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/pw/ - Professional Wrestling

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File: Vince McMahon.jpg (55 KB, 480x377)
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>We in the WWF, think that you, the audience, are quite frankly, tired of having your "intelligence insulted"

E-drones do not posses intelligence
Big words from a man who believes wrestling is real
Sports entertainment is shit. The Attitude Era was shit. The farther you get from the Puroresu format, the shittier it gets.
>..."so we're going to give you about 5 years of the rock making anal sex jokes, DX making pp jokes and nothing but stone cold drinking beer."
Wow truly riveting stuff, attitudefags. It's time to admit ruthless aggression chads are far superior.
>prime bra and panty match era
>the mexicools
>best stretch of wrestlemanias (19-24)
>spawned Brock Cena and Orton
>prime Undertaker
>Hollywood rock kino
>Eddie vs Rey kino

how's that for intelligent wrestling
He was obviously speaking in kayfabe
sometimes I forget that his iconic grungy "Mr. McMahon" voice isn't his normal one
And you don’t possess a penis.

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