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>watch Randel Savage Vs Cawdy's dad
>Macho King climbs to the top rope like 5 fucking times just to do an ax handle each fucking time
why the fuck did he used to go to the top rope so often if he was uncomfortable doing any moves? Not saying he had to do muh fliparino, but a drop kick like Kurt wouldn' have hurt
That was part of his gimmick. Randy would sometimes spam moves like that when he got wound up or just out of frustration. Randy hits a chain of several elbow drops on Ultimate Warrior during their famous match at WrestleMania 7 too. Watch Randy's facials. He typically gets this unhinged look in his eyes when he's doing it.
And Im sure this was explained
It didn't need to be explained because fans weren't retards back then. They used the old 'show don't tell' principle and respected fan's ability to get it.

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