aew fans got worked by absolutely nothing
>>16551253kek what a pissant company
>>16551253kek it is!
>>16551253AEWbros... our response?
>>16551253We call that getting aborted
>>16551253>>16551262>>16551276>>16551280>>16551284>>16551318>>16551321all bitchtits
why is it the same people making these threads
hogcord status: squealin'
all it took was a filed trademark and suddenly the aewtists were talking about getting on network tv. I almost feel sorry for them….almost lmao
>>16551467>I almost feel sorry for them….almost lmaoyou keep laughing till tko destroys wwe
>>16551253did aewtists really make fanfic graphics for a show that never even existed and got cancelled before it ever even aired?
>>16552033wow that's really pathetic. why would they do that?
>>16551566Two more weeks
>>16552052aew has been getting it's shit pushed in by WWE for over a year now, and dorks like rovert are so desperate for a win that they're headcanoning successes for a billionaire's retarded son (aka Tony Khan) so they can feel better about their sad lives. they should be studied by a team of psychologists fr
>>16552112no lies detected
Tony and the AEWtists literally self-owned themselves by fantasy booking a show over a trademark.>And then FOX gave Tony 50 billion dollars and replaced Smackdown with Shockwave! And everyone clapped!
>>16551253I think the dirtsheet fags were wrong the whole time. There was never an agreement. I doubt there was ever a meeting.
>>16552161it's one of the saddest things I've ever seen>>16552187Tony probably told them that it was going to happen
>>16551253Didn't WWF in the late 90splan to do some Lucha show called Super Astros, did that ever make it on air? Now thinking of it, I thought I heard Bischoff thought of doing a Lucha show a few years before too
>>16552205I think Tony was trying to capitalize on Smackdown leaving FOX to turn it into some AEW gotcha but it completely blew up in his face. What makes it more embarrassing is the people on here who insisted that FOX would replace WWE with an AEW show.
its coming Q1 2025.
>>16552272but enough about my dick in your mom
>>16552272Maybe in TruTV
Shockwave is Tony's Shockmaster moment
>>16552260for sure he was on the phone to Dave and SRS right away saying he was going to go after the prime time slot on Fox. I'm sure he called them and then got laughed right off of the phone
>>16552323>Tony uses his burner to throw out speculation that they're doing a documentary on him because Shockwave is happening on FOX.
>>16552366>Tony Khan documentarywasn't he in it for like five minutes
>>16552386it wasn't even that long
>>16552235I dunno grampa but I know that based Lachlan doesn't want aew slopwave on his TV network
>>16551253No, All Wheels Wrestling was.
absolutely hilarious
>>16551253wait then who made the OP pic?
>>16551253The WCW show that was supposed to be on TNN after WWF bought it.>>16552235Super Astros did air for about a year.
How can a show be cancelled when it was nothing more than a trademark?
>>16554425based Lachlan pre-canceled it
>>16555500what a fuckin chad
>>16551253It's a pity because Shockwave was going to shock the world
>>16555711by getting negative viewers?
>>16555711Esoteric and metaphorical
>>16551372we had to suffer through months of these faggots and their delusional fake show shilling, they can deal with a few troll threads making fun of them for being dumb niggers
>>16555995Noh that's not how math works: Shockwave had zero viewers.
>>16555711shock the world with how gay it was going to be
>>16556057yeah but I stopped watching Fox when I heard that they might air aew so that counts as -1 viewer for slopwave
>b-but muh slopdown!
>>16556350slopwave couldn't even get one 0 rating kek pathetic
>>16551253Pretty much
>>16559375yikes on bikes
Aewtards really made a logo for a show that got preemptively cancelled kek
>>16552205Tony tells them a shitload of things that turn out to be wrong.
>>16551332Don't mind Rovert. He is not used to the concept of multiple people replying because he only replies to himself.
>>16551253Probably replaced with a ROH show
>>16551253No NWA on CW got canceled before it's premiere after Samhain 1
Remember when Swerve was talking about being on Fox?Is this Tony telling his world champion this or is he legit getting his news from Twitter marks?And which option is worse?
>>16556350Ok, that's pretty reasonable, Shockwave had less than 0 viewers
Was Slopwave really cancelled like Roverts legs?
>>16560610Swerve the Channel got Lachlan to swerve the dealy away from Fox.
>>16552292No this is
>>16551253Fraid so my friend