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I like her new outfit and that she is back to blonde again looking sexy
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>like a girl wrestler
>peedub starts spamming her
>lose interest and drop her
every time. I'm sick of y'all niggas, get your own gf.
mental illness
I'm a tastemaker, hate all you want but I'm keeping my new girl a secret.
Is thatu Cafuryi Skerruii?
Saki has been popular here for years
go back to your trannies
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I've been away for a while -- are the vile rumors about her still floating around?
No shit retard that doesn't change the fact that I liked her first.
>go back to your trannies
so are you calling her a tranny? think before you speak, dumb nigger.
Signed, Mr. Based.
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Gotta love the Skellster, you just gotta
was never yours faggot
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How can one woman be so based
I heard she's afraid of the ACE of Stardom Natsupoi and skelly is smelly
Many people are saying this!
Gotta confess, if Skelly winds up being the one to take the White Belt off Poi, imma take it as a sign that someone there lurks these boards
name of the tranny?
Open yo eyes boy, ain't no tranny there
He can't read you with monitor turned off.
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Here's Poi with a very important PSA everyone needs to know
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I like the white version, too. She'll only wear it for big shows which is great.
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Consistently one of the most entertaining wrestlers out there today and anyone who disagrees simply hasn't watched her
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great new outfit
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Honest question: do we think she could get over in the US?
Chelsea Green green is over. What if Chelsea green spoke Japanese?
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If she could speak English
she'd have to keep her comedy entertainment gimmick
she just cant bump with that body
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