I'm better than you
>>16565342Thread hidden
>>16565342Lot of people isIs not the point
>>16565342love this player
>>16565342I bet I could beat her in a fistfight
>>16565342At getting blacked
>>16565342Love Ram
>>16565342she sucks at wrestling
>>16567930lmao do you think we watch Ram for her five star bangerinos
>>16567930She sucks alright
>>16567930>he watches women’s wrestling for wrestling Holy fucking faggot
>>16565342Thats a pretty fucking low bar anon. I live at my ex gfs dads house and work at walmart, so yeah go on a be better than me. Just dont rub it in ok.
>>16568122You sound like an honest, hard-working young man to me that would be cool to have a beer with, that makes you better than 99% of the anons here.
>>16565342Whats her height
>>165681704'9 I think
>>16565342I demand a pet Ram
>>16568266She looks mid-bulk there. Very sexy.
>>16568103Or... maybe he enjoys fun wrestling? Joshi promotions have the most consistently watchable shows... what the rookies lack in talent they usually make up for in charm and it's always fun watching them actually get good (and a lot of them do)
>>16568722love this 3’7 player
>>16565342yes ramu I know you are ramu you're my goddess I'll do anything for you I'm your slave