>I'd be having a happier birthday if Bret Hart hadn't kicked me in the head and given me a concussion.
>>16533000Damn Bret kicked himself in the head?
>>16533000how did he kick himself in the head?
>>16533000Did the doctors remove his brain and put it back in like Shitbata?
>>16533000Bitter old fart
>>16534052We don't post what our flatulence tastes like here.
>>16533000>tfw you make this ai image and post to 4chins only to fuck up your meme
>>16533000I wish Goldberg had shoot killed this faggot. How can one man be so whiny for so many years?
>>16533000Bret Hart has such a dry sense of humor I guarantee he only brings up Goldberg to pop himself at this point.Bill said himself that they buried the hatchet years ago, but he still gets worked by it when Bret brings it up lol.
>>16533004>>16533005The joke is that he's still befuddled by the concussion so he gets Goldberg and himself confused Jesus Christ are you guys concussed or something?
>>16534102>have to explain the jokeKWAB