this faggot makes roman and seth look like the michaels
>>16693014Vince was right
>>16693014he's just following steve's word to give it to them
>>16693014Ambrose had the most potential of all three but decided being a shitty Raven/Pillman/Foley/Deuce n Domino hybrid was the way to go. And couldn't even commit to it.Then in one of his biggest moments one-on-one with Steve Austin muh lunatic fringe reveals himself to be an awkward mumbling anxious disconnected lazy dumbass.Combine that with the alcoholism and he was finished before he arrived.
>>16693105Remember when Tony tried to sell Mox as the next Stone Cold with all that "rattlesnake tendencies!" bullshit? I liked Mox and AEW at the time but even I was like pic related
I like him a lot when he was still DEAN but then he decided to cosplay as temu Onita and it was all downhill from here.
>>16693014Nigga turning into Stone Cold.
jericho is in what, the top 20 of all time for certain?and even he turned to shitAEW ruins careers