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Previous >>16441730

Giulia of NXT

Next show: Tuesday 8 PM EST

>January 7th, 8 PM EST
Giulia vs Roxanne
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>got bumped off the log again
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I was about to bump the thread, but then fell asleep picking a picture for it.
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That old man probably saw Eddie Graham and Dusty Rhodes live.
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We're so back
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What with those taped fingers?
What happened?
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Absolute sexo, I hope whoever is fucking her id treating her good and rough
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Why does she do this? For what purpose?
Tag team move.
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Hina uses a particularly fragrant shampoo and Giulia gets hungry during house show matches.
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I'm going to the Rumble, will Giulia be there?
You would think NXT champion would be there.
I actually have no idea.
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FACT: in a just world, the rumble this year should be no less than half NXT girls, they deserve the exposure and the paychecks for carrying women's wrestling in the fed while the bitches on the main roster simultaneously shit the bed for an entire year
at the bare minimum, roxanne and giulia will be there, basically guaranteed. i think steph, lash and jaida are also quite likely. maybe sol, fallon, tatum, jordynne and zaria as well. i guess cora too.
kek that's fair
based you're probably correct
She makes literally every style work
The only wrestling I can be bothered to watch nowadays in the NXT girls
She also writing for weekly wrestling magazine weekly. Giulia have no free time at all.
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Today Giulia doing two shows in one go.
love love LOVE Giulia
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Today's NXT had no new Giulia at all.
No Giulia No Watch
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Need renunion
Just realized, by the time Giulia kicks off her retirement tour, everyone already be retired.
Score is forever tied with Mayu and Tamu. There is really no going back.
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She apparently shitting on Showcase again, in her column. What a disaster of a brand.
When will NXT eclipse Smackdown in the ratings?
Good look
I liked showcase, but I'm retarded.
I liked the showcase shows and the qq vs oedo tai loser leaves the group cage match was definitely a harada idea
Cage match wasn't in Showcase.
Nevermind >>16503496, i get what you meant.
Would rather not try to delve into what happened between hat-carnie and Bushiroad. Everyone seems to get what they wanted in the end, especially Giulia.
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Who is the jannetty
dumping my nuts in giulia's mouth
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what Bushiroad did to Suzu is unforgivable
Its ok to eat.
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giulia needs to be at that weight. she'd look much better
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She needs to gain muscle weight.
Also, Suzu didn't change, according to billing.
I voted for Giulia's arrival for the moment of the year. Didn't touch anything else.
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