And uh, grimola. I know people will say “omg le old man eddie is kinorino!!” but jesus christ did he really do NOTHING for months?
>>16718655Is he going to come back jacked?
he's a BUM
>>16718827this. You can tell his upper body is bigger then before the injury
>>16718655Kek what a fat retard
Didn't he tear all the ligaments in one knee? He should retire.
>>16718999Tony used his billionaire connections to give him advanced cybernetics that’s usually only available to the elites
>new york>yells>not blue eyeswhats his gimmick again, besides not touching a weight ever?
>>16720008Walking the burger kings road
>>16718655>Bam’s 5th comeback, this time he’s serious, I swear
he looks like a tubby Joaquin phoenix
>>16718655He had his surgery at the beginning of July, how is he so far behind? Is he really that fucking lazy?I had the same injuries as him; torn ACL and meniscus, had my surgery at the end of November and am in the gym an hour a day and rehab twice a week.This dude takes medication for his depression and is still a sad sap sack o' shit.
its taking him this long cause he's a fat fuckif he was thin there would be little to no weight put onto his knee and recovery would be 5x faster
He needs a giant homeless man beard, and he needs to wear a wifebeater in the ring
I miss him so much bros You just know he's gonna do a heatless rematch with Gabe in AEW over his injury in a year or two>I COULDN'T WALK DAWG
>>16718655>did he really do NOTHING for monthslike what? his leg was fucked.
It's JDfromNY
I want Eddie to lead a stable of hobos
>>16720384He could've at least started a funko pop collection.
>>16720526ur family in need of a new patriarch?
>>16720526The hobo army, and they take over AEW and terrorize the fans, but then it's revealed that they're really the hoMo army and Eddie starts having gay sex with all the hobos in the ring as a protest against AEW like the big fuck pile in South Park
>>16720384non athlete spotted. weak ass faggot
>>16720537You're the only way to save AEWToni Bakan, make the call
>>16720550Bring them home
>>16718655how likely is it, given his age and the severity and location of the injuries, he comes back completely washed
>>16720536Kek based
>>16720570He was always kinda washed
>>16720540please share what he should have been doing with one exploded leg
>>16720574ANYTHING compared to what he wasnt doing hahahahaha what is wrong with you
>>16720590I accept your concession.
Post the gif of the spot that got him injured. Has to be the biggest retard in AEW.
>>16720570>come back washedHe was washed the day he started to wrestle, he had no peak, it's just a flat line with the worst moves and worst chops in history.The only thing he had going for him is his pull with the reddit community with his dog shit promos.
>>16720558Is that Bryan??
>>16718953yeah, he is fatter than before
>>16718655Jesus he did manage to get fatter during his time healing, He's double that Rizzler Triple Whopper Diet.
>>16718655Fat faggot has never drew a dime
>>16720570he was always a shit wrestler, but he was a decent talker could've made a good manager if he didn't take himself so seriously
>>16718655Limping on the Burger Kings road
>>16718655if he re-injures himself upon his return like Bandido did, I’ll shoot die of laughter
>>16718655he going to look like Santa by the time he returns
I hope he drops the king's road larp when he comes back
>>16720008His gimmick is that it's everyone else's fault that he refuses to stop being a fat bastard and hit the gym. So basically Kevin Owens.
>>16718655When they were still dong the Being the Eilite youtube show if Eddie was on it in the backstage stuff he would always be smoking cigs. No wonder he is fat and unable to keep up a high pace. BurgerKingston for real.
>>16720570You have to admit seeing a morbidly obese man with advanced gout and stage four diabetes doing his shitty spin punch is pretty cool
>>16718827Don't set yourself up for disappointment.
>>16720130He’s 40 and never works out. Hard to develop the habit after that many years. Look at that bum Adam Cole.
>>16718655It’s really sad that he lost all his zest.
>>16720526Would be kino he starts the Train Riders to offset Mox and just starts having lumberjack matches only with his group of bums circling the ring
>>16718655How long has he been out now?
>>16723688Since May 11th of last year.If he had actually took care of himself, he would be back in about 3 months but given he's on like week 1 rehab shit probably another year or so.