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they are going to fire kevin after this...
why didnt tony khan do this with punk?
because it wasn't scripted
why is triple h getting the upper hand in this shoving match even tho he is 20 years older and had heart surgery
can't look weak
kevin just took a cross rhodes on a chair
He isn't a fat fuck
holy shit ko vs triple h at wrestlemania
because kevin getting his shit it might legit kill papa h
It's precisely because of those things that KO can't actually do anything to him. HHH could keel over at any minute if he gets too worked up.
WWE fans are the most retarded people on earth
Waters wet and the sky is blue, facts
Triple H is a known shooter and could kill him easily
Vince would've taken a shoot headbutt even if he had HHH's health issues
Pretty amazing that Triple H has resisted inserting himself in the Bloodline feud and burying Roman for so long desu
He has to insert himself. It’s not enough that Triple H gets an hour long press conference where he talks about attendance, profits and answers soft ball questions from fat fake journalists.
Nick Aldis was there but he failed to keep the peace so Triple H, not Paul, had to come in bring order back to the show. also i wonder if they were arguing in French.
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How cool is that?
Gotta get his shit in
KO signed another contract because HHH promised to put him over at Wrestlemania. You heard it here first.
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>why didnt tony khan do this with punk?

he did
THQ was once famously told they were not allowed to show Triple H "in any disadvantageous position" in promotional material for one of the N64 WWF games.
Because he's the game, he's the king of kings and because he's that damn good.
OMG so le hecking realistic (referee just happen to stay there) papa haich is booking my yummy wummy shooterino
>why is the guy who was really fucking strong in kayfabe back in the day mogging KO
Man this dude sure hates real glass
AEWtists are already fuming that this will draw more business than tony wearing a neckbrace at the nfl draft
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lmao that tiny string bean arm gets me every time
That was like, Smackdown vs. RAW 2008.
Triple H got asked about this not long ago and had a "Lol that's so weird. Who would do that? No way. Do you think I'd be so petty?" BS nonresponse like the fragile gaslighter liar that he is.
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This clip is forever goated. DSOTR:Downfall of AEW
Nah its the day they cured their cancer (Firing Phil)
Gaitch needs to have another heart attack, so sick of this egotistical fool
No that was the surgeon that suppose to remove the cancer (The young Bucks and The Elite)
If they fired the cancer, where’s the milly?
if anyone ever rips off owens shirt I'll know that it's not scripted.
He's still a lot bigger than KO.

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