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>barely 2k distributed for Dynamite
It’s a tiny arena and two thirds of it is closed off. The rest is half empty. Really fucking bleak.
Still more than The Rock drew for NXT
People always say wrestling is cyclical but I think it's just WWE that's cyclical. The most popular company with a larger degree of mainstream penetration has the benefit of being cyclical in it's highs and lows, everything else gets it's one wave of momentum and when it's gone it's gone.
thanks for the update ticket tranny!
I would have thought you would understand by now what a self-own it is to be competing with the forward roll warehouse
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what about The Rock?
tiny stage for tiny wrestlers, 'fraid so
>announced one day in advance
>immediately sold out and WWE didn't try to open up more seats
I don't think you understand what kind of venue it was held in, kek
uhhh AEWsissies???
Tony needs to get more people suspended from other companies ASAP that will put butts on seats
pick one and fuck off e-piggie
blud named literally one non tiny wrestler and he's the ex-fed guy lol
I forget how tall Lashley is but yes, Kenny, Ospreay, Mox, and MJF are all manlets.
>8th Jan
That's literally hours away. That's loads of time to sell all those tickets you disingenuous pig
>t-they did their average ticket number again like they have done for 6 years, i-it's over... h-heh
>Dwayne the Rock Johnson who opened Raw on Netflix and main evented this past year's Mania is now just another lowly wrestling school name because convenient and lee fitting to our dronie narrative
Edrones truly are the most pathetic scum
>because convenient and lee fitting
Put down the bottle, Rovert. You can't drink your way to AEW doing a milly again.
Oops missed a word. Should be 'because it's convenient'. Would rather be missing a word than an entire chromosome like yourself though you edrone swine
>only the niggerGOD qualifies
>everyone else are crackerlets except for the actual kike
I cachinnate.
a mere 2400 is much lower than their average for Dynamite
>bragging about drawing less than your average town fair
Beyond grim
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nah that's wwe actually you fucking faggot
>valid votes 131
Ignoring the bait, I do not understand why anyone gives a shit about that site of turbo sweats.
Not bait. People care about the "turno sweats" becasue they arent just a bunch of internet marks but people of influence like TOny Khan and TV executive and hollywood screenwriters. The people who vote are the same who vote in the Observer HOF. Repsected journalists, historians, former wrestlers, and elite human capital.
>Repsected (sic) journalists
>turno sweats
not enough hog on wheels...
wow kenny's big return doing numbers
is this what hoggers is trying so hard to slide?
Yep. Back up it goes.
The Kenny Omega effect, you might say
All the tickets were already sold by the time Rock was announced though
>>t-they did their average ticket number again
So it's always been this bad?
this has to be an e-chad falseflagging
to think AEW was nearly beating RAW in the ratings once upon a time
664k...it's over piggaloids
they're not advertising he's going to wrestle, who in their right mind would pay to hear that doofus talk lmao
damn nobody showed up
The Rock only drew like 1600 for NXT in Los Angeles, a metro area of 13 million. Clarksville metro is 329k. World Weinstein Epstein is fucking cooked.
'fraid not
Holy fucking sad
ice fucking cold
jesus no wonder they cancel that shit
wow. very concerning.
Who is trying to slide this?
why would they have seats behind the stage you absolute retards
the hits keep coming
WWE usually does this, but they're not cutting off half of the arena like GayEW has to

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