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Welp Dynamite ruled and was way better than Raws horrendous Netflix debut
The only good thing about Dynamite is watching washed up have beens experiencing ego death it's actually really funny
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>Welp Dynamite rul-ACK!
hearing this more and more
i missed im sick what happened that was worthwhile?
>dynamite ruled
>literally zero threads about the show other than people shitting on tony booking kenny
makes ya think
She cute.
we love trans women
No lies detected.
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>Welp Dynamite ruled and was way better than Raws horrendous Netflix debut
Dynashite sucked ass but it was indeed better than RAM although that's not much of an accomplishment.
So you watched raw?
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Very beautiful woman.
No one is saying this.
Dynamite was the worst of the three shows that streamed. Raw was great, collision was pretty good and dynamite was sub slop. It's worse than 2019 vince booking over there. I swear tony is trying to sabotage ospreay with his "I'm the rosters big bruver" nonsense.
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are those autism blockers around her neck?
Surely not?
He’s not gonna have sex with you trev
imagine having perfect cleavage and tummy and everyone still knows on sight you're a trannoid? no wonder they 86 percent themselves
...on Planet Gaytardo.
Nah that's you.
i want a trans gf
That's not healthy. Lift some weights and get clue.
Many are saying this.
Sad but true.
I can't refute you, I didn't watch it. Did anybody watch dynamite?
No they are not, tranny. No one wants a fake woman who's twice as crazy as the real thing.
Fat disgusting e-drones can pull hot tail like that while I have to goon to ugly gooks I think would settle for me, please help

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