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who's that wrestler
Matt Riddle
Chad gable
Chad Gable after the initial heel turn
Jack Perry unironically. I saw potential but damned if he didn't piss it away
Will Ospreay
"big" Bron Breakker. After finding out from some people on here that he's really 5'9 the magic just feels gone. Hoping he has a bigger brother or cousin or something he can tag with, I might be able to still enjoy that.
Domfag seething.
he's the same height as cena and kurt angle
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I’m 5’8 here and I took picture with Bron
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I'll give you Kurt Angle because he is also 5'9.
all of them, all my picks are shit
That's very generous of you to try to keep kayfabe for a wrestler who let you take a pic with him, but it just doesn't work when he's supposed to be a monster powerhouse and can't even crack 6'0 while wearing lifts and high heeled Desantis boots.
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how is it possible to be this Asian?
I don't really like Dom either so not sure what's up with this nickname?
Sure thing Domfag. Whatever you say.
because I could see potential, the aura wasn't a meme, must see tv promos of that time delivered like a real pro.

but then let out a funny sound and shit started dripping down and it was just a whiny jersey jew making himself the victim on tv. The sound was the original kids throwing quarters story, and I was like 'why the fuck am I hearing right now? Who is this loser?"
And it just got more downhill with his booking, champ reign, Adam Cole turn and the Devil shit was but coffin nails and flower ornaments to the whole ordeal.
From 2009-2011 Sami Callihan was legit the best wrestler on the indies, still has the best CoD to date.
But the big one has to be Chris Hero, had the height, and the skill. In a better world he debuts with the shield and becomes the tribal chief, and it's actually good.
Honorable mention goes to Colt Cabana, was never a huge fan, but everyone in like 03-05 thought he had a higher ceiling than Punk cause he was taller and had a broader build.
Dragon Lee
Finn Balor.
Mox's death riders. I'm done with it
I'm the last Timothy "ratings poison" thatcher fan on earth
John Morrison
None. Either you are a star or you're not

Not because I think they’re bad or washed, but the booking has ruined them and in dragons case I’m not sure if he’ll be back as he was before.
Finn Balor in 2018
cmon bros, he gonna turn that corner any day now, r-right?
Baron Corbin
Rick Steiner is 5'9" too and was mega over. If they lift and are clearly athletic who gives a fuck as long as they aren't 5'4"
Von Wagner
I think I might finally give up on Escobar
Why have you given up on him?
Cedric Alexander and Humberto. Buddy and Darby.
Jay White
Moxley, for all that hype he got, he deminished AEW quite a but and exposed himself as a retard.
karrion kkkross
Hook. Maybe he can convince me otherwise at some point but right now its gone. All of his matches are the same
Grayson Waller. It was over the moment he had to tag team with Theory
Hornswoggle is like 4 feet and was mega over.
Nothing ever happens with him anymore.
Chad Gable. After he signed the mark contract they stopped doing anything interesting with him. There was no follow up to his Gunther match. I don't know who to blame, him for not politicking or Paul Levesque for being a bad booker
Riddle, Strowman, and Balor were all huge disappointments in the fed.

PAC, Cassidy, and Mox failed to live up to the hype in AEW.

Narita went from my favorite Young Lion to the least impressive in NJPW. I've never given up on Suzuki or Ishii but it's clear they will never win the top prize.

NOAH has a whole crop of wrestlers that are on thin ice. Kitamura, Kiyomiya, Kenoh, and Soya need consistent pushes soon... or else they'll never get there.

Shotaro Ashino has been my blue chipper since Wrestle-1, suffering the worst timed injury since Magnum TA is still a sore spot for me.
the rare case of a wrestler not being enough of a mark for themselves
None. I want all of them to fail.
Unironically, it's Ricochet.

I was the biggest Lucha Underground mark. Still am. I have a playlist on YouTube that I rewatch every year sometimes twice a year.
The whole concept of wrestling with a narrative is just awesome to me.

Of course it introduced me to Mil Muertes (my favorite character), Pentagon JR, Fenix, Draco, and of course Prince Puma.

I genuinely loved Puma/Ricochet.

I was unbelievably hyped for him to come to WWE. Sadly they didn't do much with him. And sadly AEW hasn't either.

He's had couple good matches in AEW against Brody King and Commander in the C2. But I expect more of him than he delivers.
Phil has been pretty lackluster with his Seth feud, he's better than that.
>gets into promos battles with cena H the rock and vince
>gets btfo by seth rollins
There were a lot of flippy marks hyping PAC up when he went to WWE, and they never stopped saying that he'd be the best thing ever if only WWE would take the leash off him. When he went to AEW there was a ton of online hype that he'd be a game changer. Between Covid and his DG commitments these hopes never materialized. I must admit I bought into the hype and was excited to see him...
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Easily Mr. Kennedy. Don't get me wrong, he showed signs of what could've been in TNA with Angle, but he was never the same. Two things about him that make me sad

1) he's been retconned as an internet darling type of wrestler when smarks hated him for being sloppy in the ring back then
2) he's the 1.0 of LA Knight, but in a less crowded era, had a higher ceiling, and it all went so spectacularly wrong

He was a good piece of that lost mid 2000s SmackDown era, had a forgotten great feud with Taker, took a brutal fucking chairshot. Had an Opie & Anthony thing going for him too, if we could do his career over again he's like the diet Austin they needed for the PG era but it never happens for him. It sucks.
gable who just had a main event against cody and kicked off an injury storyline?
>calling him "phil"
>getting worked by a scripted promo
kayfabe: alive and well
I don't think Ezekiel is ever gonna be world champ.sadly
I honestly thought Ricky Starks might go places but he became another twatter whiner.
Yeah..this is a sad one. Grug closing in on a full year of total obscurity
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>this meme again

Bron is 6 feet tall. The NFL combine takes the measurements of all prospects. Bron has a profile on NFL.com that is publicly available. It's one thing to claim that the NFL favorably rounded up by half an inch or so. But it's mentally ill to pretend that the NFL gave Bron an extra 4 inches! Why would they possibly do that? Makes zero sense. And you can find Bron listed at the same height by the NCAA for when he played for Kennesaw State too btw.

He’s Buddy Murphy sized. Stop.
Tell that to the NFL. Bron is officially listed at 6 feet. But wearing lifts is common in pro wrestling. HBK was well known for it. Even Undertaker wore lifts at points in his career. Hell, Kane wore some of the biggest lifts ever in wrestling. So we can't trust our eyes when it comes to size comparisons. But we can trust official measurements taken by legit sports leagues such as the NFL or, in the case of Brock, his stats from UFC.
He’s literally shorter than Seth Rollins and Seth is 6”1. Bron is 5”9-10
stop talking to that pedo
Seth Rollins wears lifts, just like his idol HBK. As I said, we can't trust our eyes for size comparisons. We can only go by official listings based on actual measurements, which are taken and publicly available by all real sports leagues.
Ok so seth is 6”0 then and Bron is 5”9
Sami Zayn. There have been so many times he's had tons of hype behind him and the potential to be pushed to the next level and be a true main eventer, and WWE just never follows through. He's already reached his peak.
desu I was hyped for Starks since his NWA run and I loved him more often than not in AEW. I saw tons of potential but he seemed to stop giving a fuck at some point despite a steady push. Maybe going to WWE will bring him back but I doubt at this point.
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Bron is 6'. That isn't up for debate. NFL and NCAA officially listed him at 6'. Here is his college profile:


As for Seth's real height, we actually can't know for certain unless someone finds a way to independently confirm.
> Miro
I fucking loved him since the Rusev days gimmick. He was absolutely great after he dropped the gamer gimmick in AEW. Was convinced we finally saw him at his best and I really wanted him to go have the run of his life and hang out in the title picture. Then he booked himself in another cuck angle and is currently MIA and I couldnt care less if he comes back or not.

> Lucha Brothers
Penta lost all his aura after LU and is basically just spamming his taunt to pop the crowd. I thought he’d go back to what worked in LU when he had that one segment with Cody but he got buried in that feud. Death Triangle also ran too long in my taste. On the contrary, Fenix felt fresh but he got stale in between his visa issues and injuries.
I'm the biggest BOliever there is and I'm happy he's getting paid but my guy traded in being a GOAT tier comedy talent enhancer to being a tribute act.
Good pulls. Penta was so amazing in Lucha Underground. I still don't know how TK fucked him up. I guess forcing him and Fenix into a trios with dimeless PAC played a big part. And as you said, Fenix kept disappearing for big chunks of their run.

And Rusev had such amazing potential until Vince decided all he was good for was to be fed to Super Cena. He crawls back into the spotlight yet again with Rusev Day and Vince literally cucks him. Miro seemed like an intriguing character with the religious gimmick but then he got cucked out again. What the fuck?
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Brian Pillman Jr., he excels at so many things but the MJF feud really exposed him for the dimeless shitter he really is. He just doesn't have "it".
I disagree with Pillman Jr. He's still learning. He's relatively young for a pro wrestler. He has shown potential and his momentum with MJF just was never followed up on. I don't think Pillman was ready for a huge push, but he shouldn't have been dumped to jobber status so quickly either. Shawn is going to give him a better chance, and I do think we will see him on the main roster in a year or two.
he just put out like 2 of the best matches in his career, but sure call him dimeless because he isn't throwing past-MJF levels of promos... 2 years ago.
Momo Watanabe
Red belt never ever
Jay White.
Keith Lee
Ding-ding-ding we have a fucking winner
Lars Sullivan :(
Joe Hendry
Ziggler and Pillman Jr
Notorious Mimi. I really thought she'd be signed by either AEW or Impact after being let go by WWE, or maybe go to Japan, but she isn't really done anything noteworthy since being released.
Turn on the monitor and that gun is stuck up ur bussy.
she is doing something noteworthy everyday by existing with fat naturals
Saw the thread, this is exactly what popped for me. I just don't get it. He's got the look, he's got the in-ring skill, he's got physical charisma, he's not TERRIBLE on the mic, but it all adds up to nothing. I just don't understand how.
>Fat girl has fat girl tits.
Shocking. I mean, it's better than being a fat girl without tits, but still not exactly impressive.
I think he still awesome and I hope he comes back some day to WWE. Morrison and Ziggler are my favorite wrestlers
He's faster and stronger than the 6'00 plus guys
Mike Awesome
I think the worse is that he proved in LU that he could be in the main event scene without any issue but it didnt click elsewhere for some reason. Has all the tools but nobody picked them.
Drago. But what ever happened to him? He was pretty good.
>>gets btfo by seth rollins
I unironically thought Rusev would main event WM (as a heel obvs).
Mr. Kennedy.
i think it's been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that miro cucked himself
It's like no one besides LU understood how to use that retard. Just mask him up, have him not talk at all, that's it. It just works.

For me, it's Brian Cage, though I still like him
He's like 50 and doesn't speak english
he appeared in AEW once or twice though
How did he go from getting an entrance on a fucking tank to having a gimmick of being le Reddit gamer? His cuck fetish drove him insane.
Get a life, Carter.
MJF after that dogshit world title run
Shinsuke Nakamura
get a goat, abdul
Anyone in WWE until the Bloodline angle ends (so forever).
Yeah the dick riders suck
It sucks but Mox is booking it and he clearly has an ending in sight that I still don't see and I'm hoping he can stick an ending.
a lot of people were hyping him up to be the first AEW champion before visa issues fucked him for the first show
his ceiling was always a midcarder and he couldnt handle it. if you're a wrestler who people only pop for your entrance/like to chant 1 single thing (rusev day) then you have a clear ceiling
The first 4 reigns were clearly planned out from the start of the company. Punk and MJF were the first champs not known from day 1. Pac never realistically came within a million miles of the title.
Nakamura was the last legitimately surprising Royal Rumble... and one of the few in history that wasn't telegraphed in advance. All the fanfare when they brought him in, the immediate success in NXT, the quick call up to the main roster and then the Royal Rumble! My hopes were sky-high... but then Vince thought Jinder would be good.
Dean Ambrose
it looked like he might have that It factor and be the next big thing
then after the shield broke up it just went downhill for him
and he's still going downhill to this day
its a big fuckin hill
PAC was announced in AEW to a ton of fanfare and hype, and has been nothing but a midcarder ever since. Tony dropped the ball on him after day one.
but he still had lots of fan hype is what i was getting at. obviously tony didnt have him in his plans but fans legit thought he could be the first champ before he missed the first show
I don't get that. Midcarder is literally the best spot. You get your house paid for, you get stable booking and no responsibility on your shoulders.
And then your contract runs out and you get cut for a younger cheaper midcarder who still has potential to move up.
Yeah, like when they cut Edge, or Christian, or the Hardyz, or Jericho or Benoit, Barrett, Sheamus, Rusev, Steamboat, Sid, Rick Rude, Bret Hart, etc. Good midcarders don't get cut too often. Lower-card guys and jobbers get cut. Mid-carders usually leave because they themselves decide to, or because they do something incredibly stupid.
Austin Theory
this made the midgets upset lmao

Tiny Bron is shorter than Adam Cole LMAOOOO
dumb bitch needs to open an onlyfans pronto
Honestly, he played it right. Dude just came and did what Nak would later do. He's been wrestling since he was 16 and didn't give a fuck anymore.

LU as a whole is something missing. Those first two seasons were the best wrestling shows since the AE.
wrestlers almost always think they should be higher up the card than they are. the grass isnt always greener on the other side
wasnt he stuck in europe for months at a time and/or injured
Little late to still have hopes for him
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She's not like that
I think he was stuck in the UK during Covid.
The entire Nexus.
hope she gets there
Malakai Black
looks like chappel roan
Shota Umino after this weekend.
Waller was great at getting heat and was a natural aussie shitposter, the moment they paired him with Theory was the moment I realized they were trying to make it rub off on Theory, but Waller works so much better a shit talker solo-act.
PAC has always been knee-capped because of his visa issues and it wil always never make him "the guy". I love the dude, will always say he's my favorite, but he's limited himself and he just can't be the guy anymore.

I'd say Wade but he's a pretty decent commentator.
Moxley and AEW doesnt need your views or money to last forever. Go watch wweslop.

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