This scares and INFURIATES the Drone mind into a frenzy
>>16494592WHERE IS IT?
AEW is on Fox.... mexico
>>16494592based lachlan mindbroke more than a few of them this year
oh no gayew gonna show up on fox to get more no millies how spooky kek
>>16494605How's that WWE show on Fox doing?
>>16494939More than a million viewers less over on USA
>>16494944Grim. Isnt cable dying?
>>16494592DELETE THIS
>>16494592Smackdown will be the only wrestling show on Friday's next year. Wasn't there another one though? Hmm must have gotten canceled
>>16497300Lachlan cancelled it to make way for Shockwave just like how he cancelled SlopDown
>>16497323>a new show is going to be announced 2 weeks before the new year startsThe AEW cult has gone full retard with their delusions
>>16495305WWE will tuck their tail and flee from TV altogether in just a few short years, at which point you'll only be able to find them on some streaming app.
>>16497340Why the fuck would that matter and why do they need to announce it now anyway?
>>16494609>>16494592>>16495315>>16495884>>16496881>>16497279>>16497323>>16497359>>16497386trevor having a samefag meltdown why he continues to fail to defend the dying company known as Gayew
>>16494592Ya just gotta
>>16497386>lachlan cancelled SD to make room for Shockwave>but he isn't announcing it for this year, he is just saving it for the right moment, you'll see, any day nowJust stop already Trevor. It's not worth it
>>16497776Didn't Trev used to make fun of his imaginary bitchtits boogeyman for working at Walmart? Literally everything he posts are projections of his own sad life
>>16497813No shit
>>16497817On Cybertron
>>16498616Can't wait for AEW Troons to insist Tubi or FS1 counts as Fox. Presuming Hamhockwave ever exists
>>16497397huh? what u mean?
Another pigcrip backfire thread.. well enjoy while you can hes going to get this taken down
>>16494592A piece of shit is a piece of shit whether it's in the toilet or the kitchen table. Nothing changes.
>>16494592Shitdown got flushed
>>16494592Kek you're so mad that Fox didn't want Shockwave. After you spent all that time simping for Lachlan, too. What a shame hahahaha
>>16499904Fraid so
>>16499904it's always funny how every single fucking thing an aew tranny boasts about it always comes back and blows up in their face
>>16494592early 2025 is going to be a REALLY hard time for e drones>aew max streaming OFFICIALLY begins>aew shockwave on fox>tony "big signings" rumored for Q1its gonna be HARD on them
>>16500979>AEW on FOX >AEW on MAX >Saturday Night's House Show was a FLOP>Netflix with ads Yikes
>>16502408Kek, where did AEW's house shows go?
>>16502413Where did Rampage go?
>>16497952Jesus Christ man this board is full of fucking redditors it's so disgusting
>>16500979plus raw on netflix with HOURS of ads per episode.gonna be hard for them
>>16503968Love this guy>>16503509
>>16494592If tony doesn't draw 700k today I'm not watching anymore, it's an ultimatum I don't care about promises of new shows or him even buying fox, I'm done playing Draw 700k or kiss another viewer goodbye
>>16504874lose weight bitchtits
>>16504880post weight
>>16504882i'm not giving you any info to jerk off to you gay faggot
>>16504888we don't sign our posts here
>>16504880We don't sign our posts here
>>16504888It's fine that you're morbidly obese. Just stop telling everyone to lose weight.
>>16494592>92 uh oh
>>16494592what does this relate to