Tony Khan comments on WWE having a live event in Orlando on the same night as AEW Worlds End."It’s great for the city of Orlando with two major pro wrestling events happening on the same night. There were thousands and thousands of fans at both shows. We had a capacity crowd here. It was so great being here at UCF. This arena has been a tremendous host, and for us and the community, it was great to have such amazing support from the fans. It shows how strong worldwide pro wrestling, particularly here in the United States, is to have in one major American city with two promotions running head-to-head on the same night, to have two great crowds. I know our fans here were awesome, and it was a great show tonight, thanks to the Orlando fans. They were tremendous."(AEW Worlds End scrum)
>>16586670wwe will never cure your virginity
>>16586685I forgot what he was responding to here lol
>>16586670>>16586685I love how fake this stupid fucking retard is lmao2nd clip was when he was acting all tough and thought he was cool, now he's doing his fake "Nice guy who just LOVES wrestling' to try and be a face again cause everyone thinks he's a fucking idiot now
>>16586705It was about wwe running a show on the same day hence the post
>two major wrestling eventslolAt least he's honest admitting a WWE house show is equal to a AEW PPV.
>>16586670Isn't WWE's house show loop planned like a year in advance? This was probably just a coincidence. If WWE was truly trying to counter program against an AEW PPV, they wouldn't be putting on a fucking house show full of midcarders that can't get TV time.