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Why come WWE matches can't be good?
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How do you achieve this level of virginity?
this is fake
And he'll probably add another one this week, gotta love the Billy GOAT
Least demented gAyEWtist tranny
you could probably find another 15 examples like this from that retarded cultist, grim
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cagematch is based and makes antismarks seethe
that search doesn't count emojis so you're either retarded or a liar
also all the replies to it is you samefagging
jesus fucking christ
WWE is for slow adults and babies
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stop using my billie reacts
If you’ve seen one Ospreay match you’ve seen them all
you can say this about every wrestler you disingenuous faggot
you pop for the cody cutter? fuck off nigga
>webm of 0 storytelling, just moves
this. will should have had a fake talk show where he said takeshita is a stinky dickhead. couches and ferns in the ring. that would have trruly made this a classic.
Will can actually promo, but chooses to rely on Meltzer style wrestling

>They do it for free
AEWjannies are the worst
the fucking charisma and mic skills of a best man weddings speech
if will was popping bruvs in the fed the fed mutants would be going insane just like how they do for the yeet guy
This thread is literally about WWE, are you retarded?
many are wondering about this
Takeshita is actually good, Ospreay is fucking garbage, that's the only thing I'm getting from this webm because everything Takeshita does looks impactful while Ospreay's 50/50 between having decent looking moves and slow no-impact shit
What causes this type of mental illness?
>you can say this about every wrestler
some more-so than others, I'd still happily watch a Shingo match but you'd have to pay me to watch one-note shitters like ospig or the young cucks
>b....but wwe!
Ricochet was in WWE and WWE fans made fun of him and they're the same wrestler
Fucking LOL, as if Dave's scores have any merit in this day and age!
kek opetty eviscerated
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>Why come WWE matches can't be good?
good morning saars!
you talk like a baby
i feel bad for your family
not an argument. though i can see how it's awkward for you since Ricochet is in AEWnow and you have to pretend he doesn't exist since you can't defend him shitting up the place.
"Has the potential to be good" I fixed that for ya since Takeshita has devolved into doing no sells and other garbage in AEW.
Put the groceries in the bag, Pigcrip.
you are gay for rovert lmao
that has to be the most pathetic thing of all time
this is legit mental illness
Hogwheels needs to be sent to the insane asylum. I get it you were dealt a bad hand being born a cripple but still
what is his gimmick beyond I wrestle good?
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you live in a grain silo lmao
Being man enough to raise another man's child. Something you're too weak to do chud
good lord
so you really are handicapped?
is that why you're stuck at home spamming threads all day?
you can still lead a fulfilling life, bro
get out and do more things
god damn this nigga ugly
So he lives in a grain silo and you're crippled. You sure got him pigcrip!
That's the dude who tells everyone to lose weight. grim
Is that really hoggers?
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Living in a grain silo sounds comfy. You'd never be hungry and could swim in the grain to build muscular strength because of the resistance
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i went in to check why the retard cripple was squealing so much and jesus fucking christ
this is the reason the trannoid subhuman has been flooding the board with the word silo these last few weeks; this is high comedy for them
/pw/ do think it's hilarious you live in a silo, silo tits
look, i'm gonna be genuinely nice here, if you ever tell that "joke" to someone else, when they laugh it's not gonna be because they find it funny, but over how much of a brain damaged retard you are
monitors off again blud
what an oddly specific meme to force wtf
Is that really how it all started? He got mad for being called a pedo? He's been trying to get it over for almost a month now lol
A guy that spends all day in a grain silo religiously defending a childrens show is objectively hilarious actually. If I walked over to someone on the street and told them about that they'd laugh for sure.
>one autistic jew's opinion

Kek. Dave has been irrelevant ever since he ignored Kurt Angle.
weird way to reply to a genuinely helpful post intended to make you realize that, as the neurodivergent special needs citizen you are, normal people aren't gonna find your jokes funny
>Why come
wwe fans being special needs is a widely known phenomenon. are you projecting?
if you could walk...
jannies care more about bliss/sasha posting than this stuff
>Dave has been irrelevant ever since he ignored Kurt Angle.
Angle never having a five star match isn't what made Dave a dumb faggot, what Angle match was unironically 5 stars?
people on Twitter tell me that WWE is bad by design
that's true in a away it's designed for children and slow adults
it's the only picture of that ugly zoomette that I have saved or ever use
wow you sound like a fucking badass
i bet you could fight a bear
If the match is good, but nobody was there to see it, was the match good?
e drones arent people
That's good, now into the microphone
is this some new reddit meme?
Turn on your monitor and find out
OPig has been real quiet since this dropped
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The search is just trash. But you already knew that since you made it that pic
I'm glad chico murked him. What psycho.
Turn your monitor on. Any with Benoit. His one with Undercarder before Mania 22
Angle's average star rating is actually one of the highest out of anyone. Might be the highest ever. Countless 4s.
Should probably have a 5 but Dave didn't give a fuck about WWE when he was around.
That is just for America, by the way. Forgot to add that. G1s and whatnot would skew that bigly.
Actually per my unbiased 5* rating system, Ospreay has 0 matches with 5*+ and WWE has 6 gorillion. In fact, I have just awarded Kevin's first defense as 8 quantillion stars, and it hasn't even happened yet.
This dude is in love with Assplay lol what a fag.
That's the kind of argument a 7 year old would make. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Because WWE actually wants to draw. So they can't pretend shitters like Ospreay are good
holy fucking grim
Yikes on bikes
>my opinion is dave's opinion
stop feeding your dog so much spaghetti daves
Grimmitty Grim Grimmola the 3rd, that is quite GRIM.
Everyone is saying exactly this.
is this the life of a hog on the wheels?
Seems so
You could. Evidently Bitchtits hasn't.
You know based Darby carried this lame nigga last night
Sort the metric by the more democratic Cagematch ratings, WWE does alright. It's no stardom, but they perform much better when it's not just Melty.

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