>the 13 lowest rated dynamites have all come since ospreay debuted with AEW
it do be like that
I love laughing at AEW.
Realistically will Ospreay go to WWE at some point? It would be a huge waste if he doesn't.
>>16495300A huge waste for who? Will Ospreay?
>>16495300Hunter would steal take him. He loves indie guys
>>16495300and do what? he isn't a draw
>>16494425I'm watching the latest Dynamite after Raw, and it's so quiet. Has it always been this quiet?
>>16495328He could be.If he dialed it down and just focus on WWE style matches there's heaps of good programs he could have. Not mention WWE is thousands of times more popular in the UK than aew. If they controlled him properly he could sell tickets and merch for sure.
>>16495356>heapsaustralian homosexual detected
>>16494425Remember he was going to save the company Hahahaha
>>16495336That's perfect English you fucking retard.
>>16495300Nobody gives a fuck about him anymore, he's a huge waste of talent, time and money himself. He showed that when he went on tv about a minute into his AEW signing and started talking shit about Trips qualifications - which we've learned from Ryan Nemeth is something Tony fucking asks his employees to do, KWAB. A KWABOTY asking a KWAB to fight his battles for him because he is losing in ratings and this bitch did it and wasn't smart enough to know how it looked from the outside. He has never had a single match that wasn't astroturfed by the retarded hook nose with star stickers to be supposedly good wrestling when that carny couldn't recognize a good drawing match if it came to his home and the little british refugee center volunteer of a BRUV couldn't fucking carry a single match if he didn't rely on his athletic skills and gymnast routines which despite peoples misconception, aren't wrestling - they are acrobatics that are supposed to enhance not make the whole cookie out of. And that's the way the cookie crumbles, sawdusted by the time his AEW contract comes to first extension, back in the bingohalls he started in, this time with AEW logos on the banners. Enjoy the money Asspray.
>>16494425Obese smarks can't face this fact
>>16494425The 13 lowest rated Dynamites all had Mercedes MonΓ© and Ricochet on them. Most of them also had Adam Cole on them (and he was in the 3 lowest rated segments in Dynamite history)
>>16494425I still can't decide what is worth, all the no-selling the AEW wrestlers do, or the no-selling that Osprey does where he no-sells something to get his shit in then falls over again.
>>16496471you don't understand what selling is
>>16496479You don't understand what a vagina is
>>16496479no-selling to do a move then "delayed selling" is still no selling.
>>16496485Why don't you tell us
Much like telling people to call a man a woman, telling people to call a midget gynmast a wrestler just won't work.
>>16496488>creating drama is wrongyou don't understand wrestling
>>16496498Bro go find out what a vagina is already
>>16496504I googled it and your picture came up.
>>16496507>He had to google itNice self report
bitchtits replying to himself btw
>>16496508Sup vagina?
>>16496532I don't know man, I told you to go find out what it is
>>16496536It's you I'm afraid.
>>16496540Sorry for your lack of vagina
>>16496542Don't be. I identify as male and use he/him pronouns.
>>16496556But enough about your intellectual capacity.
>>16496563Sorry for your lack of sexual capacity
>>16496566Turn your monitor on.
>>16496576Turn a woman on
>>16496584We don't post our life goals here.
>>16496585Yeah otherwise you would've posted "having sex"
>>16496586Nah I don't post things I frequently do here.
>>16496588Pussyless post
>>16496589But enough about your post.
proving the value of no-selling in this extremely retarded thread
>>16496601This exchange really has been the /pw/ equivalent of a Will Ospreay match.
>>16496601Too bad you don't know the value of pussy
>>16496603Why ya quoting your dad?
>>16496609If I was I would've said "Son, I am proud of you and you get a ton of pussy"
>>16496623Nah, that's quoting Shad Khan
>>16496628Nah that would've been "Son, you're a disappointment and I will kill myself out if shame"
>>16496630But enough about what God said when you were born.
>>16496630Nah, that's your dad
bloke is a dumb chav cunt who wrestles like he's never seen a wrestling match 'ate 'im innt
>>16496642Nah you're thinking of your dad's boyfriend aka your second dad
>>16496504thanks for tagging in for me against this retard >>16496498
>>16495823>A KWABOTYStill Vince
>>16494425Ospreay got hit in the backHe gay