ITT Guys who are considered legendary, yet nobody knows why
>>16619644iron sheik. became a meme later & you'd think he was a massive star from the 80s the way he's talked about but he didn't actually do much in his career apart from transition the belt from backlund to hogan.
>>16619677Yeah he's basically reverse Hillbilly Jim and Paul Orndorff.
>>16619677Sheik was like a real shooter and a legit sizeable Olympic wrestler who played the middle eastern villain without a fault when campaigning to invade Iraq was at it's hottest. Like he could wrestle circles around almost everyone at the time and other eras but the whole point at the time was ' big cartoonish man is evil' and he was one of the best at that too
>>16619644maybe unfairly but jerry Lawler. All of his best stuff was in memphis and no one saw that shit. More people just remember him as the puppies guy.