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Watch on Wrestle Universe - 1,298 yen per month.


12.21 Se~No, Merry Christmas! 2024 @ Tama Mirai Messe, Tokyo (LIVE)[14:00 JST]
12.29 TJPW Year-End Party 2024 @ Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[19:00 JST]

Worst part is that he is a reply guy on YouTube as well. That video went up with the captains drawing teams, his reply was already on there.
pom is the danhausen of tjpw
Yes but he's also not funny or interesting.

Pom is. She's also a better wrestler than him. He tried to be a regular wrestler and sucked so he pivoted. Pom has always been a comedy character.
huh wat u mean
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Im a fan of Rika now
Why use a shitter that barely sells any portraits or cheki in the OP?
kek based
include the january schedule next time you lazy bitch

1.4 Tokyo Joshi Pro-Wrestling '25 @ Korakuen Hall, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:00 JST]
1.11 TJPW NEW YEAR CIRCUIT 2025 @ Kobe Arts Center (VOD)[12:30 JST]
1.12 TJPW NEW YEAR CIRCUIT 2025 @ Okayama Mirai Hall (VOD)[12:30 JST]
1.18 The 5th "Futari wa Princess" Max Heart Tournament @ Club eX in Shinagawa Prince Hotel, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:30 JST]
1.19 The 5th "Futari wa Princess" Max Heart Tournament @ Club eX in Shinagawa Prince Hotel, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:30 JST]
1.25 The 5th "Futari wa Princess" Max Heart Tournament Semifinals @ Club eX in Shinagawa Prince Hotel, Tokyo (LIVE)[11:00 JST]
who cares about incels buying muh chekis
she is based
shittiest fucking thread I've ever seen
>not since 2014
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Passionate creampie sex in the missionary position with lots of kissing and eye contact with Harajuku Pomu.
straight up. some people on here have that edrone mentality where all they care about are numbers and graphs
our regular op is a troll that likes to use photos of dimeless players
>include the january schedule next time you lazy bitch
Its still December brother.
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yep, what fuckin nerds
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>tfw NERDS caring about "cheki" sales
quick miyudrone melty on this one
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this was the previous op. why didnt you complain last thread?
retarded ass melty
makes the pomcels seethe
Real talk if you care so much about dime drawing and numbers, fuck off and watch Stardom. They have way higher attendances and sales.
Chinny melty
I already watch stardom tho
facts those guys dont actually watch tjpw anyways
I watch both tho
based. graphfags get out.
Miyufag seething itt
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miyu had a whole career ahead of her
ruined by you FUCKIN NERDS
>pom fans
>miyu fans
>stardom fans
>graph fans
this might be the first time we have had 4 groups melting down on the same day
Unrelated to teej but, I think I read somewhere that the, just okay, Simpsons movie included every character in the history of the show up until then. Does that nerd walking by appear in the movie? or is it just characters with speaking parts that were included?
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God I wish I was in her class
Working up the courage to hold hands with Haru at the school festival.
A size that will excite even adults. I want to swing around that huge sword.
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this weeks show is
no it isn't
did you check?
then check
miyufags btfo
not even 50 posts in and we're experiencing an unprecedented convergence of melties
well it is
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big dimes Haru drawing the house
let's give someone who sold 1 towel and 2 stands the op image
If the OP image was the actual biggest draw in the company most of you would have a continuous nonstop melty about it.
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Predictions form for 12.21
Yeah there are spergs who seethe about Arai constantly
Nobody except Musaofag is seething about Arai OPs
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Mhm. Sure thing.
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I have a sock fetish.
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I have an armpit fetish
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Heres my prediction.
>pic unrelated
Let me know when Arai starts pulling in five figures USD a month from photoshoots alone.
itohschizo melty incoming
kek those dumbasses thought you were talking about arai. they arent smart.
>doesn't know what "draw" means
You should have always been a Rika fan, instead of having no taste.

I love her and Pom.
Well according to you guys it's whoever sells the most towels and chekis, don't blame me for your dumbassery.
Many are saying this.
Miyu is an anti draw any way you slice it, because she's a botchy shitter and doesn't sell merch or draw fans.
Anyone want to goon to the players with me over discord?
what set off the arai fan?
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Maki being objectively bigger dimes by several orders of magnitude.
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>makes the schizo seethe
The real idols always make the itohfag seethe. Happened with Hikari even.
as expected
so you don't know
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lots of autistic melties tonight
>pom fans
>miyu fans
>stardom fans
>graph fans
>itoh fans
>arai fans
Itoh arguably being the most popular friendly girl is like being the coolest juggler. The best of an unimpressive group.
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>itoh fans

it's just one schizo
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I look forward to seeing the confidence inspiring games of Shino Suzuki
if a few posts about something is enough to be considered a meltdown then literally every group of fans are melting down 24/7
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a couple days ago, we were saying this was the chillest general
now we've got multiple autists having a melty
Really rattled some cages tonight
'bubblin and 'boilin, some might say.
and coincidentally there was a stardrone shill last thread
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arisu love
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Good thing you aren't the for real booker man.
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God she is amazing.
Offer still available
I miss her original gear, it was some of the best gear around.
maybe try the server, blue
nah it was all me samefagging lol get worked and fuck these gay threads you faggots simp over women so much you end up becoming as gay and emotional as them
Nothing ever happens to us Torippi fans
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Do you guys like when the players use that shiny material in their gear like Misao does?
Yeah, it's dimes.
hmmm only if its used sparingly throughout the costume. i do like the side pants opening she started to use.
I am shoot in LOVE with Pom's sister
Many are saying this.
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ご乗車ください !
La Hermana del Rica (prohibido y secreta)
reminds me of glitter
Yes. It even made Miyu look a little bit cool when she debuted the sparkly pink gear for her US excursion.

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