””adults”””
Not sure who Punk hates more Hangman or Colt Cabana. Punk was willing to make up with The Bucks but never Hangman. I think the worker's rights comment mindfucked Punk. Hangman vs Punk is THE big money feud
>>16480750>Will now post in a bunch of threads crying about AEWMost self aware dronie
>>16480868blood and danger nigga the reason you watch wrestling and not movies, everyone says AEW is too dangerous like just go watch a movie where nobody gets hurt you fuckin fag
>>16480751>i get annoyed when punk does shit like this because it spergs AEWtists into an infinite loop of seetheYou say that like it's a bad thing. Let the AEW cult members blame everyone else but themselves and Tony Khan for AEW's downfall.
>>16480845Not once but twice lmao
>>16480874its Colt, his hatred of Hangman is a proxy for his hatred of Colt
>>16480898oh so you watch AEW that has tranniel garcia facefucking men insteadright okay
>>16480717based punker making reddit troonies seethe? must be a day ending in Y
This Punk vs The Elite stuff is going to go on for years to come until they settle their differences in or outside of the ring. It's going to be wrestling biggest "what if"
>>16480775Man, he looked like shit at the end of this run.
>>16480917They dont have to nigga, I'll blame the FUCK out of them. Fucking retards booing Cody out of the company and then chanting his name when Darby mentions it 2 years later lmao. Feel bad for the kid who threw the weight belt back into the ring during his last AEW match, its probably worth a fortune now. And as for TK he probably thinks I hate AEW and always have when I liked it before HE started sucking PUNK's dick. I don't blame punk 1 bit because it was Tony who desperately wanted him in the company, at the cost of his WORLD CHAMPION Hangman, who desperately tried to create a story out of the NOTHING he and punk were given. Just have someone beat hangman for the belt then pass it to punk, jesus. You're spot on, but whenever I criticise AEW these same CULT members call me a member of the WWE cult. Its so retarded.
>>16480874>Punk was willing to make up with The BucksOnly because he realized they did nothing wrong, unlike Hangtard
Based punkster keeping his feud with Adam Page alive just in case he somehow finds his way back to aew or Adam Page signs with WWE they have the feud ready to go. That's a real worker right there brother. Never let a feud go cold always remind the audience
Punk is right. Using the word “moveset” makes you sound like a video game obsessed mark. I could understand if Hangman bitched about his finisher being stolen in private but the fact that he had to go on Twitter and make passive aggressive comments like a pussy makes Punk the winner in this situation
>>16480926>its Colt, his hatred of Hangman is a proxy for his hatred of ColtPhil shaking hands with Sami at the Survivor Series presser really hits different when you remember that the reason he cut all ties with Colt is because Colt was going out for pizza with Sami and Kevin
>>16480766You're pretty close to realizing your dream
Instead of everyone talking about Saturday Night's Main Event show, now all people will talk about is this. Vintage Punk taking the heat away from a show and making it about himself
>>16480976Hangman in WWE would be awesome, imagine the vignettes
>>16480977I'm almost positive I've heard Bret Hart say moveset on multiple shoots.
>>16480874>Punk was willing to make up with The Bucks>By feeding bullshit stories about them to the media for a yeargive me a break
>>16480787>I want my wrestlers to be heckin wholesomorino I want every wrestler to be a sociopathic short fused carnie so the chances of a shoot fight or murder breaking out in a match are better
>>16480751That's awesome though, there's nothing better than laughing at AEWtists.
>>16480805How do you become this level of fat and stupid
AEW will probably let WWE borrow Kenny for Cena's retirement tour final matches. WWE should let AEW borrow Punk in return and have this Hangman/Punk match already so we can all move on
>>16481019Ok, who goes over? And more importantly, who is the person responsible for getting both wrestlers to cooperate?
>>16481019Neither one of those things are ever happening you sweaty mark.
>>16481028its fun to speculate brother, lighten up
>>16481028damn cant even fantasy book now, everything has to be super serious :(
>>16481033Probably implies there is a probable chance of it happening, but obviously it won't unless Omega decides to leave.
>>16480997And Bret Hart is probably the biggest mark for himself in wrestling history. What’s your point?
>>16480969>Feel bad for the kid who threw the weight belt back into the ring during his last AEW match, its probably worth a fortune nowThis is your threadly reminder that the guy who threw the belt was wearing a Jim Cornette shirt
>>16481042i think its the word itself sounding too video gamey, punk has a moveset whether he likes it or not
>>16481045My point is Punk is a Bret Hart cock rider, he is once again contradicting himself.
>>16481044well yeah thats technically true but i dont think the poster meant for you to take it that literally
>>16481046look at them all cheer, no wonder the jews call us goyim cattle jesus christ its so embarassing to have ever been an AEW fan, fucking CWAB bitches CODY WAS ALWAYS BASED fuck the fans
Ok what the hell am I supposed to say instead of moveset? Literally anyone who has played the WWE games knows it's refered as a moveset. It's such a weird thing to get mad about. He just hates it now because hangman used the term. Punk needs to grow up. Dude is pushing 50 for fuck sake
>>16481082He’s Being a Cornette fanboy faggot. Jim and his crew of cucks love to over analyze and gatekeep wrestling
>>16481082>Literally anyone who has played the WWE games knows it's refered as a movesetThat’s exactly the problem. Real life isn’t a fucking video game. Stop using video games and movies in your arguments and learn how to better convey your point with words you illiterate fuck.
>>16480787Hnagman is a cuck more than likely. Dude is a complete beta
>>16481110Log off Phil and give Jamal and April another towel
>>16480717>anyone using the term "moveset" doesn't know what they're doingwtf do you call it then?
>>16481082>Literally anyone who has played the WWE games knows it's refered as a moveset.that's his point, jabrone.
>>16481124you have to pretend it doesn't exist, like some sad fragment of kayfabe, which only Cm Punk is allowed to break at the time of his choosing
>>16481130do movesets not exist anon? Is it just coincidence that for decades Wrestler A competes against Wrestle B by using a series of the same moves every match?
>>16481141>movesetsstop talking like a retarded mark you fuckin nerd
>>16481148I accept your concession
>>16481106How do we know the word even comes from video games? I think I've been saying moveset my entire fandom since before vidya. What are you supposed to say? Signature moves? That sounds even more Vince and corporate. Phil needs to shut the hell up and wrestle.
>>16481106what would you call a collection of moves a wrestler uses?
>Punk still working AEWtists into a seethe
>>16481149I'm not the anon you were arguing with, you dumb nerd. I just want you to stop talking like a faggot.
>>16481152>moveset>fandom >vidyatouch grass
>>16481168I'm literally a landscaper.
>>16481169>landscapershaving your uncle's balls doesn't count as landscaping anon
>>16481164until you offer anything better, im going to continue calling it a moveset
>>16481176ok enjoy being a gay nerd, ya dumb fag.
>>16481180edrones are shoot retarded
>>16480717Hangman living rent free in Phil’s head kek
>>16480717Based Phil burying that geek. Gotta love the Protagonister.
I’ll continue calling it moveset until someone here tells me a better option
>>16481185I know, not us though.
>>16481191the better option is to kill yourself
>>16481194using which moveset?
>>16481191what about spotbox? you pull a spot out of ur box of tricks
>>16481191you won't get genuine answers. the edrones are just realising what cm punk said was nonsense.
>>16480717>Most talked about man in wrestling again.How does Phil do it?
>>16481163>5 second offhand comment from Punk>Months of crybaby monologues from mud show geeks, schizo fans, and their cokehead manchild toy collectorPunk continues to be the only entertaining thing about AEW kek
>>16480717Punk hates the term moveset because he stole his from KENTA
>>16481213riding hangman's coattails, he knows the worker's rights line was absolute KINO he's just playing along with it like this anon said >>16480976
>>16480752Are you kidding? Do you not remember him breaking script and starting all this shit in the middle of the ring?
>>16480787Hangman wears pink t-shirts
>>16480997No you haven't
>calls a mark a mark>this upsets the trannies
>>16480760>Some 40 year old cat ladyBased. Her ugly dress and vacant stare; my choice
>>16480775Why does he have stars of remphan on his pants?
>>16480827What a gross orc
>>16481042Nothing. Punk just needed to seethe a bit and said something nonsensical.
>>16481342his seething is a work, im afraid, as was brawl out
>>16481345if brawl out was a work it has worked the company straight into an icy grave
The absolute seething in this thread about one comment made on YouTube by someone. He really is the biggest star in wrestling. People go nuts every time he days literally anything
>>16480821>transphobeDoesn't exist
>>16480717>Phil STILL banging on about AEWThis is why Phil is 2nd place KWABOTY to Vince.
>>16481042"Moveset" is a social construct and whoever uses this term it is a bigot.
>>16481352Why the stars of remphan on his shorts
>>16481349It's insane how badly Phil works the trannies by doing anything
>>16481376>If you like Phil you're pro-abortion>If you hate Phil you're pro-trannythere really is no white man's promotion huh
Good. I love when Punk works the AEW marks.
>>16481382Notice how he has never worn those "advocacy" shirts anywhere but in AEW?He knew exactly what his audience was and how to sell merch to them.
>>16481417so why doesnt he have children?
>>16480717hangmaam the homo gets blown away again
>>16480717Hangman is such a pussy manchild, I used to like him back when he was part of the Bullet Club but the whole "anxious milennial cowboy" cringe bullshit made me drop him immediately, AEW is truly full of manchild self-mark fags, what a pissant company
>>16480717Holy shit Rosenjew farts right into her open mouth at 0:23
>Punk can't let goCowboy Page was the one taking unprovoked shots at WWE (again). Punk has every right to defend the company he helped build. Especially when AEW guys are trying to take food off their plates.If I was Page I'd be ashamed that the only way he can make news anymore is jealous crybaby rants about Logan Paul.
>>16481454>moveset stolen by YouTube meme wrestler (who is longer with WWE)>this is somehow an unprovoked shot at WWE
>>16481457This nigga is seething, lol. I love how based Punk has these babies crying for the rest of their lives. We stole The Codeman too. That's how E-Gods roll. Of we see something we want? WE JUST FUCKING TAKE IT!I love being the best.
>>16480733Afraid so
>>16480717Clueless Man Punk
>>16480717It’s really funny that Punk lurks on twitter and seethes over Hangman posts he sees
>>16480766trannies seething will never stop being amusing
>>16480766This really gets the poop dickers seething.
Its funny how Punk tells people to stay off social media but he clearly follows the people he doesn't like just so he can take potshots at them on some random interview. The man is making stupid money and in a supposedly better place in WWE, so why is he still seething about Hangman?
>>16480719Gotta love The Hanger
>>16480717KEK. Based Punkster making the trannies seethe.>>16481730>The man is making stupid money and in a supposedly better place in WWE, so why is he still seething about Hangman?He isn't seething about Hangma'am, tranny. He's twisting the knife like a chad. Hangma'am's career is dead and he's stuck in a dead company. The Punkster will never let him forget this fact because it's funny.
>>16480717>flippy aew trannoids when they hear a word
Why can't Phillip K Brooks just move on?
>>16480750>finding these weird fucking things that don't reference anythingYeah, because Phil saying this right after Page made a commentary about it just days ago is nothing but a coincidence, right?
>>16482480>Why can't Phillip K Brooks just move on?Why should he?
>>16482482>right after>days ago
>>16480717>Cage Fury Phil Mendez is 0-2 in the UFC.
>>16482489Punk is back in the company he loves. He's working for Triple H a man he respects so much. His dreams came true he should be so happy.
>>16480717>OH MAN, BOTH PUNK AND PAGE USED THE WORD "THE">OMG THEY SEETHING>AHHHH SOMEONE TELL SEAN ROSS SAPPThis is what you faggots sound like. Move on, or go back to Twitter. Bitches.
>>16482178>seethingI know mommy taught you that when people make fun of you, it's because they are secretly jealous of you but she was just telling you that so you would stop crying. When people make fun of AEW, it's simply because they think it's a joke and know they won't face any kind retaliation for making fun of them. Hope you can accept that, anon.
>>16480717Genuinely admirable amount of pettiness and big leaguing from Punkster. Love it.The male host is annoying though; shut the fuck up.
>>16482599The implication here is that Phil stole KENTA's moveset which is true and the reason why Punk hates the term, but he knew what he was doing recently when he looked into the camera and said any wrestling saying it doesn't know what they're doing, a clear shot at Hangman's recent comments.
>>16480750Oh this got him, the one aew fan left, seething
>>16480717Oh, Jackie, could you stop it? >>16482645
The Punk/Hangman drama is funny because normally it would be easy to get one over a guy that walks out in transgender and abortion t-shirts yet his opponent is a spiritual tumblrfag who types like a woman
>>16482605Punk won't fuck you anon. You don't have to white knight for him. He follows Hangman and pokes fun at him for the moveset line. Punk cannot move on and is still worked up and bitter over it all.
>>16482675And Hangman won't fuck... actually, he might, since he's a fucking faggot, like all the members of the AEW roster.
Is Hangma'am gonna need to take another 6 month mental health break after this?
>>16481268How old are you? Men wear pink shirts. Pink dress shirts exist. You sound like an insecure closet case.
>>16480977Then how would you call an array of holds/maneuvers that a wrestler of question routinely does every match or two?Punk's just getting a pissy faggot for the sake of being a pissy faggot
i get overjoyed when punk does shit like this because it spergs AEWtists into an infinite loop of seethe, and i love lol'ing at AEW
>>16480717This guy used to be one of the biggest movez fags of all time, stole his finisher from KENTA, and now thinks he's Harley Race because he got into a slapfight with some PWG shitters
>>16482599>>16480717What a retardedly autistic thing to make your mission statement.Wrestlers have movesets, Punk. Why does this enrage you?
He's a piece of trash and always will be.It's one thing to be a pig or a drone, but you have to be a special kind of stupid to support this guy after everything. Like this mongoloid >>16480750 or this tryhard shrimp dick >>16480736
>"Hey Jack man why you doin' all this internet stuff bud it's not helping anybody guy it makes you look dumb chum" >"Hey guys, muffins and moveset lol"What a fucking loser
>>16482599Yeah because he stole Kenta's moveCriminals generally think crime should be abolished
>>16482585People like Phil will never be happy because they decided at age 8 when their parents disappointed them that the world owes them a debt that can never be fully repaid.
>>16483780Phli's whole gimmick is "I'm not like other wrestlers" while acting exactly like every dirtball wrestler in history. He is genuinely the new Hogan just a libtard instead
>acting like this is a new sentiment
>>16480717Honestly I want to see Page and Punk feud forever, they're both cunts and are perfect for eachother
>>16481321Chicago flag.
>>16483793lmao Punk is a walking contradiction dude doesn't take his own advice
>>16480793anger is the only way he can get an erection
>>16480868not just the blood and profanity, the violent ppv matches have some very brutal spots that look legitimately painful or dangerous. maybe i am getting worked, but i have been shocked when i have seen some of these.
>>16481002What did Punk say about the Bucks?
>>16480717What a gotten to bitch
>>16485667>leaked he had Cobana fired>kicked down his door>hit his dog>tried to get him lost in London
>>16486303All of that was untrue, kek
>>16480717>CM Punk in a backstage interview says anyone using the term "moveset" doesn't know what they're doing.
>>16480717He's not wrong thoughA wrestler using the term moveset is mark as fuck
>>16483875You don't understand, they NEED Hangman to be under constant attack, otherwise his entire failed career will fizzle out just like Jungle Bitch. Just let them have this one, please, or they will lash out even more
>>16482585>His dreams came true he should be so happy.I'm sure Punk's very happy and mindbreaking his enemies just makes him even happier kek>>16483785The Punkster is arguably the most entertaining pro wrestler alive right now and he lived out every heterosexual wrestling fan's dream of beating up The Gaylite. There's literally no reason not to support him.
>>16481457>movesetYour dumbass really thinks CM Punk is gonna come to the defense of logan Paul?
>>16486267>What a gotten to bitchYou mean Hanger? Dude was talking shit from his BlueSky libtard safespace so that's why Punk had to put him on blast.Logan Paul, Donald Trump, Vince McMahon - they are FAMILY. aew fags don't have that cause all they do is stab each other in the back. Hangchud was lucky he wasn't at Brawl Out or Punk would have beat his ass like he did the rest.
>>16480717watched the whole thing because latching onto a general throwaway line and then framing it as something extremely specific is for MARKS
>hangma'am gets passive aggressive about logan paul>logan paul doesn't even THINK of hangma'am>yet it's cm punk who has gayew rent free in HIS mind>even when cm punk had been saying to not say moveset for years
>>16480717Softest man alive
>>16480717Where’s the lie?