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>MARIGOLD Winter Wonderful Fight

12/31 Ice Ribbon RibbonMania 2024 (11:30am JST)
>Grizzly Fujitaki, Mayuka Koike, & Nanae Furukawa vs Mifu Ashida, Yuu Hanaya, & Minami Yuuki

12/31 Shinjuku FACE (Live @ 10:00pm JST)
>Marigold Year End Awards
>Marigold Rookie of the Year Tournament (Ryoko Sakimura, Naho Yamada, Minami Yuuki, Komomo Minami, Nagisa Tachibana)
>Marigold Rumble

1/3 MARIGOLD First Dream @ Ota City General Gymnasium (PPV @ 2:30pm JST)
>Marigold World Title Match: Sareee (c) vs Utami Hayashishita
>United National Title Match: Miku Aono (c) vs Mai Sakurai
>GHC Women's Championship Match: Kouki Amarei (c) vs Chika Goto
>Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa vs Meiko Satomura & YUNA
>TwinStar Title Match: CHIAKI & Nagisa Nozaki (c) vs Bozilla & TANK
>SuperFly Title Match: Natsumi Showzuki (c) vs Victoria Yuzuki
>Seri Yamaoka Debut Match: Seri Yamaoka vs MIRAI
>New Year Dream Rumble (Misa Matsui, Kizuna Tanaka, Hummingbird, Rea Seto, Komomo Minami, Minami Yuuki, Naho Yamada, Ryoko Sakimura, Nagisa Tachibana, Hamuko Hoshi, Yuki Mashiro, Riara, Momoka Hanazono, Nightshade, Flying Penguin)

>MARIGOLD New Years Golden Garden 2025
1/11 Osaka 176Box (1:00pm JST)
1/12 Kyoto KBS Hall (1:00pm JST)
1/13 Chunichi Hall (2:00pm JST)
1/19 Korakuen (Live @ 11:30am JST)
1/25 Yokohama Radiant Hall (Live @ 1:00pm JST)
1/26 Shinkiba 1st Ring (Live @ 12:00pm JST)


Watch on Wrestle Universe (¥1,298 per month)

>Entrance music

Previous >>16561018
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let's see Tank's nipples
Guess he isn't saving the ace jersey for Mayu
i don't vote but that's my president
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two White women
Holy visuals
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>that's a stupid name penguins can't even fl...
Dead thread
Dead fed
handsome fella
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Kouki just needs some attitude. An edge of some sort.
that lady really wants Komomo to fuck her
Komomo pheromones are irresistible to women. Except for the ones with peach allergies
What happened to her neck?
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Utami gave her a massive hickey
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awkward sex with Komomo
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after all you can't spell "pizza" without "peach"
komomo fucked up her coleslaw
still remember when Rossy posted that and the big pop in the thread when everybody realized who it was
butterfly neck tattoo like cody has
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>The reason I’m in Marigold along with so many critical people who built Arsion, Stardom and other companies that made joshi strong is because of the classic essence of the Showa Era.

>Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend.
QRD on what the fuck is happening in this image
Thriving thread
Thriving fed
Charm point
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Any webms of these players dancing?
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reminder that this was right after Myla found out her grandpa died
Show must go on
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some woman really likes Komomo
it started out normally but got weird
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she looks older. this is pretty crazy
Tachibana's new X account, she claims it's temporary until the regular one comes back
Every follower is suddenly on a government list
pretty sure everyone is at this point
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Why is "Myla Grace" tagged when she's clearly talking about Mylar?
did they?
Shinnopu is used to being in that kneeling position in front of Seri. It's part of training, nothing untoward.
So that's why they celebrated the Christmas together
they are just friends.
Real quick question what does the 2008 mean in shinno players bio
you know what it means
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almost forgot, she did the same thing with Yuzuki
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Full support for the marigold lesbian auntie paying for physical contact with the players
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No one seems to remember The Tach getting Giulias seal of approval
not sure why she's covering her face in those pics when she's revealed it plenty of times on her account anyway
She doesn't want to outshine the players
I want to fuck this player
body count
cute thai boy
nah you are
many people are saying this
>Kouki just needs some attitude. An edge of some sort.
She's getting it. She's creeping up on Gochika desu who has an insane amount of personality but is getting irksome because she keeps fucking up that giant swing.
>reminder that this was right after Myla found out her grandpa died
And she's irish so that was probs her uncle too
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Myra player was very popular
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kiitan skirt
2 visual players
are those like the Tower Records photos, but what are the outfits, Ezigen protein specialists?
Rea's new gear is sexo

Noselli put more effort into this match than her entire Marigold run. I hope Rossy is paying her minimum wage
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>"Taro Okada had recently attempted to get a deal to sell (STARDOM) apron photos through EZIGEN, but they went with Rossy Ogawa’s Marigold group instead." - WON
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>Komotan's injury seems to be bad so she's taking a break. It's unfortunate, but please take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. I'll be waiting even if it takes a long time!
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they aren't "aprons" at the Ezigen store, they're called "protein catchers"
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Seri observes her kingdom.
I can’t tell if half the people who hate marigold hate it because it isn’t stardom or because they have some type of grudge against Rossy.
They wish they were the ones grooming young wrestlers like Seri and Shinno.
We must see the lesbian auntie oshikatsu face.
i think for most it's because the wrestling is really bad
>(Sakurai said that she would show the strength of a woman who crawled out of the rock bottom she experienced in the match to launch Marigold.) I don't know what rock bottom she experienced. (At the Marigold launch match on
May 20th, where she was excited, Sakurai was unable to play the match she wanted and was crying tears of frustration.) ...Does that mean the match didn't go well?

Damn Miku throwing Mai Sakurai under the bus for having a shitty match at the launch and then crying
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miku's hook nose
>Bozilla, you went to a Stardom show?
>Yes Mai, have you been to one before?
>Yes, a few
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Name my band
The girls all looked really cute at the fan event yesterday. I hope Sonny gets the video up soon so I can enjoy it. Mai sang a song which I heard was very well done. I love Marigolds and their fan-friendly environment.
Three Dykes and an Ogre.
[Beatles font] The Trannies
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i want a gochika wife
The 100 floor seats at Ota Ward aren't even close to selling out. Should Rossy cancel at this point?
after all, Yuzuki is a pika pika player
The Molested
NORI's dimeless shorts
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NORI needs a Tachibana makeover
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A lot are just bitter AEW trannies that hate Rossy because he wouldn't work with them
Utami and Sareeeeee will have a better match than Tam vs Unagi though, and that's all that matters
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Megaphone Girl = Mega Fun
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Pretty and Pure
It's undeniable now, Kouki and Utami are dykes.
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Seribros... I think /ourgirl/ might have a girlfriend.
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this photo pops me kek
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Why is the Marigold logo on these photos that pinkish color that the Stardom logo has instead of being marigold colored?
When Seri and Shinno come out as joshi's newest lesbian couple (with non-binary Kouki as the occasional third party), the Marigold haters will be in shambles as they're forced to admit the progressive credentials of Rossy 'feminist hero' Ogawa's fed
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[BREAKING] Rossy Ogawa is off the wagon
Rossy should just go to a 1-2 events per month schedule and have bbqs and meet n greets every week. Those seem to draw better.
An adult and a minor in a lesbian relationship. The twitter trannies would love that!
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You can't call yourself a "real man" if you don't have a shrine dedicated to Komomo.
i shall not miss myla grace
I will miss her.
naho yamada looks like the girl who won survivor 47
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>naho yamada looks like a girl who needs some below average white penis.
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I'm quite afraid that our players could see Omos-san. I wouldn't want them to get any funny ideas, let's hope that Rossy-san is aware of the potential problem.
Gochika looks like a girl who needs some below average white penis.
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Megaphone Girl sings before the match for the same reason Goku wears weighted clothing.
Three handsome players
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Just imagine blowing a thick yellow smelly load on that face
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Minami Komomo must reveal the secret of the gloves at once
komomo is a realistic protagonist in a promotion full of over the top characters
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Marigold's own Shohei Ohtani announced he knocked up his wife
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komomo wrote the note that was hidden inside myla's bag
Komomo has pretty good English writing
Seri needs to do jav ASAP
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Myla's hotness is really slept on desu, though I guess not too many people know the girls in Marigold comparatively to most stuff here
I like when Rea does the hand thing desu
Future tag partners
I don't find Myla hot per se, but she's really, really pretty
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who was in the wrong here?
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komomo's previous artwork
>Although her date of birth is unknown, she is from Breda, Netherlands, and played handball from the age of 6 to 29, then switched to bodybuilding. She gained a strong physique. She began training at Pro Wrestling Holland (PWH) in 2022 and made her debut early the following year. Her special moves are the spear, deadlift powerbomb, fallaway slam, and sidewalk slam, and she has also held the women's championship in the organization.
I didn't realize Tank was already in her 30's
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This is called "the iggy" and the best of the best do it.
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I want to gently feed MIRAI sweets while we frolic at the picnic grounds.
Cute shy player that can't outwardly express her feelings
Komomo is too shy to ask me out, that's why she hasn't done it yet.
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she's come a long way
I will give that to her Wrestlemania week.
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MIRAI's boyfriend
He’s not her bf he’s just a very Soulful Soldier!!!
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what a menace
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stfu uncle
Nao wasn't at the year end party. Did Yuzuki get her sick? Is there a covid-19 roster outbreak right before the Ota Ward show? Is Nao leaving?
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gently cupping MIRAI's breasts with my skeletal hands
Is Nao the passion player
Nao does her own thing
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Rossy made the meet and greet at Korakuen no contact because the flu is spreading in Japan and then holds a karaoke contest fan event. Very sharp.
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The power of good vibes will suppress the flu.
why the FUCK did komomo have to get injured right before she was booked to win the roty tournament

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