>is a significantly better worker than Ospreay
>>16646814He isn't since he's working for New Japan. If he goes to AEW maybe he will be.
he isn't, they're both deano trash
>>16646968>He isn't since he's working for New Japan.aew fucking sucks it's wwe with no actual wrestlers
>>16646814that match was based but not better than either ospreay/kenny matches lol
>>16646968>This retarded nigger thinks Ospreay's best flips were done in AEW.
>>16647023It was better than anything Ospreay could dream of doing
>>16646814I don't know who this fag is but I am sure this is true
>>16646814>only has a great matches against best of all time opponentthere is a difference between being able to be carried to a great match and to carry someone to a great match, perhaps someday you will get a clue enough to understand this
>>16647227I don't know if he carried Omega but I do agree with your overall statement.
>>16646814Who’s this? He will never draw a dime
>stanning gabe after he got shit tattoos
>>16646814Gabetty needed KennyOspreay does not
>>16647359True, Ospreay needs to learn how to work.
>>16647359GOAT Kidd was taught by GOATsuyori GOATbata in the LA GOATjomean while Osgay was sent out to the European Poonion to developafraid fucking so
>>16647481Gabetty got worked into a sizzlin shoot by Garcia lmao
>>16647493and? GOAT Kidd just main evented the fucking Tokyo Dome and is over like Rover(t)Garcia works a stripper gimmick to 200k people (and i go out of my way to defend aew sometimes)
>>16647503>main eventedlmao
>>16646814>buzzcutIt was over before it even began
>>16646814I'm not sure you can compare them. Both are based and have different strengths>>16646968edrone detected
>>16647565this. no hair no flair
>>16646814>a weeaboos CAW
>>16646814Wills still better