fucking kek tony must really hate kenny
Kenny about to give this shitter the best match of his career
>>16691252>Comes back challenging Okada at the PPV>Could’ve even hinted at facing Moxley >Instead do neither & be back stuck in the Callis vortex, which is worse than the Jericho vortex
>>16691285yeah man Kenny wrestling Takeshita is worse than Jericho you’re right
>Callis againWasn't Takeshita Kenny's last feud before he got surgery? Why run that back AFTER teasing Okada?what the fuck
>>16691252I wouldn't expect anything less from the same guy who decided to waste Hangman on Daniels and Jay on Yuta
>>16691308we already saw that match and it wasn't that good
>>16691308Callis storylines never go anywhere yet are repetitive & he never gets any comeuppance besides a babyface occasionally gets a punch maybe before they get jumped. At least Jeribloat will try to reinvent himself, they may be cringe but he does try. Callis is just boring as fuck
>>16691323>it wasn’t that goodmaybe on planet retard
>>16691270>shitterDon't speak of fellow footchad, Brian Cage like that.
>>16691330This, it’s been almost 3 fucking years & the Callis family storyline is basically “here are random heels joining Callis”. The easy solution is that this storyline is what breaks up that dimeless stable & turns Takeshita babyface. Callis can manage Okada instead.
>>16691270This is all Tony thinks Kenny is good for evidently. You would fucking think that you would treat Kenny like he only has x amount of matches left/every one counts and you put him in a bullshit match.
>>16691330The original Callis-Omega feud was really fucking good but they dragged it out too long, it fizzled out and there was never a conclusion or any payoff at any point. They kind just moved on to the next thing. They had Kenny job to Takeshita in 2 back to back PPV’s that went nowhere and apparently is the ending we got. Everything of the Callis stuff has been shit ever since. Hoping they reignite this Kenny-Callis thing and wrap it up quick to at least put that thing to bed and give us a little closure.
>>16691422imagine he wasn't able to come back and his last match ever was against ethan page. Literally at any time he could be fucked and he has to do jobber matches lmao
You just know trannies will tell themselves this is a five star match
>>16691252>cage has to job to this faggot lol, lmao even Fuck GayEW
>>16691455That’s why I think they’re gonna do a lateral move & kill the Callis family & let him monkey branch to Okada >Okada still needs a manager>The feud will get upped in drama when they do run back Kenny-Okada inevitably >Sets up all the loose ends between Callis & the Elite being struck
>>16691252I always assumed cage had that tiny Mohawk to cover the fact he was balding. Did he get plugs or something?
>>16691500Never mind. Haven't seen much of the guy so I didn't know he had a good head of hair all along. The Mohawk is usually a cope hairstyle.
>>16691473That’s what I’m saying. I would honestly only be booking Kenny in big matches at this point if I’m Tony. It makes zero fucking sense if you care about Kenny OR about about getting the most out of him as a guy on your roster if you’re that fuckin heartless to throw him in there to have matches with shitters or up and comers when any of Omega’s nect matches could be his last.Also how safe is Cage as a wrestler? Asking genuinely. Like is this a smart match to make in terms of putting Kenny with an opponent who is skilled enough to protect Kenny?
>>16691308Kenny jobbing to Takeshita not once but twice and proving that Callis was right about him is bad yes
>>16691524I don't think Cage has injured anybody but I wouldn't put Kenny in a match with a guy that's going to throw him around like Cage will if it's not Kenny squashing him (won't happen because it's AEW)
>>16691252but enough about your weekend
>>16691252>Fucking a manBut enough about what you do in your off time
>>16691537>jobbingyou’re dumb as fuck
>>16691252Damien Sandow looks like THAT now?!
>>16691252Aura fucking ruined. It took Tony 1 5 minutes segment.
>>16691252WWE always wins
I’ve said it once I will say it again.AEW is a graveyard. It’s where any semblance of star power or ambition goes to die.
>>16691630Its true but the wrestlers dont care because theyre either and washed up or they know the bingo halls are their apex and Toony is paying them bank either way. I fucking hate this company because there is NO reason to grow, everyones getting paid regardless
>>16691252Kenny shouldn't be wrestling every week against nobodies, he should be a big match wrestler, he had a great match last Sunday, why downgrade him directly to jobbing?
Tony stole most of New Japan's roster but didn't bother to pilfer their booking style/presentation. It's night and day. Kenny feels like the final boss in New Japan but Tony seems to want to turn him into just another guy who has 20 minutes matches with wet noodles like Daniel Garcia and Whaler Uterus.
>>16691252This is like if Roman came back and started a feud with final testament or some shit. just terrible.
>>16691588turn your monitor on*Thunderous applause, nonstop clapping, roof being obliterated, women wiping tears from their eyes*
>>16691252Cage looks like Buff Joey Ryan
>>16691252>Kenny's big return>he gets beat up, put back in his terrible never ending feud with Callis, and his first match is with a jobberSasuga Tony Khan.>>16691270Kenny's about to phone it in because he can't stand AEW anymore and doesn't care.
>>16691252we don't make the subject of our threads what we're doing later tonight here.
5 years in the makinghttps://x.com/briancagegmsi/status/1201337030845902854
>>16692028aewtists finna pretend this means there's an intricate story and build to this match
>>16691524I think Kenny sucks and even I'd book him better than Tony. He's got some heat coming off of Wrestle Kingdom and is literally the only guy in AEW with a little aura and star power left so I'd have him go for the world championship, squash everyone in his path, beat the shit out of Mox, and win the belt. Then present him as a living god for several months and in that time he only defends the belt against main eventers(or what passes for main eventers in AEW) and beats them brutally. Even if you hate somebody like I hate Kenny you've gotta set your personal feelings aside and do what's best for business. Yet here you have Tony, who presumably likes Kenny, booking him in the worst way possible. It boggles the mind.
>>16691252Unironically, this is The Match
>>16691395Must have a femdom fetish after letting Tessa Blanchard beat him.LA Knight was so smart to just refuse to do anything with her and take the heat. Every single man who ever wrestled her win or lose or multiman or whatever never recovered from that shit show.
>>16692028>they're having a match next Wednesday because one time 5 years ago they glared at each other in a pictureYup standard AEW booking
Gabe Kidd at home match
>>16691270cage vs katsuhiko nakajim in 2017, i think, was pretty damn good
>>16691455>it fizzled out and there was never a conclusion or any payoff at any pointhow the fuck was it really good then? sounds like it was pointless and shitty
>>16691252I was surprised they went with fucking Cage and not Fletcher. Kenny's last years are really wasted by AEW.
Your biggest draw returns and you put him against a C-tier jobber?
>>16692642That's how Big Tone rolls, my dude. Get used to it or get run over.
>>16691252Does AEW really need to do a special episode every month on top of having a PPV every month? When everything is special then nothing is and AEW is a great example of that.
>>16693159Yes. We valiantly fought for the fallen. Now it's time for MAXIMUM FUCKING CARNAGE.
>>16692642Tony doesn’t know how to book top guysHe just puts them in 50-50 matches with low card guys
>>16691688this is the biggest thing for me and why i loved njpw omega over aew omega. aew omega was fine early on but hes become way too much of a geek and tonys booking is nonsensical that it ruins everyones momentum and aura
>>16691252L O LOL
>>16692557They're probably gonna have him face each member of Callis' faction every week until only Takeshita is left. I wish Kenny would save himself for big matches like CM Cuck is doing. Hopefully they put him in tag matches where he can take less bumps.
Kenny loves Callis and wants to work with him. Don't blame Tony for this shit.
>>16691252Brian Cage looks like a giant Joey Ryan in this picture.
>>16693789Tony is Kenny's boss. I can blame him entirely for this shit.
>>16693789Imagine Vince doing this
>>16693895Tony lets his EVPs do what they want, unfortunately