NXTchads are literally unable to take a fucking loss.
NXT lost so bad that this guy got kicked out if his own house lmao
>>16591857>>16591956Pigcrip is bumping his own thread because NXT beat Dynamite by 200k last week.
>>16591857My ex was a bitch and I wasn't feeling it. Not everyone is scared of a divorce.
>>16591857This how you know they never made any effort for anything in their lives
>>16591857Kinda lot of spite from someone who burdens the Irish healthcare system and can't find a Sheila that isn't disgusted with them
>>16591956WHO’S HOUSE?!
>>16591857lol NXT fans really are all boomers
>>16592153Austin 3:16 says you took the gibs
>>16591857>white, successful neat man clearly with a lot of moneyNo wonder the trannies are seething about this for some reason lol
If your 49 an you get divorced your life is pretty much over that's very very grim
>>16592193>a lot of money>rentingGED time, lad