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The Grim Tony Khan Effect
didnt realize it was Tony's job to book NJPW
that’s…the main event?
what do nujapbros think of this? wouldn’t this be a midcard match not even like a year ago?
NOAH drew 5k for their biggest show of the year despite having a WWE champion on their show

I guess that's ice cold and the Paul Leveque effect
Why don’t they just lie about attendance like aew, wwe and wrestletix?
Okada vs Tanahashi at WK10 drew a 25k crowd. WK19 had a gaijin and an unproven guy in the main event. This is unironically a pretty good number.
>24000 is bad actually
That was NOAH's biggest show? grim
Wouldn't have hit 20k without Tony's help ya stupid cunt. Don't forget that this year you have more gaijins in attendance than ever before, thanks to Tony and Wrestle Dynasty. It's your precious JaPOOnese that aren't turning up. That's on your precious Nujapoo. Not Tony's fault. Not AEW's fault. Real men own up to their faults. Bitches like Nuja(You) constantly blame others.
>Drones and troons are now using puro companies as proxies for their console wars
Wish we had our own board away from the western slops.
Good. Japan needs more gaijen to replace their dwindling Puroresu fanbase
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NujapBRO here
I think Tony really saved Nujapan
I am really thankful to Tony and I feel confident for our future with the AEW partnership stronger than ever
Many are saying that
You seem to have upset them.
Japanese people still have a desire for honor. Their culture was built on it.
war board newbitch
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Move to /jp/
>Over 24k
Inoki would be proud. Fuck you, OPig.
Trevor having a melty
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stop posting the pepe you stole from me yesterday
i get that you really like it but this rare pepe was mine and you just stole it without my permission
fuck this i will never share another rare pepe on this board ever again
I stole it from here this summer actually.
Was it their honor that helped them rape 1000’s of people in world war 2 and commit genocide? Very interesting if true,
Bushiroad slurpers
None of that happened, Chang/Kim.
Imagine what a NXT x NJPW partnership would have drawn instead, with WWE stars to draw the house. Maybe could have been their biggest Wrestle Kingdom gate AND attendance ever. I guess we'll never know. Nice one-sided partnership you got the NuJapan. Got any new names ready to be picked away from you? They'll give you Cope, Seethe, and Dilate for 1 show in exchange.
Never heard that one before, are you going to talk about Junko Furuta next you demented freak?
Umino is a flop.
They put bitch boy Shooter in the main event, it's a miracle it did that well
I’m not the one talking about having honor.
Filthy Gaijin Zack dragged Umino down and it's a fact.
This nigga thinks Tricky Whoop and Joshetty Bridge would draw more in Japan than Kenny Omega. Lol, lmao even.
Rampage was canceled lol
lie all you want
i have even better truth nuke pepes anyways
Who? If you're going to be that way at least be more clever in your fake names.
Guaranteed they would have gotten the biggest names for their show.
Omos unironically would draw more than Omega
Exactly lmao
Nice self-own ya NXTranny
Okay we all laughed at ya
You can leave our thread now
NJPW have had their main event scene absolutely gutted these last few years. The fact that this ended up closing their WrestleMania this year is a testament to that.

They're doing the right thing in trying to get new talent ready to be elevated to the main event scene, but I think there is a fear that if talent get too over, Tony might start to get interested in cutting a check.
The problem is that they need to build new stars that the audience feels compelled to get invested in, but if they succeed in doing so and then the talent gets a big money contract with AEW, NJPW just end up burning their audience and make them more apprehensive about getting invested in future talent.
You will never be Japanese
Jan 4 falls on a Saturday this year, attendance was supposed to skyrocket. All the Nu Jamals coping saying that it even drew that well are fucking seething KWABs and therefore frontrunner for KWABOTY
It's because they included a womeme match
NuJamal fans don't tune in to see womeme matches and it hurt them
Fuck, I refuse to even watch
weeb website you stupid fucking newfag
go the fuck back to plebbit
absolutely ding-dong diddley worked
I hate jap wrestling, so hopefully the numbers keep going down
Unironically they should have consolidated the Dynasty card in to this event and run a 1 dayer. They don't have the guys for multiple days.

Kenny/Kidd would have guaranteed another couple thousand.
I don't give a fuck, you should throw yourself in a woodchipper you faggot
>guys moved up the card
You seem new to this concept. Are you a NOAH fan? The Budokan show mustve shocked you too
Why are people laughing at this? Outside of Mania, Summerslam, Elimination Chamber, The Rumble and whatever other stadium shows they may announce this will be the the 5th or 6th largest attended wrestling event this year. Easily surpassing All Tarps in Texas
the kenny omega effect
they had SANADA's jobber ass in the main event last year too, NJPW is grim anymore
>24k dome show
>Without Okada, White, Ospreay
>Barely 3k in some backwater convention center.
>WITH Okada, White, and Ospreay
nice try jamal but we did 81k at wembley
we made history
Ah, so that's why it's in Texas this year.
Makes sense.
we need /jpw/
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it's true wwe can't draw flies to shit in japan. nakamura flopped
Rossy lies about attendance
Everyone does to some degree, the indies like Marigold and BJW are where the most flagrant liars are
He says, going through every post in the thread to mass reply with his actual melty
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Give me /puro/ or give me death
He has killed Japan similar to his Vince killed the territories.
Imagine making fun of 25k when AEWs biggest event this year is 7k tickets sold kek
AEW had the biggest wrestling show of all time though
NJPW should have done over 30k this year but it went down instead
>over 30k with Zack and Umino
>when they're doing another show the next night, 2 to last year's single show
You are completely retarded

The combined attendance of WK and Dynasty will absolutely be more than 30k
>ZSJ vs. Shota Umino should've drawn as much as Keiji Mutoh's retirement show at the Tokyo Dome
>completely ignoring the second show happening tonight
>24107 for a stadium
NOAH stagnated from last year, New Japan dropped down.
if you ignore the fact that they're doing 2 nights instead of 1 sure
/asp/ was a consolewar board between nujamals and edrones
Main event had Zack Sabre no shit
Curious that all of the console warring between New Jachad and the E was almost 90% propagated by the wrestlers who either started or eventually jumped ship to AEW.
Precisely. I gave you a perfect opportunity to come up with something more clever but all you know how to do is shit on the sidewalk
The NuJapanlets turned into AEWtists
The yen is in the shitter and people are broke
All the main-eventers were either poached or are too old now.
You cried alone for over 10 hours about some anon bullying you and then decided to necro-bump a dead thread to get the last laugh? Holy cringeola.
It took you 5 hours to type up a response? That is grim. Don't cut yourself anon.
Holy kek, you're absolutely seething. You NXTrannies are pathetic lmao.
Try harder
We are still laughing at you
You and your reflection in your monitor?
Muto's retirement show also had 2 nights ya retard
Lmao this nigga went in the Wrestle Dynasty Gamethread to rile up the Nujachads >>16643583 and everyone STILL laughed at him. Holy kekarooooo this NXTranny absolutely malding over here.
>would draw more in Japan than Kenny Omega.
Given how grim the event currently ongoing is there's a shot
Holy kek. This is way too funny. He got bullied again.
Got any other posts you want to mention?
I just recently posted in this thread about Battlefield Earth if you want to go weep bitter tears over there as well.
I thought you got banned? How'd you roll your way around that one?
How's Ireland? Rainy?
Kek, you can shut the fuck up now. We all laughed at ya again.
>1 minute cooldown
Lmao. Seethe more. We need to laugh more at NXTrannies like ya.
Stand up and say that to my fa...
It was night time in India. Please understand.
That's why you're just waking up now?
Kek, so he is a seething e-jeet after all? Yikes.
Only subhumans like pajeets can seethe for over 12 hours over NXT lmao
Rovert having an all time melty ITT
Many such cases. Predictable!
Kek the jeet is talking to himself now
kek I knew I smelled a bitchtits melty when I entered this thread
Not good
Why does he do this every day? And more to the point, why does he think everyone is one person when the ENTIRE board roasts his fat autistic ass every fucking day?
Flab, you do realize that you actively simp for and jerk off to a company OWNED by jeets, right?
John Cena will save it soon
>Bitchy tits is STILL melting
Holy yikes, this is just sad.
He always does. He's been samefagging all night because AEW tanked new Japan's show and drew an AEW crowd(mostly empty seats) because AEW fucking sucks!
Will Bushiroad get a clue?

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