I don't like going backstage and seeing the boys play video games, brother. This business is supposed to be a competitive environment.
>>16575436Videogames don’t bite you demented boomer
>>16575436Inoki and Hogan would be proud
You should post the tag team involving Inoki that actually drew dimes (in which Inoki was the Jannetty)
>>16575436Vidya is a competitive business, dude.
>>16575436Inoki and Hogan played the Atari backstage.
>>16575436They should be doing roids and cocaine brother
>>16575436> This business is supposed to be a competitive environment.You haven’t seen The New Day competing in Street Fighter? Lotta footage on YouTube.
>>16576675No, they drank sakè and fucked maikos.
>>16575436I don't know man, Patrick Mahomes plays video games and I'd say he's a bit more successful in competition than those boomer showmen ever were and makes a hell of a lot more money than they ever did
>>16576707No, they played Atari and drank sakè and fucked maikos.
>>16576711Pro wrestling, Antonio INOGAY and Hulk "Raisin' My Black Stepson" Hogan BTFO
I remember Alberto Del Rio said he was surprised the young guys play video games and chill after a show instead of going to a bar/strip club
>>16575436What does playing games have to do with competitiveness of the business?
>>16575436Many are saying that
>>16575436>Let’s do degenerate shit like swinging, drinking and drugs and potentially threatening our career’s and lives’ longevity to impress retarded has-beens Fuck boomers
>>16578469Modern wrestlers have shorter shelf life than old wrestlers because of the mark shit they do in the ring.
>>16578849Cry me a river, boomertits
>>16575436Video games aren’t the problem, the problem is the soi-filled nu-wrestlers who play them.
>>16580032Only soi-filled nu-wrestlers play video games
>>16579305We don't sign our posts here.