Smark fags going around claiming a wrestling boom is happening...skim through raw and the crowd is dead as fuck for most of the is still relying on guys from decades ago just to have people give the slightest era fags are still not over no matter what all the viral marketing says....WWE is now just straight up pandering to their sponsors in promos just to survive now....this is what the company is now...a huge corporation with far too many rich fucks depending on it to survive because of all the money they have invested in it....this means no risks faggot smarks actually believed they were going back to tv 14....months and months ago I literally predicted absolutely everything that would occur in the company with the move to tv risks....still relying on era fags still not over....crowds getting fatter and gayer every year that goes by...more and more woke bullshit as time goes by....yeah I'm thinking this wrestling shit is truly dead....this isn't's a dying medium from a bygone time in history....the last time wrestling actually existed in the world was probably 2010 before that mossad agent faggot cm punk cut that mossad pipebomb...I honestly can't believe fags on HERE actually drinking the Kool aid... everyday that goes by I kick myself for not ditching this fake bullshit god is life so much better after leaving garbage like the wrestling industry behind... seriously I say this with the bottom of my heart...this wrestling shit is not good for you, legitimately move on it's dead leave it in the past
>>16672871Modern wrestling sucks. News at 11.
>>16672871I bet you think the Earth is flat too. Boomers who complain about modern wrestling are no different than Boomers who complain about modern music or movies too. Most of the old guys who used to be in the biz shit on the current product to protect their place in history. Retired athletes do the same thing.
>>16672960Guy in the image I provided you can literally see where the faggots started showing up...every era before that was filled with men...that's the difference....all there is are fags now and it's ONLY watched by fags now....I'm only 27 u smark... millennials killed wrestling
>>16672871we wouldn't call you and other vermin like you shiteating trannies if you weren't such dishonest cocksucking faggotskevin nash was raped
>>16672988Yes I have very nuanced takes on the world around me. RA era was the perfect balance of wrestling that's why it was the best was however also the last era where men were actually around... I don't watch aew I have never seen an episode of AEW in my life.... before tonight, the last time I paid any sort of attention to wrestling was probably SummerSlam and even then it was for about five seconds
>>16672871Youre missing the tribal chief kino era between volume 1 and 2
>>16673038I seriously hope this is sarcasm because the way (((people online))) are talking about wrestling now... they'd have you believe everything is back to how it should be.... tribal chief ha ha...
>>16672871>new era fags are still not over no matter what all the viral marketing saysThis was evident when Cena was throwing out names and nobody gave a fuck when he mentioned Gunther
>>16673111I tuned into WrestleMania (kinda) last year and the crowd was literally dead for almost everything...the company has been dead for so long that young kids legitimately don't know what an actual crowd is supposed to sound like.