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>Oi bruv, you've got what it takes kid
>You can be something someday
Is this really what happened?
Humiliation ritual. There’s nothing more humoring than this. Buddy can’t come back from this, nothing is more embarrassing. I can’t remember a single moment where he was this humiliated.
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This Adam Cole match killed Buddy's career. Once Rhea dumps him its all over.
That didn't really happen right
How was it humiliating though? It was a rub
Humiliation ritual.
No one gets over from the guy who just beat your ass treating you like a child. Buddy is a grown ass man.
>from ospreay
You can only put someone over if you are yourself
When someone like Cena or Cope does it to a younger star it's a rub. Having some vanilla midget that's never drawn a dime do it to a guy that's older than him it absolutely is a humiliation ritual.
Buddy hasn’t drawn a dime so it cancels out.

Had to look it up and it's so much worse than you're letting on.
>Whatever you identify as, give it up for Buddy Murphy!-- err uh, Matthews.... sorry I have autism :(
>Buddy, YOU SWAM!
Jesus Christ
Holy smokes.
Will Ospreay is the single most over pro wrestler in the world today and it's not even close.
Money must be worth it to stay with this company.
Tony thinks jobbing out guys are putting them over. He's a fucking idiot.
i thought humiliation rituals are meant to be an initiation for someone who is about to recieve a big payoff, not bury them completely
Rhea is prepared for Powerhouse pole!
helo my name is BUMWELINGU and the mr. ospreay has me in nappy dungeon pls helop
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Actual cringe. Calls him the wrong name, can barely understand the britcuck, and "oh you can even win tag titles if you try hard enough lil guy!!"

holy shit man
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all true I'm afraid
>ladies and gentleman, boys and girls or whatever you identify as
>give it up for buddy murphy... buddy matthews
lmao five seconds in and I'm already laughing at the pissant tranny fed
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he raises another black mans child btw lol
hes never even been world champion, this is an absolute midcarder at best even in kayfabe
Kinda telling that nobody answered you anons. AEW fans should be ashamed this happened.

Buddy has been wrestling for 2 decades and they have some nobody faggot tell em,
>"Nice match rook! Maybe someday you can be a tag champion."

It's Buddy's fault, he could be Rhea's muscle right now, jobbing sure, but still be in real main events.
yeah i got that too, lol. Doesn't ospreay lose almost every big match in AEW too?
See? Fucking see?
This is why no one respects AEW.
If Buddy got up and shoot whacked him across the face for talking down on him we would have had an actual product and something engaging.
Instead Buddy shakes hands with the one who just made sure he will never escape the midcard.
>ladies and gentleman, boys and girls or whatever you identify as
AEW is never escaping the tranny moniker, are they?

It is kinda funny how they replaced The Codeman with this dude and he's okay with interracial relationships too. Huge BBCuck.
not necessarily but he has legit zero accomplishments, he held a secondary title for like 2 days who cares
Buddy legit should've gone into business for himself, Hangman and Punk has mindbroken the locker room
I wanted to like Buddy. I think he could be a good upper midcarder if he wasn't such a pussy IRL and actually showed some balls in wanting to be pushed and treated properly. I'm done with this loser for good. What an embarrassment.
If he was going to he would’ve done that to max. The money is worth the pride.
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Vince McMahon wanted to push Buddy but got the ick after Buddy refused to have an onscreen romance with Rey Mysterio's teenage daughter
this, how bullied was this guy as a kid? it was either too much or not enough
I like how he refers to himself as the best wrestler in the world. Shouldn't he be champ then?
>36 y/o
>17 years of experience

>31 y/o
>12 years of experience
He’s lucky this storyline wasn’t during these last few years.
I bet you got shoved into lockers.
LMAO I love how aew dipshits never post these embarrassing fucking promos or just in general the dogshit that goes on in their fucking shows. they are so ashamed and hope we dont find it to laugh at them
I dont blame him, she was hot and cute when she was 19, she is turning into a literal fucking bean now and she is only like 22
Buddy is esentially letting himself get shoved in a locker with this promo, he actually agreed to this
Buddy is actually older than the other dude???
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No matter how many roids Buddy injects I think he's just a natural born beta that gets off to this shit just like how Miro is a natural born cuck.
Cinematic parallels
so does Cody Rhodes
I’m confused.
Successfully "subverted"
Buddy is a rookie compared to Ospreay
This. He main evented the Toyota Honda arena bowl.
>>You can be something someday
Idk man he's been doing this longer than o'spreay lmao
Drew less dimes. I think that’s the point.
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>>36 y/o
>>17 years of experience
>>31 y/o
>>12 years of experience

sounds like Buddy forgot the golden rule: it's not who you blow buy how you blow, and buddy, blows.
This one got the kiddie netflix slop eaters seething lmao
Kek and trannies swear up and down that this guy is the best wrestler in the world.
Aew trannies swear little boys should wear dresses and win Gold at the Olympics
But truth is, if I ever saw an AEWtrans, I'd smash them with my blunt weapons (homemade)
>buddy murphy: 36 years old
>will ospreay: 31 years old
What an unnecessary humiliation ritual. Buddy is extremely retarded for actually agreeing to this.
yet will has accomplished so much more
Drawing 500 fans and farming jewish stars?
Buddy actually made it to the big leagues.
Buddy has wrestled at WrestleMania, even on the pre-show that means more than main-eventing the Tokyo Dome during the applause only era.
Fraid so.
kek this one got the dronies oinking
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Will's main event actually did far less than I thought lmfao
>Will and Buddy good match and much respect between them
The pajeets have found AEW
Nobody laughs with you lil' trann'E bro, we laugh at you and your pissant 664k show
>fucking retards not realizing that Ospreay is recruiting him for United Empire
Are you pigdrones really this dense????
You're extremely fucking retarded, aren't you?
Fucking embarrassing dude. I feel bad for Buddy.
Nah you are
Why the fuck did he keep the name Buddy
I don’t think changing the name would magically make him booked better.
>he's pro trans and pro trans inclusionary
We are valid. I've never felt this much gender euphoria. I fucking love Will. He's my Ace from now until the day I die.
Based Nyla
No, but it would make him less lame.
Not true. He’d still have the stench of the Dom stuff. He’d still have the cringe twitter stuff. He’d still lose 90% of his matches. And he’ll still get the BRUV YOURE SO COOL BRUV speech
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>United Empire
I said less. Not entirely.
Only guy talking sense gets downvoted of course https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/1hx0u8g/aew_dynamite_spoilers_postmatch_thread_the_aerial/

5d ago
That would have meant something if every single match with Will wasn't basically a 50/50 battle. Buddy has always been a fantastic wrestler, he's just incredibly bland as a character and always has been. The little speech by Will afterward was really bad. Imagine having someone five years younger come into your company years after you started, pass you by, and then tell you that you too could reach their level if you just work really hard.
Nothing he said was worth downvoting lol.
And the most upvoted post is a 20 year old South Park joke. This is AEW's audience. Elderly obese redditors.
Afraid so.
>dude push buddy! Cant wait to see what he can do on his own, he re-signed so surely he’ll get a push!
>tag team
and one crippled irish pedo

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