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HO HO HOJO Edition

(Christmas time with the Captain but no news since since we /arrrr/ the fastest growing general on /pw/ today. As always, 'ri remains CUTE and SEXO as the Christmas spirit remains strong on /arrrr/)

Previous: >>16508358

Kairi brings the Christmas spirit to weary travelers:

Kairi sings the anti-blues:

Theme of Kairi's Krew:

Kairi is cute
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Kairi is really selling that injury angle. She hasn't tweeted or even retweeted any fan art on X. Iyo better get some payback!
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I love me dem jap bitches
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God was seriously COOKING when he made Japanese women
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Yea what the heck... I can't handle this Kairi information blackout for much longer.
she commented on fat fuck nia's head injury on instagram
What did she say?
it was just like emoji hearts or something
Is Nia shoot hurt? She honestly deserves it for what she did to the Captain.
nah, the fat retard just busted herself open during a spot where she was hit into the ring post and then posted the busted open pic on instagram. didn't she concuss Kairi? it's more akin to lyra busting IYO's nose or IYO busting Liv's nose, than it is to nia hurting kairi for becko or bayree
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wait it wasn't even that. instagram is retarded and told me today that Kairi replied with heart emojis a week ago to a fat fuck nia pic from a week go of the fat ass trying to thirst trap
I knew 'ri wouldn't expose the business
>hurt hand
>can't send emojis
She has tiny hands pls understando she needs both hands to text
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Very hot player
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Kairi and Nia are friends, accidents happen, it's just part of the business
She bumps like hell for Nia Snax
nia snax is the rock's cousin. you have to pretend to like her and do her tiktoks or you get black listed.
battle cow didn't like ronda rousy so the rock had that drew galack guy finger her back stage
>rock's cousin
That sucks because she is fucking awful. I couldn't figure out why they brought her back but now it all makes sense.
IYO that isn't how women sit
Everyone is saying this
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Very cool shirt
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You just know she had to ask Asuka what she should say. Kairi only cares about designer clothing, sailboats and dogs.
its so weird to see IYO being the one dancing instead of the other way around
Haitch wants Iyo to be his "serious" joshi. Asuka and Kairi get to have all the fun.
Io was always more serious than Kairi
'ri went on a date with Pirate Paul?
pretty sure that's a worker at disney
Not the first time this has been said
'luv 'ri, simple as.
Everyone keeps saying this
his obsession with kairi is way creepier considering he is now married to mia yim
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Be forewarned, As Well as Being a Captain,
Kairi is an Apprentice Wizard of Mine.
Yea this motherfucka needs to stay the hell away from the captain.
>married to mia yim
He's dating her sister which is silly since he is very obviously a gay man.
I think Big E likes Asian girls. A lot
sophisticated sexo
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Kairi and Damage Control are called in and told that they are going to be the stars in a Christmas movie. What's the plot going to be like?
Only Kairi and Iyo can save Christmas and the only way is for them to have sex with each other while Dakota stands in the corner diddling herself
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Kairi and Iyo want to go visit their friend Kota in New Zealand for Christmas but when they arrive she's been transformed into a snow woman by an evil birdwitch named Lyra. They travel to the north pole to find Asuka Claus who is rehabbing from a torn ACL she suffered sliding down a dirty chimney. They use the magical power of CUTE and SEXO to defeat the evil birdwitch and save Kota before she melts. They then help Asuka Claus deliver presents as the credits roll.
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Why do they call him big e when he has the small pp?
As a guest role, Tiffy joins them on their quest to save Dakota.
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'Ri pits or feet?
Why not both? I do like women with some nice pitties though.
Kairi and IYO were just in nyc and will be going back soon. a woman just got lit on fire on the subway. I am worried for them
>a woman just got lit on fire on the subway
What the fuck
its in the news, a woman got lit on fire to death. Is kairi scheduled for the house show or just IYO?
*cums inside kairi sane*
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>Why not both?
True. The question was irrelevant anyway. Just needed an excuse to post some rare Kairis
are you sure?
why did this get deleted?
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Does he live in Florida or Japan?
Who looks after him when Kairi is away?
Will he be spending Christmas with Kairi?
Why doesn't Kairi post more Cheese?
Maybe Cheese gets to hang out with Xia and her mini-schnauzers while Kairi is on the road.
the fireguy was latinx. IYO and Kairi will just wear stinky clothes to avoid him like they did in mexico
kairi on the hunt for a bbc in nyc
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None of the wrestlers would be caught dead riding the dirty ass subway.
Xia is dangerously SEXO but she is also Chinese. You always have to be on alert for sneakyness but she does have a White bf and I doubt he would let her eat Cheese.
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no news or social media posts from Kairi for 6 days...I can't take this
she is celebrating jesus's birth
As well she should be, but it would only take a moment to let us know that she is okay.
she is celebrating santa's birth
She's working an angle brother
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hmmm...I guess she wouldn't be doing a lot of typing with a sore hand so I approve of her commitment to kayfabe...and I know I sound like an entitled little bitch here... but I am feeling neglected. I want more Kairi content now. It's Christmas and we deserve nice things!
Wearing it like a Naruto headband
I bet she puts out a Merry Christmas tweet. She does it every single year.
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The Mona Lisa of contemporary art
I have a theory, or maybe just wild speculation, but what if Kairi's injury angle was done because, in kayfabe, it keeps her away from WWE so she can do something with Marigold for their New Years week shows. PFC attacked Iyo in the summer so she could do her match with Utami before the company toured there a couple of weeks later.
Surely Hunter wants all hands on deck for the Netflix launch and rumble build up. It'd suck if Kairi wasn't there for the Jan 6 show because she was off fighting for Marigold.
I guess anything is possible, and technically it would be possible to do January 3rd, then fly back for January 6th, but at the same time I think we're all searching for scenarios where she isn't injured, so in that case I hope you're right
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Very cool
wouldn't they have announced that?
isnt nakamora doing something in japan? also odds are Kairi isn't doing shit on the jan 6 show
0% chance any WWE players are having a match for the Marigold show or it would have already been announced
at best they'll show up as guests
The next live Raw is 12/30. So she can be off of that and then get back for the 1/6 debut on Netflix, so she can probably squeeze that in.
>wouldn't they have announced that?
They could have her pop up as a surprise and set up a match on a card somewhere down the line. Maybe that can help future tickets sales by giving people a FOMO regret for not going to the New Years week show.
Shops or rares? I’ve never seen these.

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